VERY FUNNY. As a matter of interest, in Stockport we had a guy called Tim O Keefe. He had a fantastic UK collection including all the TMG catalogue, including old fontana,stateside etc releases. Sadly he died about 1981. However more than one of our gang swear he had the First Choice record on UK Pye. Last night I was talking to another mate, Ged, and he raised the subject ( again). I mentioned this thread and he had no idea of the thread. Basically yet another lad here, Russ Wood, has stated that Tim had First Choice on Pye. FYI.
I know where his collection ended up so I am gonna try and ask his sister IF I can look through it. Sadly SOME people tried claiming that some of the collection was not all Tim,s and tried conning her. BUT as I said I will go and ask and try to put a bit of evidence forward.Sadly cant promise.