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Rob Wigley

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Posts posted by Rob Wigley

  1. All i can say is what a top bloke he was, the Uk music scene has lost a champion of the "underdog", no matter what the style of music, being out late at night and on shifts i often used to listen to his program and the amount of uk released soul he would play was astounding, i know he played the early Kent stuff, Mary Love "Turned my bitter into sweet" springs to mind also quite a bit of Garland Green as well.

    i don't think anyone would have the balls to play what he did, they all play safe a very sad loss.

  2. :thumbsup: always a problem I'm affraid even for me--and I'm there Wednesday now-a-days, i just park up in the car park in front and leave it there, try not to double park round the appartments anyway as the satff need access with their vehicles.

    i'd recommend unloading your car and parking up near the front that way if you want to get off centre in the daytime at least you'll get out and back ok

    Funky lady --still waiting a reply on the PM you sent by the way will be in touch


  3. consdad, you must be sick of us lot asking the same questions! :lol:

    can you help with this.....

    am i right in saying that each chalet gets a certain amount of wristbands, therefore if there is 3 people in chalet that sleeps 4 there will be a spare place for someone (that is if the 3 people want another person)?



    hi shane, not a problem thats why i am on here to help

    If you have booked a appartment that sleeps 4 make sure you put 4 names on the booking form even if there are only 2 or 3 of you going.

    4 names = 4 wristbands in your welcome pack

    3 names = 3 wristbands in your welcome pack

    You actually PAY PER APPARTMENT regardless of how many are in there up to the limit ie 4 or 6 people

    So if you have booked and not put enough names on the booking form do it anyway by ringing up and quoting your ref number. Then if someone else wants a wristband you will have them "spare".

    Allright :thumbsup:


  4. Are there any tickets left?

    at the moment its showing "sold Out" on the booking system---however odd appartments do crop up when people don't follow through on their bookings you can try 0870 604 5644 which is the main pontins booking line or try the Centre at Prestatyn they may know more. 01745 881 800 .

    other than that try BEGGING for spare wristbands and places on here, i sure there are some spare places around :thumbsup:


  5. Carl Piper, Ray Tattersall and Andy Cannon all north notts lads and all dancing off against each other and the best of mates as well !

    what about Sam Evans ? she never stops-i saw her do a back somersalt off two feet and carry on dancing !

    Young Richard who goes to Prestatyn and won the dance comp at thetender age of 19 !!

    All a joy to watch !

  6. Sorry to hear about this, but remember Hilda was on the door at every Casino all-nighter I went to and took no crap from anyone !!!

    Russ can probably confirm if she had a day off !!!

    What about the old guy with the bald head that used to collect the empty coke bottles in those blue bin things with the wheels--he always chewed a match stick !!!

    These things stay with you when you are a teenager in a strange town wink.gif

    and harry green , first a doorman then the manager when mike died

    What happened to him ??

  7. anyone fancy forming a Northern Soul Morris Dancing troop for Prestatyn 2006

    you would need groups of about 6 people .We intend doing something for St Patricks day --sunday 17th-- so may be on sunday afternoon in the pub-- i will be talking to roger banks later---and may be Mr Rimmer ???

  8. boots look identicle, done on an early scanner Chris marriott sold his original copy for £20 about 1981 to the person who booted it.the guy then sold them on at £5 each I got an original from Detroit and the labels look and feel duller than the boot plus the vynil is brighter and better quality (sounds like a bloody wine description !!) you can tell them easily side by side

  9. Hope its going to be better than last year.

    Worst sound I've heard at a concert. Half way through the sound man actually walked & didn't return.

    He was also badly advised on what records to sing. Not that you actually hear the words.


    totally agree with that, we stuck it for about 60 mins and left all talking -not finnishing songs---heard before that if he's good he's brilliant but when he's CRAP he's the worst--£70 down the pan--spend it on his CDs --you won't be disappointed !

  10. have to smile, info posted up in frontpage news should cloud the picture further

    view it now

    on radio have a radio event guide up and running, its exactly the same as event guide, but when entering events - you choose "radio guide" instead of "event guide"

    idea being a good reminder for all of all info and gets exposure, syndication etc

    shows on front page

    up for a trial, so no rules yet , see how it goes

    Looks like Mike has been burning the Midnight oil again a 4.15 am post !

    just to clarrify I (Rob Wigley) will be sitting in with Dean Anderson on the first part of his show this evening

    show runs 6pm to 9pm

    We have a LIVE link up to The USA to talk to THE INVITATIONS just after 7.00pm if all goes well. Gary Gant

    Bob blanding, Alvin Ham and Richie Pitts are all holed up in Northern Philadelphia rehearsing for there two date gigs in Uk in october.

    We will be setting a competion to win tickets for the MOTOWN LEGENDS event at Gt Yarmouth on October 14 th - 17th a WEEKEND FOR 4 people inc accom and all dance hall passes in CLASSIC Accom.

    so have a listen today and enter or send a request via e-mail

    talk to you all later


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