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141 guests???? sign up, join in! 141 guests, 78 members, 7 anonymous members Pete-S, The Phantom Janitor, Night Owl, PhilT, NORTHERN NEV, soul city, DCFC, Ranger, bob, Hammersoul,blackwhite, Perry, Bearsy, Pat Wallace, veep1296, soulcarp, concrete, jeri, kathygogo, soul45er, boualem, jackorme, baz atkinson, arnie j, TOAD, soulpeter,Dundeedavie2, soulmaster, just mo, sydney bridge, micksmix, weingarden, dancingcollector, SteveG, bill storey, sean daniels, Soulhustler, wilxy, pat and cat,darkhorse01252, Cristian, MickD, petebangor, Seamus, Tommy, Adam G, mischief, russoul1, chrissieo, miff, John Siret, CSTA, millbrand, chrisg, merv, cressy,Philh, 18miles, moldie, MBarrett, topsoulcat, John May, veepman, pete60, vic-shot, JOE TORQUAY, C.B, kent soul club, MSOJ, Karen Heath, Hayley, boba,soulwaxusa, Raym, keithw, wolvessoulboy, soulAdequate, NCFC