Mark it's all a laugh as far as I'm concerned, you are right, I don't like much soul music, that's because I like music to excite me, and only northern soul does that -punk also does, and nobody can understand this, but early jungle does too, and of course some ska rocksteady and reggae, not all. And every now and again I'll hear something on the radio and think wow thats great, that record from the other year, I Predict A Riot - fantastic. But no, I'm not a big lover of general soul music and I have also mentioned many times that the reason I don't like what is known as modern soul is because it simply doesn't have the right beat usually, apart from what I call the Cleethorpes style 70's dancers, which I do like.
It's plain to hear from the tape though that the worst records on the set are the modern ones. I thought the one was uncovered as Rosey Jones? Anyway, shall I post another up?