Couple of points. Firstly, I have never been able to understand the appeal of the i-pod, it's a fashion item and thats that, the Creative Zen M has another 25% more capacity and also can hold 200 hours of film as well as 14,000 music tracks for about £50 less it's ipod equivalent. I was thinking of getting a new mp3 player, it won't be an ipod.
Second thing. I was in Virgin records yesterday and the student behind the desk says "did you find everything you were lookijng for" and I said "well to be honest, no I didn't, your reggae section is absolutely pathetic, 2 years ago it was great but now all you've got are Trojan box sets and little else". verbatim that is. Anyway he said that they had been ordered to downsize practically every music section as there was such a decline in sales. This to me is the thin end of the wedge, eventually it looks like there may be no physical product at all and everything will be a computer file. Remember in the 70's when we used to walk around with our latest album tucked under our arms so that everyone could see it? Try that with an mp3.