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Everything posted by Agentsmith

  1. are you sure about veejay?....thought it was keymen records? rob.h
  2. not sure myself as the cherry people did get an issue on heritage and uk mgm, seen both issue and demo of uk father's angels as most people have....unusually, saw an american mgm issue at lea manor many years ago and a lot of people thought that didnt exist....perhaps someone else will explain that conundrum, maybe jerry ross thought it should have a major plug as the catholic priest who touted the band, was a friend. rob.h
  3. ady, think youve got boat loads of constructive comments and cast iron ideas that a large majority are echoing, with this ammunition it shouldnt take you much time to coordinate any subtle changes, especially those that are greeted with immediate approval....BUT PERHAPS YOU NEED TO COME OUT OF YOUR BOLTHOLE AS WELL, UP COUNTRY LIKE YOU USED TO DO. rob.h
  4. ADY, this might be an old chesnut but perhaps somebody should step forward and do a film about the world's longest running all-nighter, whilst its still running to put its popularity into even sharper focus...maybe even paul.s at the head of this page would consider this a good challenge. rob.h
  5. adey, im dismayed that it has come to asking peoples verdict on the outcome of the 100 club's future. i haven't been for many years either, but from a distance it has always stood out as the catalyst for the breaking of new sounds which, eventually end up-country and without that a substantial part of playlists in the north would consist merely of known rareities and bog standard oldies. i remember a time when the 100 club literally went "on the road" without it being called a tour as such eg: rarest of the rare at the ritz manchester. youre right, we're all 30+ years older than when it started but its not us who've gone stale, there's nothing wrong with the punters who attend venues other than they feel the aches more, perhaps some have finally called it a day but they are few and far between. the fact is more people want to jump on the bandwagon promoting, particularly since the new millenium and 10 years later, the calender is heaving under the weight of expectation....thats whats spreading the punters so thin...its not necessarily the quality of music thats suffering, so long as there are places like the 100 club, who push the boundaries. moey, of course, is another factor...in most cases its hard earned and subsequently, choices become harder based on where you are in the country...the cost of everything has rocketed. so do you go bi-monthly and bring back admission? the travellers might be a small proportion of the gate but it dosnt alter their financial circumstances. either way in this uncertain climate its about your determination to ride the immediate downturn and be positive about the future, the 100 club still has so much to offer...i thought 10 years was exceptional for prestwich but that pales in comparison to the legend you have created, whatever you do, dont knock it on the head, you fought hard to get it back once before, it would be a travesty to cast it adrift now. rob.h
  6. note: popcorn wylie must have been interested in this track as he had an acetate in his posession until tim brown got it off him. rob.h
  7. every chance the label name is an abreviation much in the same way as jobete so, if its possible to find out whose label it was, that might lead to the artist....of course it might just be a made-up name but this is not usually the case with northern soul records as there is always a story lurking in the background. the moral of the story appears to be: if its gonna be anywhere, its "down in the dumps"ter....get it? rob.h
  8. absolutely right played at blackpool mecca, covered up as eddie foster i think and i also think it came out on the obscure evolution record label which also issued the fashions "i o u" and a track by otis redding but cant remember the title of that one....and i'll be entirely honest,....i cant recall ever hearing the record but always remember the B & S adverts carrying this track. wouldnt know its value and certainly as its not been played for literally 20 years or more in any djs set. rob.h
  9. iconic id say ed.....now tell me,...has someone dismantled this as well and hid it in their back garden?! rob.h
  10. went once with little scotty and his crew in a traveller!. couldnt believe this place, just a doorway and up some stairs and ........the blackburn over 60's ladies and gents teadance were still up and running as we sidled into the adjoining light refreshments area...wow!, that was an eye opener....i dont think they hung around to see 40 inchers gliding round the dancefloor!!. what a crummy rundown venue, no doubt it had seen better days but atmospheric places are few and far between now and id say tony's is missed.......WONDER WHO HAD THE SIGN FROM OUTSIDE?. rob.h
  11. basically outakes from the original SITSOM cd.....shame as all the material is historically important....if it hadnt been for this "unofficial", these tracks would still be consigned to the vaults. rob.h
  12. pete,................IF HE WERE FEMALE................HE'D BE .............LINDA JONES.......yep, he's got the wailing voice but he dont hit a bum note and this clip is so refreshing instead of simon cowell and x-traordinarily boring, mind-numbingly, talentless, wrist slashing shite that calls itself the youth of today. get this guy on stage or theatre or a tvshow to expose just whats being overlooked for the sake of making a quick buck out of a load of nobheads. some of the comments here, nailed it with the fact for a busker he did a bloody good personal interpretation of a classic something todays youth are totally incapable of........geez, theyre no good at doing a decent copycat!!. rob,h
  13. yep, thats a big FIND THIS MAN!, just goes to show which generations got the talent, because todays youth sure aint got any or any roots. rob.h
  14. right!, so here's the mystery then,.....lets say jv had this record and when he started djing at the casino during 74/75 and a copy does not exist with the intro on it.....then he must have gone to a studio and had an acetate cut with the intro engineered onto it and if thats a fair presumption, then does john still posess it? rob.h
  15. dont worry bout the bells malc,....you've mike terry's fookin saxbreak...could anyone want for more? rob.h
  16. with respect, i think you'll find he did have it in 2001 as i witnessed it with my own eyes and if you're still not convinced check out soulfulkindamusic.co.uk and the albrighton p,aylist "last all-nighter" which was compiled, exhaustively by myself. #rob.h
  17. been a while since i came to this thread having been given a theoretical earbashing but nevertheless, spot on with the observatoin about sam and albrighton so anyone else with silly notions of it being premiered elsewhere had better consult mr.barnfather himself! ( tongue out....na na nee na na!!) rob.h
  19. right, so can you put me straight about this then,...the b-side is the same as the a-side, but with the wierd begining yes?. and shoestring is another version...but does that have the wierd begining?....either way can i get a copy of the record with THE WIERD BEGINING?. ive been advised about the one on 20th century but i want to be sure im getting the right record so if someone does have what i want and is willing to sell im waiting to do a deal. rob.h
  20. yes, kieth minshull in the main room 79 got hammered...i suspect this particular period was when the casino was having a notorious lull in music quality, prior to the "messiah" richard's second coming with end of era tunes!. p.s. it even had its own particular dance moves.... very disco!! rob.h
  21. and ive even got my glasses on and i still make mistakes!!! its east coast....sorry!
  22. i stand corrected!, infact ive been talking to tim brown this afternoon about this record and he mentioned it was on cleopatra so ive got my facts wrong there. yes, it was covered up as the gladiators - "the miami sound" and john was yer man....odd-ball tune but in 74/75 massive floorpacker, but then it wasnt hard to please 1800 souls baying for stompers!....i still want a copy though...incidentally, tim tells me there exists another version....i wonder if it has the "clangers flute-whistle in an echo-chamber" intro?. yes, you're right its insane, its surf, west coast?, but 100mph and i want to see what it does at the tower!, so if someone can oblige i will be grateful. rob.h
  23. anyone have a copy of this wigan instrumental and prepared to sell? rob.h
  24. dunno about these dudes, but look at the spencer's!!, they all look wrecked...must have been end of the night. the "catacomb" pic looks great though....GOOD JOB IT WAS A CONCRETE BEAM AND NOT THAT STALAGMITE THAT MY HEAD HAD AN ARGUEMENT WITH!!.....just a thought, but the gig could have been held in a REAL greek cave...( authenticity you know!)....where's the bloke on the boat with the cat and dog?. rob.h

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