For me a bit electic. I lived near Bedford but went to school in St Neots. Local rivalry and all that.
St Neots we had Little Paxton Village Hall and the Paper Mill. Sounds I recall from around 72-74 would be Isleys, Apple peaches pumpkin pie, I cant help myself, Tell me it is just a rumour, Tony Clarke.
Then went to work in Bedford so went to Kempston Rovers, Club 71 in Queens Park and the Pilgrims. Tunes like Please operator, Right Track, Out on the floor plus some funk. Me and Baby Brother etc.
Then went to Wigan in June 74 WOW!!
Moved to Stockport in 79 after 3 years of seeing my girlfriend, We went to Druffies, Hazel Grove High School and Dialstone Lane. more stuff mostly british like PP Arnold, Darrell Banks etc.
When I moved here now admitting that I was over Youth Club days we had The Magnet (Paul Boshir), Southlands (Steve Hennesey and Alan Pollard), Heaton Moor Rugby Club and The big pub on Commercial Road in Hazel Grove.
I was shopping with a girlfriend in Bedford around 75, Landslide was blaring out over the shop system.