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Rob Wigley

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Posts posted by Rob Wigley

  1. Just read Staplers review of Prestatyn 5, thanks very much for your comments. Just concerned that she somehow missed One and a Half hours of a blinding show on Saturday afternoon !!! with the 'Masqueraders in 110% top form !!

    I know they were on in Arena 2 and I know it was packed to the rafters,1200 people+ but for anyone else who missed them or didn't realise they were on--Catch them again at the

    SEVERN SOULS WEEKENDER, Weston-super-mare 23rd -to-26th JUNE 2006

    Booking info for the South Wests own Summer Weekender

    0870 604 5606

    or visit www.soul-weekenders.co.uk


  2. Seem to remember the late Nev Wherry also having a copy & spinning it at the KGB nighters in the late 70s.

    Yes Martin very true ,Nev had one but no cover as stated earlier, I had len barry on an EMI DISC when I was at school !!! (I left in 75) have heard it played several times over the 30odd years since then and I am quite surprised at the fuss to be honest, still a nice collectors item and obviously very rare in both US/UK format.

    Would love a copy but only because i love Len Barry's records, my older Mod sisters played them to death when i was a toddler along with the Motown and Atlantic stuff they were buying. When you listen to 1,2,3 or like a baby there's no wonder I got into Northern !!!!

  3. Anybody out there got a copy of Are You Choosing - Gifted Four?

    Don't mind if it's on CSC or Hamito-Semitica

    7" or 12" will do.

    PM with details if you've got 1 for sale & i'll get back to you.

    Thanks for looking, Mart...

    Martin you know I have a spare copy---------------- :shades:

  4. miss Sammy from those days, skinhead who always wore combat trousers and took whole of floor up when he danced, lost leg in motorbike accident, last i saw him was a niter at Warrington i took him to.

    Sam Wilding lives in Matlock still saw him 2years ago I have pictures of all these lot somewhere---

    Old E was great Roy kept his records in suitecases all UK stuff he looked about 60 in those days never said a lot !!!

    Anybody go to The Manor youth Club in 1974 ?????


  5. Kev is NOT from Sheffield Stuart. He is a Derbyshire woollyback who no doubt attached himself to Sheffield W*dn*sd*y when they were a , ahem, "big club'. (ie when they got to a cup final. And lost 3-2. God bless

    You're both wrong our kev is from Sutton-in Ashfield, Notts.


    Back to the topic, can you remember when we used to TRAVEL to hear these RECORDS played, there were very few TAPE RECORDERS, NO C.Ds or MP3s.The only way to hear them was at a venue

    No one had large collections, except a privilaged few and certain DJs.

    We HAD to travel to hear the music, no Radio2, No local stations with special soul slots.

    Nowadays the music is readily available, EVERY WHERE on TV ads etc, we all buy CDs for one or two tracks, but with the help of people like Ady who MADE people listen to other stuff it opened up the scene.

    So now you go to a local soul night or all nighter with a vast amount of knowlage in your head, if you are constantly searching for something new, there are very few places you can go.

    A DJs job is to fill the dance floor, a GOOD DJ on our scene will be constantly adding "new" sounds into his spots, so his Set will change completly over a 6 month span, the records added will move on to be "Big" when other DJs pick them up and they get played in other clubs and people get to know them.

    There are plenty of venues offering "New ,Rare & forgotten" sounds Most of the Big crossover stuff was discovered at Thorne in the 80s which was a small crowd (50ish) but now has moved on to a broader appeal as the 60s sounds "run out".

    Oldies venues will continue to thrive, even I like the odd oldies do now and again, like Joan said its like going to the Pictures every week to watch the same film over again, however I like to watch "Forrest Gump" at least twicwe a year and "Rita ,Sue & Bob too" always has me pissing myself, so you pays your money and you makes your choice, just do what you enjoy, after all really its just a social scene "Birds of a feather flock together" with a F****ing BRILLIANT SOUNDTRACK whatever your taste . :thumbsup:

  6. there you are, 2 respected sellers and thats the difference. However if a punter walks in with an under-priced box of sounds then a dealer will buy to re-sell or put them on their list.

    it pays to keep your gob shut about the amount of money being taken at these events when "outsiders" are listening whistling.gif there are still bargains to be had if you look hard enough and many a wants list could be filled if you have enough cash !!!!

    see you there.

  7. Its a thin line, however some idiot bragged he'd taken £20,000 over the weekend in front of a member of the Pontins staff at the event, so they upped the price of the stalls. We have encouraged the dealers not selling this time to write and say why they haven't had stalls.

    You can bring as many records as you like to sell, but as someone said earlier keep the main box in your apartment, then there is always the other argument that £20 a day for 4 days with security over 3 nights is not really that bad or expensive with 3,500 potential buys to look at your wares. You pays your money and makes your choice . so we are caught between the two sides .

    The record bar is "sold out" by the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Record Box Sales at Prestatyn Weekender

    Please be aware that all the Record/Merchandise dealers in the record bar area have paid for and booked stalls well in advance of attending the weekender. They have also paid for security when the Record bar/ Rooms are closed to the public.

    To identify dealers they will be issued with badges / passes .No other sellers are now permitted in this or the adjacent bar area to use the tables/stalls.

    However, this does not "bar" people from carrying a small "50" Box of trades/sales

    with them as this is always part of the event. Please do not bring Large sales boxes into this area or you will be asked to remove them. Thank you.

    Midnight Hour Web Team

  9. Well if the record doesn't make a profit I will have done owt for nowt won't 1?

    Well looks like plenty of intrest in this one, thanks for taking the time to make it happen, i know the guys are over the moon about it . Will also be nice to get me mits on a copy of "sugar ain't sweet" as well.

    Thanks again for all your hard work Neil :D

  10. Just to let you know a limited edition 4 track Precisions EP in Pic Sleve will be available at Prestatyn to be signed by the guys over the weekend priced £10. Might be that anyone not going would like to tell their mates to get them one !! Not sure of the final track listing yet. :D

  11. Good point Lenny.

    Anybody thinking about going should remember this is part of a left of field music festival, not a northern night. Bettye will probably be singing from her latest album.

    I first saw Bettye at a motown weekender in Bognor Regis (89-90) and was blown away. How can this little half pint, petit woman sing with such power. Since then I have been smitten by her and have collected all her records...well....ALMOST

    and for that pun... I'll get my coat

    Would that be Gt Yarmouth ? not Bognor ?

  12. I just presume he's on in the modern room at the weekender in Prestatyn ... saw some details a couple of weeks ago ... I'm sure it was on here somewhere blush.gif Can't wait to see him again ... he's fabbie :huh:

    YES Kenny Thomas is on at Prestatyn Weekender--- 19th March (Sunday afternoon 3 pm Modern room arena 2)


    SOLD OUT --AGAIN but there are wristbands for sale on here at various times and before you ask --no you can not pay on the day --sorry.

    Less than 2 weeks to go

  13. As you get into your 40s most of us will have had some sort of break up.

    when it gets to the records then it gets personal


    a) retaliate by hitting her in HER SHOE collection, especially the Jimmy Choo's--

    cool.gif go through the wardrobe and count up all the stuff she bought when you were together that still has the labels on it, (trust me the'll be loads) tot up the value of 1 & 2 =x

    c) Records you already owned when you got together DON'T COUNT, only the stuff you bought when you began to co-habit. list the value AT COST as you have no intention of selling it = y

    deduct x from y and I guarentee she'll OWE YOU money :)

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