I was guesting at The Rat Pit on Sat. I really enjoyed my night. Thanks to everyone who asked about my health. It is not taboo, I had cancer, its gone now and I am recovering.
So here goes. OVO.
Started with
Charades Key to my happiness
Frankie Karl You should o held on
Larry Laster Go for yourself
Nolan Chance Just Like the weather
Dean Courtney I,ll always need you
Yvonne Baker You did,nt say a word
Timmie Williams Competition
4 Perfections I,m not strong enough
Lenny Curtis Nothing can help you now
Jay Traynor Up and Over
Rita and The Tiaras Gone with the wind.
Freddie ChavezThey,ll never know why
Brice Coefield Aint that right
Dena Barnes If you ever walk out of my life
Kenny Gamble The jokes on you
Luther Ingram Exus Track
Eddie Foster I never knew
Cecil Washington I dont like to lose
Yvonne Vernee Just like you did me
Mr Soul What happened to yesterday
Mel Britt She,ll come running back
Gerri Grainger I got to pieces
Terry Callier Take a look at me now
Sam Dees Lonely for you baby.
Thats my effort. Not in order and as best I can remember. Thank You for having me.