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Steve Foran

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Everything posted by Steve Foran

  1. Nice one. Met them back in the late 70,s BUT they denied the Polydor releases being theirs!!
  2. Yes very sad and love Someday the sun will shine.
  3. Thank you think I am fixed now.
  4. Got a Red Philtown You should o held on. Signed by Frankie Karl. My Groovettes Think it over baby is signed by the band leader ( Gene Read I think from memory). Too lazy to check sorry. Also last year or maybe the year before I was recovering from cancer and a very good mate went to see The Elgins locally and got a cardboard cover signed by Yvonne Vernee. Special message to me etc. Proud to say it houses her Sonbert issue. Got loads of WOL!
  5. Thanks guys. Yes I recall that thread BUT was very poorly in and out of hospital at the time. Thought Richard had sold up? Judging by the JM Gold That's why I love you auction I see he kept SOME stuff. Yes CB great tune and always think of it as the same time as Mr Soul/Al Scott.
  6. If it helps I had an Atlantic Test Pressing of Rosemary by Popcorn Wylie. As we know it got released on Karen. Wonder where that lives now?
  7. Superb late Wigan sound for RS. Anyone know who owns this one off now?? Please.
  8. I usually play Gerri Grainger I go to pieces Eddie Foster I never knew Donna King Take me home.
  9. Just to correct a statement made. On death ALL transfers after death between husband and wife are free from TAX. If you die, they become the property of your wife. An ISA is an individual savings account. This becomes your wifes with no tax liability. The ISA will however lose ANY future tax free status. You can gift items of ANY value and these will become free from tax after 7 years. For instance you could give me £20k, record it and no tax is due AFTER 7 years. This is Inheritance tax. You can also gift £3000 per year AND record it, this is also Tax Free. Hope that helps.
  10. Just watched it and VINYLHOUND ( Andy) sums up my feelings generally. Plus points the Yummy Lisa Stansfield. The smiles on the dancers faces. Some good ones as well as Pete S says. Lorraine Chandler at the end. Minus points well this Six page thread is a bit predictable. Lighten Up for petes sake it was only a TV programme. It aint gonna stop me enjoying myself and it is not gonna change my world greatly. I will keep collecting stuff I like, old, new, 70,s etc. I will DJ when asked and HOPE that the dancers enjoy my tunes. Just one thing I have taped more Soul stuff off the TV, as I type Marvin and Tammy are backing The Hairy Bikers, lately than I have time to watch. Ian Dewirst and Soul Sam on Soulpower. The 77 WC programme was on at 5am the other day. Motown at the Beeb etc. Just good stuff to look at. Just a view that's all.
  11. I like them both.
  12. Had it on a live WC tape. First was Eddie Holman Where I,m not wanted, then RS says If Dave Evisons ankles held out here is the Nomads. Always thought it SHOULD have been covered as Detroit Soul. GREAT TUNE
  13. Hi Julian YES think I am FIXED now feel much better. Still reckon the british stuff needs the middles poking out though!!
  14. Hi Ged quality set as usual. Sad I was not healthy enough to be there. NEXT TIME!. Those centres still need pushing out though. Make em easier to get on the deck and maybe speed up the set a bit?? !!!!! Ha ha!
  15. In JM description he said that RS owned/had after Ion and Rob M. Same copy I assume?
  16. Will paypal now.
  17. Hi Pete got a pile of Record packaging you can have will send after Xmas. Forgot that bit!
  18. Hi Pete, ok can I have the Sevens copy please? Must have missed it first time!!
  19. Maybe the Sandy Golden was from the same source as The Professionals? Just a thought!
  20. No but you have heard it. So thought a nice Soul City copy would help. Trying to preserve what is left in the grooves!!
  21. Pete do you ever get a Soul City copy of Billy Woods?

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