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Rob Wigley

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Posts posted by Rob Wigley

  1. As Melvin has now departed back to the USA, I am looking at the Northern songs that have been played, or are strong Northern which he wrote or co-wrote, these may be included in future shows here or on the Continent.


    I'm not after Songs he recorded himself, but the ones others did.


    Butch played a blinding set of records about 7 years ago at a gig in Stoke that Chris Waterman promoted " An audience with Melvin Davis".  However since having my collection stolen, I no longer have the luxury of being able to sift through Detroit stuff looking at writers etc.


    Here's what I have so far. All records marked with a * are already included or have backing tracks done.


    JJ Barnes "Chains of love" *

    Jackey Beavers  "I need my baby" *

    Edward Hamilton "I'm Gonna love you"  *

    Darrell Banks "I'm the one who loves you" *


    Ann Perry   "That's the way he is"

    Johnnie Mae Mathews "Lonely you'll be"

    Calvin Williams       "Lonely you'll be"



    If you can include YouTube or Refosoul links even better as this helps Melvin get the feel of what we are after over here.


    Thanks in advance !


  2. Don't mind doing the odd Charity Night every now and then once or twice a year, usually rely on the pool of "proper" DJs as well."

    Easy way to put "Doubters" minds at ease is to hand over the Cheque on the night if possible...

    As Photo shows from November 2012 L to R Doug Hall, Steve Goody, Neil Self , Sara Baker (night in aid of her) Yours truly.

    A sum of £931.00 was raised towards medical costs for Sara and duly handed over towards the end of the night.

    Job Done....



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  3. Must have gone on holiday to Wigan then cos he played it there..

    :lol:From a time Pete, Samatha's was Friday Night all-nighter, then he'd do Saturday night at Wigan, think he'd finished at Wigan before Sammy's closed. told me some great stuff about a DJ spending the night in the Cell's at Wigan over a stolen record..around 1974..... :thumbup:


  4. ...and what did he say?

    Just that records like those instrumentals "of the day" could never be played on the scene today-not even as oldies and become as "Big" as they were then---he also mentioned "Zola" another forgotten about tune that quite frankly sounds F***ing awful now. However he told me the story about how he first played "The champion"..and that went on to become a classic !

  5. Each to his own, ironically as i sit in what used to be my "record" room, before the thieving B****ds stole my collection, I am looking as Blues and Souls Nos 1 to 300 here on the floor, I think it lost its way when Disco appeared and when they went "Weekly" to compete with (Black) Echoes ... Also the burger vans a copy...Mark Bicknell had his first !¬


    • Helpful 2
  6. Still cannot understand the fascination with this. The Four Seasons is quality in comparison and as cheap, if not cheaper. No excuses not to play it really.

    Agree Terry

    4 Seasons every time ! -Timebox is a straight copy- but crossed into the Scene via Mod / Scooter exposure and the scene likes a nice UK issued rarity !

    But Kev is reflecting on Dance floor reaction on todays scene and its a PACKER where ever you go !


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