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Rob Wigley

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Posts posted by Rob Wigley

  1. That UK Motown tour of 1965 must rank as one of the earliest true "soul tours", I know the Spellbinders toured the UK in 1966 and performed at the Twisted Wheel. :)

    Kim Weston was the first "Motown" act to appear in the UK--she was sent over on her own by Berry Gordy ! it also pre-dates the Motown "Ghost" Tour by several months-Kim told me herself !!


  2. Echoing what Ady has said. Bobby was due to perform at Baltic Soul 2009, but pulled out due to illness-I know Ady wanted him for Cleethorpes that year as well.

    sad to say another one I never got to see live, although he had been doing regular performances on the continent , such a shame.

    RIP Bobby

    you left us with a "Classic" in Sunny

    and I doubt if many on here have not danced to "Love, love, love" or "You want to change me" at some point during their time on the scene

    Rob & Karen

  3. Know that Rob but the point I'm making is was any copyright paid to the artists. Doubt it as they were'nt even named.

    You know me Rob. Always speak up for the artists first & if the artists get a cut from a legit repress I can't see the problem unless a night is advertised as OVO only.

    What about CDs, what about "Bootleg" British where no royalties / copy right was ever paid we know a song about that --don't we Martinlaugh.gif


  4. So what happens when lets say a paying customer wants to hear an "i'm Gone"

    You're getting into deep water Daz LP tracks now--laugh.gifYou'll be arrested for sure-laugh.gif


  5. But are they?

    I'd have thought if Grapevine were 100% legit they would have released Hey Little Way Out Girl under it's original artist instead of it's cover up title (or better still not released it at all LOL)

    Now if I was a member of the Construction I'd be pretty p****d off with the guy's in charge of Grapevines owners RCA.

    Hardly anyone knew it was Construction Martin-always played and massive as Del-capris-done to cash in on the demandthumbsup.gif


  6. So what happens when lets say a paying customer wants to hear an "i'm Gone" or a "Narbay" or any sound where it is very rare very expensive but at the same time so known to even lets say newbies to the soul scene??

    To my way of thinking so long as the above sounds or any other are not owned by a dj who is playing the same venue as yourself and could well have wanted to play them then who gives a fook!! (we all know which dj's are likely to own such sounds).

    Prime example of all this tosh is the grapevine records, they are all British originals and all legal issues.......with this in mind does it mean we will NEVER hear Betty Boo "say it isnt so" ever again!!

    Politics politics its killing the scene!!

    You've covered the point I made Daz--respect your fellow DJs--if they own the originals stay well clear-but a request at a soul night-legitimate uk issue --FINE thumbsup.gif

    But Bootlegs nahsad.gif


  7. I have a legit copy of Johnny Hamilton / Oh How I Love You - Horaces white label test press

    is this ok to play out?

    it is posted in another thread but as I have not recieved any answers thought it best to give it its own thread





    its nice to play off all original-something I've always done-but its entirely up to you what you do


    HOWEVER--if you and I were DJing at the same club/ night and I was following you and LJH was the biggest oldie in the country--

    I'd be seriously pissed off if you deprived me of playing the original by playing a 2nd issue

    i saw it done recently with Jackie day " Naughty boy" exactly as above.. now thats a serious record to own on original

    and not nice to have a £10 boot played 15 mins before you come on


  8. In my opinion if there is an established event you dont clash end of story. When I promoted the Newbury Allnighters way back & admittedly in a not so busy a time for Allnighters etc, I refused to clash with any other Nighter in the country & at times that was very difficult i can tell ya even then, I had people who were close to me who could not understand why I point blank refused to do this, there were times when other promoters put things on on the same night as me, but I didnt clash personally, for me anyway it was more out of respect than anything else.....................

    I'll be perfectly honest, for a long time I have wanted to get my promoters 'hat' back on (at the present would be difficult due to other circumstances), but have held back, purely due to the sheer volume of events, not just in my area, but all over the country, I'm raring to go & believe I could really add something to the current mix that would enhance the scene, but I'm in this for the long haul & will bide my time until the climate is right again. Cant understand the attitude of some people who just dont think or care before booking dates.


    Aye them were the days Russ..800 people out and about except for big do's like Keele or artists coming over....the odd soul night here and there and weekends with NOTHING ON...I kid you not...

    People will go where they want to go...end of.

    Somewhere popular numbers wise MUST be doing something right..its down to Venue, DJs, Music policy admission price and if your mates are going for the social...get it right and you'll be packed out--but don't let too many in thats just as bad as low numbers.

    What promoters are offering is ENTERTAINMENT --6 people sat in a venue looking miserable isn't my idea of entertainment--no matter how good the music is.

    So now we must have 5,000-6,000 + out EVERY weekend in the UK -its a lot of people wanting Soul music-

    as ive said many times on SS you pays your money and you makes your choice

    no easy answer till Hell freezes over and the scene slips back underground.....


    What makes me go to a venue ? don't really know, we do a cross section-used to love good modern nights but they turned into something we didn't like--I like records playing (originals) so i can seek them out if i like them I buy them.

  9. Venues, venom and vendettas


    I have "Put on a Soul do" so I suppose I have been a promoter.

    The question I want to ask is "What problems and experiences have you had as a promoter"?

    I matters not if you have been instrumental in your local pub playing Northernsoul or if you have been involved with a mega event such as a weekender or a Allnighter.

    Have you been let down by venue managers, pub owners, local authorities, punters, DJ's or even plagues of locusts?

    What are your experiences?

    (Can we please avoid the temptation to slate any one, thank you)

    been promoting 30 odd years Big and Small

    Big ones go ok laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif if you have a thick skin thumbsup.gif

    But I will tell you a tale of a smaller event and greed of the venue owners

    myself and karen ran a local soul night a few years back at the request of local people who had "No where to go" they were very successful

    as regard numbers and atmosphere-but carried a huge financial burden because of overheads involved so it was either break even or a loss at most of the events-coupled with myself having to use holidays from work for the Friday nights. As many of the DJs who attended were "Names" all were paid well.

    They were 6 deep at the bar and the venue took a fortune !

    The last one we ran clashed with a one off event locally (within 10 miles) so we lost 30 odd regulars --so we made a loss on the evening -which is ok.

    The same evening the manager at the venue approached me and said that due to another local "Wedding" venue closing the hire charge was going to double for our future soul nights--we were running Friday nights not saturdays-- so that was £400.

    I told him the venue ought to be free due to the large bar take--oh no we can't do that was the reply- so I told him to stick it !

    5 months later..a phone call-err we'd like you to come back.. "How much is the venue ?" £400--call me when its FREE--still waiting for the call and the venue sits un-used on friday nights most weeks laugh.gif Short sighted or what


  10. Anyone - I know this is rare but not sure how rare...LESLIE UGGAMS - LOVE IS A GOOD FOUNDATION on SONDAY WHITE DEMO

    Sorry private joke for TATS

    whats this remind you of mate !!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


    will let the rest of you in on it when he's replied-relates to the finding of one in the US many moon ago

    seriously you NEVER hear this record !

  11. simon

    put the map up with where members / events are with the "Pins" in--

    Then compare it with a map of the election results from 8 weeks back.

    I'm crap with stuff like that as regards posting into threads etc--but you will find that Northern Soul territory almost exactly mirrors Labour party territory

    with one exception --Liverpool--

    your good with the PC have a go....


  12. Features on Album only tracks by Jonathan Gill

    Cleethorpes Pier by Rob Wicks

    The Early Leeds scene by Malc Burton

    Soul People -by Rob wigley

    34 pages tons of pictures/ memorabilia/ ads etc

    great read for a good cause !


  13. Bridlington weekender Magazine #4

    We have about 90 copies left of the official magazine. 32 pages, full glossy colour, loads of interesting articles and photos about the scene past and present.

    Anyone who wants one please send a cheque for £3 inc P&P to 23 Harley Close, WORKSOP, Notts S80 3BF

    made payable to Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice--all the money goes to charity.

    We shall be announcing the total raised during the weekender very soon, however we had to cancel the planned Auction due to the England game taking place, but if we can raise a bit more money with the programme sales that will all go on to the total thumbsup.gifWe also have mirror key rings and pin badge sets @ £2 each or 3 for £5 again order as above with cheques to Bluebell wood please



  14. Rob, just a thought, it doesn't sound from what you've posted as if you've actually seen the bill? As has been said the amount being charged is a bit low to make any real extra profit but it's also very specific, £1.75pppn.

    It isn't just a credit card processing fee is it?


    I've been asked to get proof from someone VERY high up in the tourist industry in Bridlington, I already have 2 bills (thanks) , but this needs nipping in the bud.

    As many have said it hardly seems worth bothering about-however as we only charge £20 a ticket for the event (we have again absorbed the price rise for 2011)-we need the town to support us (and YOU) by playing fair and NOT TRYING TO CASH IN--if we ever move the event-then there will be plenty of empty beds at bargain prices ohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gif


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