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Everything posted by Agentsmith
rich, did couple of years ago off henry atkinson. cant understand why more people dont buy tunes off this man...he really IS the best for quality tunes at SENSIBLE PRICES. by the way, levine was responsible for interest in this when he started playing it on his return to the scene in 2000. cant knock that man either....the scene owes him bigtime. rob.h
nail on the head mate, a bloody disgrace, and they expect us to put up listening to so much unadulterated shit 24/7. the problem with music today and for the last 21/2 decades, its totally lost any semblence of normality, generations of youths brainwashed by junk churned out by brainless, drug riddled tosspots who've got no roots. its about time someone got a grip on reality. for cryin out loud, we lost richard's show last year....do we not have a right to hear our music on the airwaves then?. discrimination by the establishment again! rob.h
no more than £125-150, maybe less though rob.h
hi barry, look for the "bell sound" imprint in the deadwax rob.h
thats a shame...you'll probably recall as well, that they put out a triple cd set of llorraine ellison's recordings but, i felt at the time it was just too pricey, but you could say the same about hip-oselect...the only thing, and most important thing is, these items are limited edition and highly collectable....as vol.6 of motown 1966 which, has sold for £400+ on ebaY proved. in time, the ellison collection will be extremely valuable...i wouldnt be at all surprised if its deleted already.....guess the loma project will be viewed the same way as cameo-parkway...an enterprise that proves a bridge too far for the owners of these catalogues...that strikes an all too familiar chord...dosnt it?. THESE PEOPLE WILL GO TO THEIR GRAVES AND STILL DENY US THE RIGHT TO HEAR THE MATERIAL WE YEARN FOR. rob.h
stand corrected mike, think it was also on the series of loma reissues that was instigated by dave godin in the 70's...... can you imagine her singing "you hit me" though....WOW!! if it were real, it would be in the northern soul all-time top 5 ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER!! rob.h
always pondered this one....how many versions of "you hit me ( right where it hurt me )". bearing in mind it has the hallmark of george kerr, could it be possible that the late, great linda jones cut an unissued version?. my reasoning is along the same lines as "last minute miracle", which forwhatever reason, no-one was aware of until recent years and is every bit as good as the shirelles.....any anoraks out there studying at the university of loma? rob.h love alice clark but kim weston's is a stormer!
sorry, im not a complete ****...i might be other things to other people but a ****...no and i wouldnt put that label on ted, des, ginger or anyone else, particularly in the djing fraternity who owns one. if they, like me were hooked just by the spine-tingling intro, thats enough reason to have it at any cost. i have to admit as well, that i had not seen one "in the flesh" until stoke...then i saw gingers and arthurs within 20 mins as they hit the decks. rob.h Please do not spell out the whole swear word, use and asterisk in places!! ATB Chalky
as ive already stated, my personal number one and top want....yes it has a sparse backing and williams voices is a million miles from the best, perhaps thats why he's probably wrote more songs!, but its got electric quality on the dancefloor...only wish id witnessed richard playing it, tail-end of wigan...but did have the privilage to see it grace the dancefloor of the ritz "rarest of the rare" may day bank holiday all-nighter....as spun by mr. searling and, most recently twice in both rooms at the kings hall, courtesy of arthur fenn and ginger taylor and you wont see that often!!. have to agree with pete and ted...10 copies at most and most over here, been circulating except....for this one in the states...a little bird's told me he's been offered it ...never mind ebay,...perhaps i could be wrong or.....perhaps another one's turned up? who knows?? note: william powell must be a bit useful as he wrote another stormer for lela martin on melatone, "you cant have your cake" 100mph, produced by leon haywood...and as tim brown says.."wouldnt russ have loved to have that at wigan....too late!". life's too short to worry about a trifling 5k, if id got it id spend....no problem! rob.h
thankyou for your comments and the plaudits are reciprocated!. can i also say that even the shortest replies hit a chord, particularly the one's that make the neck hairs stand..................IM JUST A PEBBLE.....ISABEL,DEAR........"QUOTE OF THE DAY!!!!!" ROB.H
just been casting the peepers over the last page and am a bit more lucid this morning1, had to stoke up the boiler again. im obviously in the zone with some very learned people and there is some serious cogitating going on as we're on 300+ replies and 7 pages. it just shows how THIS thread has summoned the passion in a large proportion of "sourcers". we never suspected in the 70's, as our scene burgeoned that the media would creep up behind us with the arm slung round our shoulder in the "how you doin' mate?" mode and proceed to deconstruct our scene, pronouncing it to be nothing more than a fad. of course, they're quite capable of doing that again...i just dont think that brazen attitude resonates with them in the same manner because as we've witnessed over the years, tunes have been used to clever effect in advertising products, and before anyone says, i dont think they've taken advantage of us in that department either as the professionals amongst us, involved in advertising have seen a niche and used it to keep bringing this music to the attention of a wider audience, proving that northern soul just wont go away!. no matter who we are, how old, where we come from and however long we've been on the scene, this film is another statistic, another notch on the wood, another chalk on the blackboard that says "we've done that". like it or loathe it, you cant ignore the fact that a film heightens the senses and stimulates debate and weather this film is crap or not, its already SUCEEDED....yer 300+ and 7 pages proves that including some well respected names getting involved in THIS QUESTION TIME. the media cant slap us in the face and embarrass us anymore because we're older and wiser and the scene has survived longer than anyone could ever have predicted, they'll not be remotely interested in castigating this film, if any respect is shown, it will be because it is british, which to all intents and purposes, means down to earth not glamorous. no worries then about damage limitation. if this film had been put together by more noteworthy producers would it have become more surreal? would the whole purpose of the film been about the personal storyline and less about the scene and music? would the music have just faded into the background?....would the film have a glossy title with totally no reference to northern soul?...how would we feel if a whole bunch of actors were taught how to dance and no real soul people were recruited as extra's....then would we feel exploited?....BETTER THE DEVIL YOU KNOW..? rob.h
this is an intelligent debate, both light-hearted and intense. i personally, cant see why anyone should expect to see a film about northern soul depicted in a serious light...or it might just as well be ANOTHER DOCUMENTARY.....JUST WHAT, REALLY, IS THE DEEP SEATED PROBLEM WITH A FILM BEING MADE ABOUT A GROUP OF FICTITIOUS PEOPLE BEING INTO A UNDERGROUND MUSIC SCENE THAT HAPPENS TO TAKE PLACE IN A LARGE VENUE, NOT DISSIMILAR TO AN ACTUAL PLACE THAT WAS ATTENDED BY REAL PEOPLE IN THE 1970'S?. i'll bet everyone who has had something to say over the last 4 pages will watch this film to see if there are similarities to how they lead their own lives back then. the only really intelligent films to arise from hollywood are usually based on true stories, therefore they have to be quite serious but overall, its the fictional films that draw the greatest attention because its necessary to have light-hearted relief. weve spent so much time taking our music so seriously, constantly evaluating a records relevance to the dance floor and forever looking for the accoustically perfect venue with the regulation sprung dancefloor that weve lost sight of the bigger picture, we need to fall in love with the scene again. this film is an escapist way of getting back to just loving the scene as a whole. in the 70's it was about just being there, and in 2010 we need to rediscover that principle. rob.h
post from a few months back, someone mentioned the name of a guy who has cine-footage from wigan, circa time of "this england" doc. came you please remind me who this bloke from letchworth, is?. had a look th see if that original thread was still up but it seems to have disappeared. rob.h
here,here stevie, i admit i wasnt aware of that fact, of course they are not under any obligation to do so but there's some stern critisizm being levelled on both sides of the house...and thats our democratic right as well. however, they could go some way to smoothing the waters by stating why, if its true, they are putting the release date back again and to give a first hand account of how they feel about what they've produced. this thread is akin to the proverbial hornet's nest, its like making a film is a threat to our integrity and the fabric of the scene. the doubters stoically want to hold on to the wrong end of the stick. we found out a lot of things about ourselves in the 70's, and so did the scene. it was like painting by numbers or snakes and ladders, you had to attempt something before you found out the hard way what it was like to make a mistake. if this film had been made then it would, in time have been regarded as a misdemeanour and we would have all blanked it from our minds....just like with some records that, back in the 70's, weren't particularly good...they just rode on a crest of a wave, but we'd shrug now at the thought of hearing or dancing to them now. this film would hope to achieve the innocense and naivety of that era so we could see where we went wrong or suffered from gullibility. but it is a fictional story...just set in that time frame and along the same lines as a stage play...IT CANT BE ANYTHING ELSE CAN IT?. ive already aired my views about documented material particularly film evidence on the real life story involving wigan casino and that is the greatest subject of discussion of all...it would be even more interesting if this "other film" surfaced so that we didnt have to chew the fat over this england until infinity.....ISNT THAT SOMETHING WORTH GETTING HEATED ABOUT?.....BEING DEPRIVED OF INTERESTING FACTUAL STUFF??. it seems there are many who dont want to give up their secrets and jealously guard them. at least a bit of fiction lifts the gloom!. rob.h
yes, our matriarch dave godin, indocrinated lovers of the music he preached about with this mantra, to always believe that it was good and honest, that it was the right way, that race music or black music was telling us the real story of life, love, hurt and pride...and you could dance to it without inhibitions...you could dress cool and talk cool and shake and clasp hands or show a clenched fist in an inverted style to reflect peace brother,. its a negro trait of solidarity that entrenched itself in our fledgling northern soul scene and just to complete the circle, dave coined the phrase "northern soul", so in the long run, you could say he's also initiated our own vocabulary...perhaps even one day there will be a dictionary which will contain all these little adages....knowing my luck, someone will quote me on that!. rob.h
paul' of course we dont know each from adam and i certainly haven't set out to rock your boat...i didnt go to see the stage play, but the fact you put your neck on the chopping block to restage the events of 3+decades ago when the northern soul scene was in the public eye, could have been, then, misconstrued as foolish bravado and a waste of money but you have witnessed the response just how much a vehicle like this was wanted....A STAGE PLAY?...ABOUT NORTHERN SOUL?....UNIQUE OR WHAT?. but by the same measure, so is a film....people will want to watch it because....ITS DIFFERENT, yes its british as well and its a phenomenon that even the americans cant do a good job on BECAUSE THEY DIDNT CREATE IT....WE DID!,....so you can forget 3d,cd graphics, blue screen rehashes of 1920's,30's,40's50's60's films 3 or 4 times over and that there's no real imagination in hollywood, so lets all submerge in what we really love .....our music which is reality not science fiction. quadrophenia was about the mods and it has stood the test of time, no matter what the film critics think, we should be proud that its british and we are! now its our turn, roll-on a decade and its where we were,....lets not get crabby in our dotage because weve HAD to wait 30+YEARS for someone to put our scene on celluloid.....im not a bloody radio 5 live film reviewer and just for the record, he probably hasnt got a clue what northern soul is anyway, but from an independant view point, i bet even he would give it credit, based on the fact its BRITISH and its about YOUTH CULTURE and, if he could appreciate it has a simple- to- understand thread, its edited well, its relatively fast paced and the music is the constant that reminds him of exactly WHAT the film revolves round, he might just give it the thumbs up because ITS SOMETHING UNIQUE THAT HE HAS NEVER COME ACROSS BEFORE. it dosnt matter if its excrement in the individual's eyes because for every one there will be ten who approve...WHY?...because its made a statement....weve had 7"singles, lps, cds t-shirts, the attire, the venues, the djs, the drugs, the travelling, the radio shows, the documentaries and.....YOUR STAGE PLAY....THE LAST PIECE OF THE JIGSAW IS THE FILM,....THEN WEVE ALL GOT THE FULL MONTY. OUR SCENE WILL BE UNIQUE BECAUSE IT WILL BE THE ONLY CULT MUSIC PHENOMENON TO HAVE COVERED ALL THE BASES. im 52, im bald 2 stone overweight with dodgy knees but i still like to dance, only i cant do what i did even 5 years ago, i wasnt a wiganite or a top dog, i went to the catacombs, not old enough for the wheel or torch and only came back to the scene after divorce 12 years ago and then it was lea manor, the ritz, 100 club, winsford, tony's empress, kings hall, keele and the tower to name a few so you see im ordinary joe, I QUQUE AND I DO PAY!. I SUFFER FROM ROAD RAGE IN MY JOB....TOO BAD!! but when it comes to the scene, ive learned to be impartial as life's too short to start a "for or against" war or get tangled up in it....same with the music, loved richard's soul sauce and cellar, love the crossover rooms and i have to make room for r n b and popcorn. i dont have an agenda and i dont front for anyone and i havent knocked what you have achieved because i could never have accomplished anything like that, but there are people are out there like you who want to put it up on a pedastal because no matter how much every body rages against it, this is the ultimate act of defiance to say northern soul will never go away, its here to stay and now we have a film to prove it. rob.h
bhoyo, we cant get it out of our heads because its at the summit....many conquered it but 1000's since want a similar mountain to go to...unfortunately, unlike mountains, which are eternal, buildings get pulled down so....you had better cherish, for instance, the kings hall though i doubt a victorian colossus as that will ever descend into rubble....may we have many more all-nighters there!...oh, and the 100 club...now that is an INSTITUTION ( now dont start references to nutters, PLEASE! ). we'll never stop venting our feelings because its engraved on our grey matter and our hearts forever no matter how many times we went...it wasnt the catalyst but raised the profile of northern soul to heights unimaginable. dare i say the day we stop talking about it, will be the day none of us who remember it, are here anymore...god willing, thats a long time off!. rob.h
no reference in terry wilson's book about demo's strangely, but i would imagine that as releases ceased for 3 years between 76 and 79, the relaunch in the hands of RCA must have prompted the new owners to go for a form of symbolism as a reference to the labels 60's success, i.e: the 600 series onwards, were green and white demo's so perhaps they thought it was a fitting way to remind people that tamla motown was still going strong, on the verge of a new decade. please note: there were only 11 official releses in 76 and they were all revivals of 60's & 70's classics as double a-sides, in 79 motown uk launched its 12" series. rob.h
US RELEASE - MOTOWN1391FA - 03/16/76 still "blue map release in the states, the uk "blue label" era began in october 1976, record had 2 prefixes:uk 1029 and us 1391 uk release date: 7 may 1976 b- side; colour my world blue. billboard top 40 r & b: 25 - pop: 40 no uk chart position, it was their last official single. note: on february 21st 76 florence ballard passed away cod: cardiac arrest caused by a bloodclot. rob.h p.s. to all motown collectors: if you buy books, get TAMLA MOTOWN - THE STORIES BEHIND THE UK SINGLES BY TERRY WILSON DISTRIBUTED BY CHERRY RED BOOKS 2009
Juanita Williams 'baby Boy' B/w 'you Knew What You Were Getting'
Agentsmith replied to a topic in Look At Your Box
had both issues of these and its apparent that ed wingate or whoever, figured that both tracks were worthy of a release as an a-side, though in which order......A-HA!....STOPPED MYSELF IN MY OWN TRACKS....HERE'S THE INFO: baby boy - golden world - gw18 09/00/64 c/w you knew what you was gettin you knew what you was gettin - wingate - wg008 - 11/00/65 c/w somethings you never get used to - produced by van mccoy, a track also cut by esther phillips on atlantic. 3 brilliant tracks from detroit!, not a kings ransome for sure and, i think juanita williams was in the adorables as well....but maybe pete.s will confirm that. by the way this info is gleened from "OFF THE RECORD" - MOTOWN BY MASTER NUMBER 1959 - 1989 VOL:1 SINGLES BY REGINALD J. BARTLETTE ROB.H -
remember having one of these.....id say it was a first issue, just that they'd changed the label design and i reckon they hit on that one after the design of the moments "sharp" lp...yes?, prior to that of course, it was the familiar dual-blue colour. rob,h