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Everything posted by Agentsmith

  1. well, the boot was a light green colour and was very poor quality, it certainly didnt resemble the original in any way and also it didnt have the instr on the other side
  2. ginger & christine taylor rona & kenny burrell sam & kev roberts sarah & dave evison judith & richard searling dave rimmer dave rivers pete eccles mr & mrs j bentley nige & kate nige & carmen sean & michelle snapper leedham carole.c & big paul colin curtis kingy bob hinsley robbo adey croasdell butch mick smith tim brown henry atkinson MICK.H DO YOU WANT ME TO STOP? a lot of good friends there all with totally different personalities that make this scene so cosmopolitanly colourful and people who, over the last decade, have given me and my other half so much happiness and enjoyment...some we dont see very much now and others we do, nevertheless, great tunes and great memories
  3. anyone putting a post up for last nights gig? original venue at the hilton, edinburgh cancelled so like to hear how you guys got on especially as mr & mrs burrell were in attendance and kenny was spinnin'.
  4. are you sure you werent in asda and the bluecoat was doin karaoke?
  5. i payed £600 for butch's turntable copy, and that was about vg, so, mark youre puttin up a bargain price there....one of neil rushton's all time faves
  6. beautiful label design and a real collectors piece...i would imagine valuation isnt far off the the identicle version on rampart by dave and ruben. only pre-wiganite soulies could answer that question i guess.....what puzzles me is how come the intro is missing off the warner bros single?
  7. was the flasher banned?......now be careful how you answer that you jokers!!
  8. bhoyo, how come chapter five gets on this thread as well?, for sure youll have the folks in barrow up in arms!
  9. wasnt that dustbins imagination?
  10. got to agree with kev about detroit...it looks like a scene from "i am legend". having watched those documentaries just recently, there appears to be nothing anyone could possibly like about detroit, it really is a breeding ground for deprivation....thats a sad enditement for a city that gave us our very purpose in life....where would you hold a gig....on the lawn outside the hitsville museum?....bout the only place that hasnt been stripped of its dignity. rob.h
  11. are thee sssssureits nnnot tha till cavin in under the immense pppppressure of yer money.....lad?, by eck agent granville
  12. p.s. there are also two other travelodges in blackpool...south shore and south promenadeand you can also get deals there.
  13. for anyone planning ahead for the tower, travelodge have saver rooms at blackpool central, talbot square, just 400 yards from the tower. throughout november rooms can be booked, sunday - friday for £19 including friday 12th, saturday 13th is £39 so, for a credit card booking of just £60, you get a 24 hour bar and restaurant, all rooms have the usual facilities and there is also room service. prices are room only but breakfasts and snacks or meals off restaurant menu are reasonably priced. MAKE SURE you check out "cheapest prices" as flexible rates are listed at £56.70, but even at that its still cheaper than most other places.
  15. i think the side room at stoke dosnt lack anything that cant be created by the djs, the quality of the rare music they are playing are atmospheric in their own right. its elementary in this case that it dosnt matter what the room sounds or looks like, people will be drawn there because the music is first rate and there's no worry that a proportion of the playlist wont work its way into the main room because the crowd there are so up for it anyway that they will put their trust in the djs responsible without hesitiation...thats how i read it anyway, and whilst i know this subject has been aired before with some consternation, i believe the doubters will come round to that fact it will be probably the best side room in the country this year. rob.h
  16. name the line-up please, i know ive seen this many times but usually in books and papers and...also how many of them had signature tunes and can you name the tunes? get your thinking caps on! personally, my fave was dlt's on sunday morning's, none other than "touch of velvet - sting of brass" by mood mosaic rob.h
  17. seems to me that selling via SS is the best option for anyone as everyone knows everyone else...so to speak,...less of a minefield than ebay? rob.h
  18. spot on mate!...knew she had a funny name rob.h
  19. pete, sounds like a lady trying hard to sound like helen shapiro....and dave's right.....very chicken in the basket! rob.h
  20. well laddie, let me tell you, as far as im aware richard played this at the casino 79/80 but to be sure, you'd have to ask him, anyway, yes its catchy disco and no reason why it shouldnt go. i have this myself on lp, remember it got u.s. release only however it also came out on a single which i used to have as well. when pep used to have his record shops in wolverhampton he was very prominent in bringing brand spanking new releases to the attention of the scene, he would ship in boat loads, probably one of the reasons why the scene is integrated with such cosmopolitan tastes for the last 35 years or so. rob.h
  21. thats an eye opener, being able to look at the complete pink back catalogue, in that case is it possible to see the complete decca one as well? rob.h
  22. do we have a sound clip?. i know this is a standard ( presuming of course, we are talking about mel torme's record) but i remember tony reynolds playing a female version around the start of the 80's as part of the 2nd mod movement. at the time he was djing at a pub called the outrigger near the bullring in birmingham. didnt get a look at the record but it may have been on decca...infact, perhaps he might be worth looking up to try and solve this one. rob.h
  23. sorry im late with this thread! what a tune....lets not blether over the pop aspect and the fact its helen shapiro...it just has that quality. had an issue and had it on the 25th anniversary lp released in 85, wouldnt mind one now either and barry st john is class. both should be played right now! rob.h
  24. lot of controversy over weather its liked or not but the starting bid isnt too far away from what it realistically should achieve....thats if someone's got 4.5 grand to spend rob.h
  25. answer: vinyl carvers mate......( ssssh....slapped wrists! )

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