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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Cracked were they? I rate that at around £80 to £100 easy now.
  2. Phew...this could have been a nightmare. There was a copy of Solomon King on there and it's usually quite easy to sell so I thought if I can get it for say £65 I'll make £20 on it. Anyway, I did my usual bidnapper snipe (always end it in 7, in this case, £67), and waited. The result came in, I won it for....£86! So I'm thinking, hold on, I only bid £67, I didn't want to pay anything like £86. So I looked on bidnapper and I'd actually entered a snipe figure of £677! So if there had been a bidding war I could have ended up paying miles more than I originally wanted to. Anyway, anyone want to buy a copy of Solomon King - £100 to you squire p.s. on the fortunate side I did get a Broadway Cissy for £51
  3. Anybody got spares of these? 127 DELITES 132 SAM & KITTY 139 BILLY HAMBRIC 140 BLACK NASTY 143 NABAY I'm still kicking my self for flogging all these off a couple of times already this year I'll pay £20 each for the first 2, £25 for the 3rd, £10 for the 4th and £30 for the 5th. Maybe.
  4. I've got a Starlite record here - it is a bit similar but all Starlites appear to say Made In England at the top and not Great Britain. The layout is totally different too. Starlite was the first thing I thought about as well Toby but I reckon that was just because of the label colour!
  5. Absolutely no idea about it, but what an interesting looking record!
  6. Gene Robertson on this site knows an awful lot about UK releases of the 50's, you could do worse than try him
  7. Yeah probably...he was Silky's Dad
  8. I know Time Marches On by The Peels came out on a UK Audio Fidelity label, as there was no UK Karate label - but there appears to be a Karate label in the European countries.
  9. The rarest UK rock & roll single is said to be Ron Hargreaves - Latch On - MGM
  10. Thought it was Chicago but it's probably New York.
  11. Parts of it sound a lot like bits from "Discontented" by Phil Flowers, especially in the chorus when he sings "And don't you worry bout me", exactly the same tune as when Phil Flowers sings "And join the discontented". I was singing it to myself while doing the hoovering just now
  12. Yes, it's "Dawn" by The Four Seasons
  13. It didn't come out on a Grapevine single, only on the first LP. As far as I know, the only 7" version is on Goldmine 7's.
  14. (This track is) 30 years old but still never get tired of hearing it
  15. Imagine if she sang with Janice's voice!
  16. I'd have said £26 was a quid too much, never in this world is that record worth more than £25 so who are these people who are happy to pay five or six times the 'real' value? And why?
  17. Unfortunately I can't do lists just to coincide with payday because I have to try to make a living wage every week! Ebay is useful but it doesn't help when people are so slow to pay. I sold £850 worth on monday but so far have only received £250 worth of payments, and that just stays in paypal to finance more purchases. So while it looks like I did really well selling £850 on ebay, the fact is that will trickle in over the next 3 weeks, if half of them bother to pay at all
  18. Cheers Benji...wasted me money then!
  19. The Volumes - Gotta Give Her Love - Astra label, yellow vinyl...saw this the other night and thought it looked interesting, but anyone know what it is, why it's not on American Arts etc?
  20. I never said this was anything to do with Northern Soul, I just said it was a great record!
  21. I've done that mate, before John did, but just couldn't keep on top of it or learn how to do it properly, in fact I couldn't do it now if I tried. I also offer clips of anything via email but I realise thats not the same as clicking on a website. John's got people who do all this for him, I remember him showing me when they were setting up his website and I knew and he knew it was going to be pretty great when it was up and running.
  22. here's a short clip, the uploader didn't work by the way
  23. I'm probably 20% cheaper than you John but it's still hard to sell records nowadays! I could have an identical record to you at £100 cheaper and they will still buy it from you and not me. And I've never figured out why that is because I'm usually very polite to customers, provide next day service and the grades are spot on. Eventually everyone else will fall by the wayside and there will only be you and one or two others left, it's like the village shops syndrome, everyone now goes to the shopping malls and the village shops close down, then all of a sudden everyone misses them and thinks they weren't that bad after all! This isn't a criticism at all. I just wish you'd never bought those price guides out, that was the beginning of the end for anyone who didn't already have 100,000 records safely in stock
  24. He's found some good UK northern newies in the past though..
  25. This was Ian Levine's number 1 want when he briefly returned to the scene, I don't know if he ever got one or not...it's very obscure still though and as it's 70's it's not really my cup of tea, nice as it is. Just wondered if it was widely known and if so how much to ask for it and if anyone wants it before I list it next week. Condition is EX. Can put up sample if required.

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