My brother in law works for Royal Mail even he says the Red Recorded delivery method is useless as it goes in with the general first class post. So no extra protection etc.
Myself I uses the silver/blue signed for system. I use this for my business as well as the odd tune I sell.
Think it is called Special Delivery. I know it is more costly BUT worth it.
Thinking about it.
Parkway Issues can be scarce.
Vikki Baines. Christine Cooper. Yvonne Baker. Ben Zine and the other day someone had a Bunny Sigler Girl don't make me wait on the West Coast design. Not seen one before!
Thanks as ever Joe for posting. The one thing that DOES bug me is the Auction at Tim Browns place. I always forget when closing time is so miss the prices that are obtained. Just being nosey I guess but I wish there was more flexibility there. He takes them down very quickly.
A relative ( son or nephew) posted on You Tube a couple of years ago after someone here put up SBMB. He gave names etc it was on the comments section down the left hand side.
Revisit the story when Richard played it at Wigan, John Poole ( I think) went up and said something about being another Palmer discovery, Richard would not have it as his was Labeat. Amazing it made it on two great labels!! Imagine!!
The original LP did it have the sticker on the front cover saying "Includes the hit/track Im your pimp"? I always thought this issue was AFTER it became played?
I know it has been the subject of many topics AND I feel it is a very difficult one to tell the first issue from re-issues?
JM told me a few years back that it was the number of turns in the run out groove? Say 3 for first issue and 4 for the others? I think the stamp/matrix is positioned in the first run out groove but on the re-issues it is further in?
If anyone can say I would be a happy bunny.