Phew...this could have been a nightmare. There was a copy of Solomon King on there and it's usually quite easy to sell so I thought if I can get it for say £65 I'll make £20 on it. Anyway, I did my usual bidnapper snipe (always end it in 7, in this case, £67), and waited. The result came in, I won it for....£86! So I'm thinking, hold on, I only bid £67, I didn't want to pay anything like £86. So I looked on bidnapper and I'd actually entered a snipe figure of £677! So if there had been a bidding war I could have ended up paying miles more than I originally wanted to. Anyway, anyone want to buy a copy of Solomon King - £100 to you squire
p.s. on the fortunate side I did get a Broadway Cissy for £51