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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. You should be rejoicing...those tales of people smoking dope at the back of the Casino...ah I can still smell it now. NOT.
  2. There's a copy for sale on the back page of one of the early Shades Of Soul (I think), it's £60 if I remember, that was from around 1988
  3. You've answered your own question - if you need the cash quickly, all you can do is sell them in one go to a dealer. This is the only way to get instant cash, but the down side is that you don't get as much for them as you would if you spread them over 4 or 5 lists a couple of weeks apart.
  4. Oh right, so thats the law is it an EX should be a mint record thats been played a couple of times really
  5. Sorry it's an all purpose word round here, could have said chap/bugger/sod/bloke
  6. Well it is sort of, it's the exact same subject matter, but they are too different songs (Busters version of johnny dollar is great I think)
  7. Not being daft now, but if you'd asked me who it was I would have never, ever got it, even if you told me his first name was Ernie I'd have got a few names say Ernie Washington, well one anyway,oh, Ernie from Eddie & Ernie, if you said to me I'll give you a thousand quid if you can name that person in 5 minutes, I wouldn't have got it.
  8. Oh right. OK. Except I wasn't saying that was northern...
  9. Well unfortunately the records haven't got pictures of the artists on them Malc, neither do they miraculously broadcast images from the grooves, so how am I supposed to know what the cnut looks like? Am I supposed to know what every artist I sell a record by looks like? Weird logic! Anyway, I did spot Paul McCartney.
  10. That instrumental was called Esperanto - Grand Piano Company
  11. Thats interesting actually because I've only come across this boot once with a centre and a lot of people were mystified by it, including me, not that it was a boot, that was obvious, but the fact it had a centre
  12. If anyone can access the original tapes there's a good chance that the vocals are on a separate track,easy peasy, that's how Kent put out insts of Tightrope, Hand It Over etc
  13. Yeah that Ral Donner was terrible, played the same time as things like Tim Tam, Black Power, Nita Rossi, Funny Face Girl, and a terrible instrumental on the Ampex label, name escapes me at the moment...Jackie Dehannons a great record though!
  14. Yeah but that stuff doesn't count because everyone knows it's a joke.
  15. Trouble is, I didn't even notice what section it was in cos I always click 'new posts' instead of doing them by section
  16. Oi Paul. My car is bigger than your car.
  17. as opposed to what? They only pressed it once on Velgo and they were all green
  18. Oh right of course, should have got that from the photo, him being one of the worlds most recognisable people and that
  19. Dunno, there was no mention of soul/music/anything, just said whats your all time high
  20. Who is Ernie?
  21. Waking up and seeing this little chap every morning gives me the highest high you could ever imagine...
  22. Either that or the records are actually as worthless as I say they are!
  23. I can't sell them on my website OR ebay, which is surprising considering I have two bootlegs apparently worth £125 each and despite offering them at £50 each yesterday there were no takers! I REST MY CASE
  24. Where and when?

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