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Everything posted by Agentsmith
no probs chap, think it takes the heat out of some of the other threads that are really gettin' my goat....blood n' thunder at the moment watched under 13s footie, frozen roasters and just poured lashings of chivas regal in the coffee to that out!. besides, i think it is a good idea and it gives us all an extra option when were out spinnin' rob.h
ADEY, if youre coherent at this moment in time, i was wondering if you had considered just for anoraks sake, putting the 78rpm version of "the panic is on" on the cd as i remember you telling me about it, and yes, i havent set foot in the 100 club for 8 years now, so youre quite right to think "who the devil is this im talking to?". will be purchasing your latest offering, but i would like to ask, as your reply will be, so to speak "from the horses mouth", but EXACTLY WHAT IS THE SITUATION WITH RCA AND WILL YOU EVER BE ABLE TO PERSUADE THESE PEOPLE OF THE SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPORTANCE OF WHAT THEY ARE HOLDING BACK FROM US....YOUVE BEEN OUR CHAMPION FOR A LONG TIME NOW MATE,.....STAND AND DELIVER NANCY WILCOX....WITH BOTH BARRELS!!! rob.h
sorry to be a bore guys, but i havent seen mr, palmers film, let alone ordered it yet and im trying to impress on you all THE BIGGER PICTURE and the picture in question is lurking in someone's chest of drawers or whatever......WOULDNT YOU MUCH RATHER BE DISCUSSING IN MELVIN BRAGG STYLIE, THE MERITS OF THIS HIDDEN TREASURE BOUGHT TO LIGHT 33 YEARS LATER....or....DO YOU ALL WANT TO TURN IN YOUR GRAVES NOT KNOWING THE TRUTH.....that there REALLY was something else worth looking at?. why do you think ive been trying to impress on you all, how important it is to unlock our hidden pasts instead of picking over the bones of a carcass that was STRIPPED long ago? BLOODY WELL forget "this england" for a moment of your precious time on this planet and start searching your own closets and memory banks to reveal WHAT we dont already know!!! downright irrate, rob.h ( dont mean to be, but arent you all fed up with "SAME OLE - SAME OLE"?....I AM!!
IM GLAD YOU PERCIEVE IT AS A BIT OF LIGHT HEARTED FUN AND NOT CHURLISH STUPIDITY OR ONEUPMANSHIP.....see, once youve rummaged in your boxes and sat back to take stock youre probably finding you can put together some quite imaginative sets without having to ingratiate oldies....not that theres anything wrong with that either....SO KEEP IT UP! rob.h
think youve got gist and yes, i was mulling over anorak rules...mmm....YELLOW STOCKS, like mark said mgms colours (import of course) are predominately black on yellow so its lemon on the colour chart, no pretty multi-colours or creams or peach or orangish....BOLD YELLOWS which take presidence over the printing....motown? well, vip's are ok, that of course being the early demo's.
ok, heres the deal....at school we were taught what the primary colours were.so, whats the most popular colour label in your playbox? ill bet, in the main its YELLOW..... YES, WEVE ALL GOT WHITE DEMOS but it stands to reason that when a person is djing in opaque/subdued light its hard to decipher names and titles hence, green, blue black and red are hard to read without a torch and even silver is a problem As it shines and any printing appears to fade. you cant fault yellow....unless, of course youre colourblind. secondly....and this is definitely anorak,....how many djs can do a complete hour set of yellow labels from their playbox? i witnessed this, as dave greenhill will testify in london at a gig in st pauls when i noticed one dj had played several records in sequence, all of which were...YELLOW! he thought it was a great idea and proceeded to trawl his box....and so did the next dj after him....HOW ANORAK IS THAT?! THERES THE CHALLENGE THEN......anyone up for it? rob.h
Does Northern Soul Celebrate Failure More Than Success?
Agentsmith replied to Ian Dewhirst's topic in All About the SOUL
daz, im sure that malc's corresponding thread (will we all be dead) will dissapate any aspertions that may be cast about wether the scene will survive, as basically these two threads are closely engaged and the fact that as you or anyone else may witness week in, week out, the calender is burgeoning under a mountain of events and, whilst that is another bone of contention, i believe that punters are not nesessarily spread thin. you cant fail to notice either, that the mod scene IS still going strong after the initial stigma of commercial interference and thats NOT underground either...the clothes and scooters infact, have attracted the opposite interest from a broader swathe of the public, spurred on by designers/manufactureres who, by no strange quirk of fate, emerged from that very same embrionic first revival and deemed it to be cool to wear sharp clothes and ride remodelled scooters. weve been to this lectern before addressing where the legions of new followers are coming from.....but they ARE coming, we are not reliant either, on the major cities like in the 60's with nothing in between. soul music envelopes all of the various subcultures and every urban sprawl now boasts its enclaves, hence everyone's competing to have a good gig, plenty of choice, a good variety of music and, unlike today's contrived pop pewk the scene dosnt suffer from under-aged, bottle smashing, knife wielding, drug-crazed drunken brawls in the street....thats a significantly good reason for attracting younger age groups to proper, honest-to-goodness soul music that can be danced to and enjoyed without the threat of some yob trying to muscle in on your girl. WE CREATED THIS CULTURE, IT WAS GIVEN A TITLE THAT WAS DIFFERENT AND WE FLOCKED TO IT AND, LONG AFTER (TONIGHT IS ALL OVER) WERE GONE, THE FLAME WILL STILL BE CARRIED BY OTHERS BECAUSE WE LAID THE GROUNDWORK FOR GENERATIONS TO CARRY ON FLYING THE FLAG FOR NORTHERN SOUL.....IT ISNT A FAD, NEVER HAS BEEN, NEVER WILL BE...ITS LIFE AS WE KNOW IT AND LIKE THE STARS, ITS ETERNAL. rob.h -
sure it wasnt "let me go" on sport? rob.h
Does Northern Soul Celebrate Failure More Than Success?
Agentsmith replied to Ian Dewhirst's topic in All About the SOUL
dunno yet dave, do miss it tho. will stay in touch oh.....and i would love to see another YELLOW LABEL SET!....KNOW WHAT I MEAN?.....that'll get the mentalists thinkin' rob.h -
mark, the late chris savoury used to run black music record fairs in the late 70s/80s and they were always well attended. i distinctly remember going to them when they were held in the cavendish suite at the old vic in wolverhampton...it was like an aladdins cave!.....could be done now OF COURSE!!, but you might just as well be attending an antiques auction when you come to analyse the prices, very different today but on the whole, its reasonable to presume therE would still be bargains to be found....sounds like a CONTRADICTION OF TERMS DOSNT IT?. rob.h
Does Northern Soul Celebrate Failure More Than Success?
Agentsmith replied to Ian Dewhirst's topic in All About the SOUL
ian, id say, as someone who has frequented the scene myself, for nearly 40 years and as a person who is aware of your standing within the community that we are all subject to building our scene up as something unique, unlike other styles of music but contradict its reverence by shunning commercialism in whatever form it happens to rub off on it. we want what we love to be recognised by the rest of the world but jealouslly guard it, fearful that the masses would take it out of our hands and make it just another unappealing format. there is a fine line or tipping point, its been witnessed in its grossly vulgaric form in the 70's when we unassumingly thought the world would love this new musical trend and maybe commercialism would further the cause to make northern soul appeal to all but the paparazzi, in particular tried to portray it as the next thing off the production line after bay city rollers, mud sweet, slade, gary glitter etc., and as such their efforts succeeded....just as well because in the long run we triumphed over their adversity. no other musical phenomenon could have submerged and resurfaced unscathed thusblowing the andy warhol myth of 15 mins of fame. were all wiser and a good many amongst us have become capable of enhancing the quality of our music in the commercial sector whith the result that it is regarded with seriousness and respect and is used skilfully without being abused. northern soul hasnt been broadcast on tv since the 70's...yes there have been occasional local news features and paul o'grady tributes ( yuk!). if we were sufficiently sure that it would be presented in the right light, we'd probably embrace it...grudgingly but for 2 1/2 decades our scene has grown massively and dosnt need the help of outsiders to convince converts, particularly amongst the younger generations, just how appealing this music is. rob.h -
you should know the answer to that one paul, because everytime you dj its staring you in the face and it attracts admiring glances from other djs, collectors and punters....you spend a lifetime putting it together so possess a holy grail, its just that you dont realise how good it is because youre always trying to improve it...itll probably never take your breath away but others will be praising the heavens....guess we all think our record collection is like that. rob.h
got a uk warner bros copy if you want? nice condition £60 if you like rob.h
Philly International Records Offices In Blaze
Agentsmith replied to Dave Thorley's topic in All About the SOUL
i dont know about all the legal wrangling but dosnt everybody think it constitutes a crime that unreleased material of any description shuold be allowed to wallow away and deteriorate beyond recognition for the sake of just a few people's misguided beliefs?...i.e. punters would not be interested in listening to and buying the product thus enhancing the undoubted reputation of the artists and writers and producers who, afterall, gave of their own time and effort in an attempt to find a hit. you know the oil shortages of 1974 put paid to a lot of vinyl, melted down and lost forever....god knows how many tunes we missed then....and then we have to comprehend something as unfair as genuinely unheard material being trashed because it was filed and forgotten about. rob.h -
dave, its obvious some people aren't going to put stuff on a REAL northernsoul auction sites because they will be laughed out of the place and, honestly aren't ebay and popsike easy targets for mugging people where soul music is concerned?...its hit and miss isnt it? rob.h
bloody cameo parkway's another thorn in the side....without the bootlegs rob.h
tony, where have we heard this scenario before?....aka rca, which adey has no forthcoming resolution with. LIKE WITH MY WIGAN THREAD.......WHY DO SELFISH PEOPLE WANT TO GO TO THEIR GRAVES AND NOT SHARE WHATS PRECIOUS WITH THIS WORLD.......DO THEY SERIOUSLY THINK THEY ARE GOING TO LIVE FOREVER......OR ARE THEY ALREADY OUT THERE LOOKING FOR SHANGRI-LA?. its their loss if they cant make a dime when everythings booted which aint the way we want to obtain it. rob.h
appologies for abruptness mate,...if someones selling one for that price.......RIP THEIR ARM OFF!, are you sure it wasnt them who were p###ed? rob.h
sorry, but the adage "cloud cuckoo land" springs to mind if you think its a 35 quid touch...add another £120 for a demo or £180 for an issue....AM I RIGHT OR WRONG?.......come back to me mr.dealer rob.h
funny this one mate, record hammered for 3 decades and just so happens to be a favourite of my mate, dave rimmer and it wasnt until i heard HIM play it that i thought....yeah it always was great and is one that genuinly didnt deserve to get slung on the flogged-to-death pile, never to be heard again....because of dave i set about aqquiring a copy and eventually, henry atkinson turns one up for me....strangely from a dutch dealer so its spread far and wide and, i believe as a result, is not as easy to get as you think....unless you settle for disco-demand! rob.h
cum on lads, lets not quibble about status of label, value or obscurity, lets just admire a great tune affiliated to the mecca and by a great artist aka kimberley briggs who, sadly is no longer with us. rob.h
you'll find this thread has been covered in the last two weeks and in a somewhat detailed manner, wether you consider it in a light-hearted frame now or seriously later in life, the fact is a record collection is an artifact of considerable value and should the worst happen it can also become the centre of a potentially explosive legal fight if not dealt with properly....like everything else you submit in a will. rob.h
again, as someone far more experienced than me, has already said many times...popsike like ebay is not a northern soul website, prices are outlandish, to say the least. stick with what you know and who you trust, be it jm or tim or pat or sean or henry or anyone else on ss...at least all the prices are steady and realistic. rob.h