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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Good work Chalky
  2. Sorry Rob but who are we talking about here, I think I might be missing the point, do you mean the film distributors?
  3. Route acetate - £15 or £20 maybe? I'm still regarding the recent auctions as freaks.
  4. There's not much they can do online except block the torrent sites, and thats exactly what all the main ISP's have done, if you are on Sky or BT etc try typing in Pirate bay and you will get a message saying it is blocked. However, type in the same with the word Proxy added and you'll find a dozen or more back ways in.
  5. Said this would happen today, I purposely bought it this morning to stop any temptation of me downloading it for free tonight, which I normally would have done with any other film or tv show, I still think they have shot themselves in the foot with the straight to DVD release, after fridays review on Radio 5 and the fantastic audience figures, I'm sure they could have done another week or fortnight at the cinema, but who was to know. Current figures on Pirate Bay are 54 people seeding (thats people who have the full film and are sharing it with others) 401 leechers (people receiving the film from other users who have the complete thing) all this comes from one original copy being uploaded at 17:57 today, that's 400 downloads in less than 90 minutes, will be over 1000 tomorrow by the looks of it.
  6. Don't know how old you are Phil, I'm 54, in answer to some of your points: yes we did swear that much, I left school and worked in a factory (all men) and the language shocked me even if we all swore already. Don't remember really using the expression cheers until emails came in People did have tattoos but they were usually the old type like swallows etc, I got my first at 18 I had my ear pierced when I was 16 and had 5 earings when Wigan closed, they were de rigeur round here.
  7. Just bought the DVD for £7.99 in HMV. They had a fairly decent NS display too.
  8. Neither Jim. I was going to be selling on my list and on here. But I sold the entire lot to one person to make back the money they cost me, leaving me with about 300 pressings and reissues and British to try and make a profit on. Shame, but they would have all sold, had it taken one day or a couple of months.
  9. I do understand. But there were always going to be difficulties with the Who's music as well - recorded way after the period that the film was set in.
  10. I find that strange that a film is ruined for you because people are wearing the wrong clothes and non-period car goes past in the background - never mind the fact that the film is just so brilliant at portraying a way of life for so many people - any wrong period clothes in Northern Soul? I swear I never met anyone who complained about the cinema showing Heavan Can Wait until the internet came along..
  11. Not a great start, these headphones are actually broken in the box, there's no way these are brand new, some of the packaging inside missing too - what a disgrace...45 miles round trip to take them back tomorrow
  12. Yes. But there are loads of headphones that don't. Not sure how you test them though. To match up to your phone I mean, in the shop, if you want to try them out. Just do a search on Amazon for wireless headphones..
  13. They don't knock them out for money, they just make them available to download for free.
  14. There are no pirate copies of it yet. I bet there will be tomorrow though.
  15. Your school was just like my school and I am still thinking about going for a prosecution against one of the teachers!
  16. Thanks, I took the advice and I went and actually tried as many as I could with my iphone, the best sound by a mile was from one called Monster DNA so I bought them...except they were double or triple what I really wanted to pay, but they nearly blew my head off when I tested them. LIke this https://www.amazon.com/Monster-DNA-On-Ear-Headphones-Black/dp/B009P2S4G6
  17. Anyone recommend any decent headphones for a casual user? All I want them for is to listen to the ipod in bed, not for djing or anything like that. I have some Sony ones that cost £30 but they aren't very good. I looked in HMV and there were loads but the prices were up to £300 and I have no idea what makes one set £300 and another £30. I also think it's a hell of a lot to spend and can't bring myself to do it...but I might spend £75 maybe...any recommendations for a cheapskate?
  18. Quadrophenia is the best film about British youth culture ever made! The only film I've seen more than Clockwork Orange and I've seen that 50 times..blimey how can anyone not like Quadrophenia, I thought it was a biopic about us at the time!
  19. No, did they make any?
  20. I didn't have those two Dave, but I did sell the lot - £700
  21. I'm really surprised they are doing a simultaneous cinema and video release - once people get their copies on monday, it'll be up on the pirate bay within hours, they surely should have given it a month?
  22. Used round here all the time mate...always has been since I was a kid
  23. Yes it's still here
  24. Yeah she tried to copy his writing. He had lovely handwriting did Pep, used to love it when I got emidiscs off him, handwritten labels

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