Right, just a bit of info, I've done them all now: 32 of them!!! That's the last time I do freebies on here. I'm going to post them all tomorrow.
The only thing is, I had to use a variety of blank discs, 3 different brands and 2 different types of disc (both plus and minus) anyway some people may experience problems with discs of a particular type so could I just ask, if you find the disc doesn't play on your dvd player, try it on your computer or someone else's dvd player just to see if it really is the disc. 9 times out of 10 the problems are down to firmware on peoples pc's not being updated.
Anyway of course I'll change any discs that won't play, but if you could try them on a couple of machines first I'd be grateful. I check every fifth one to see if they work myself.