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Steve Foran

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Everything posted by Steve Foran

  1. Ha haaa! I am like you I love the tune!
  2. Damm You man!!
  3. Hi Pete always thought the run out groove was wider on the boot. Just had a look at mine, this is original, The run out groove is 0.8cms from label to record. It has ABC 12661 in the run out and at about 1 o clock on Big thing side it has a very feint cap L with a w underneath. The L is not set at the same position as the ABC number it is rotated a quarter turn. The print is very sharp it is vinyl not styrene. Must find some work to do. LOL!
  4. Zed I think there is one in Sales. Good luck.
  5. And the 70,s boot of the Yum Yums has a much wider run out groove.
  6. I thought Billy Woods was on this?? Sorry if I have it wrong.
  7. Well given it a play. It is not a dancer at all. Sweet soul type really. Will is upfront with background backing so goog,so good so good repeated. A bit like a Maze style tune from the early 80,s is about my best comparism. Not awful. Written by Tom Bridwell who co wrote AICD. 3-40 in time. Hope that helps.
  8. Got a bareback issue. The b side is Oh so good. Never played it but will do.
  9. Ni idea maybe ask Pete Smith?
  10. Yes very Detroit sounding. Is this the same Lee Garrett who had hits in the 70,s. Blind guy?
  11. Aspull, I used to know a lad from there! Freddie!
  12. Dave please forgive me I have only just seen this reply. Yep Hills thats the one. Steve has still got April Stevens as well. You ok?
  13. Ditto mate. Thats about half my collection and half my wants list. Regards Steve
  14. Always recall this along with Felix Caviliare, Pierre Hunt and one other which is now bugging me! Its catching?
  15. Nope no idea at all. Sorry. Hope someone can ID it.
  16. Right I will try to get this right. The version posted is different to mine BUT it sounds like the same lead singer. On mine the girls/backing are no where near is full. Mine sounds "unfinished" compared to this and this has an extra verse. Yet mine sounds ok without the extra verse! As near as dammit its nearly the same. Good stuff and I love this site for this type of thing.
  17. Got an interesting acetate without any credits on it. The tune is Tell Me, but different format, totally right for the scene. Maybe Frank Wilson on vocals. Will try to get Pete S to post up as I would not have a clue!
  18. The Pilgrims in Bedford circa mid to late 70,s. We had allsorts on there. I remember Tony Warot putting his Gerri Grainger on a Bell demo on it one night.
  19. Dont know, bloody wish I had,nt sold my old copy??!!! Still here.
  20. Timmie Williams Competition ?? Seriously good as well! Just learnt how to add a smiley.
  21. Nev you are only as old as the woman you are feeling. Lol. Its ok the missus knows I am harmless??
  22. Thats a shame. Well done with it though.
  23. Off topic but about athletics. Look out for the Norwegian High jumper Tonje Angelsen. She is stunning.

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