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Everything posted by Agentsmith

  1. kev, without doubt, and its been mentioned here, the fabulous emotions - "funky chicken" which was the cats signature tune and my personal "headbanger" and max's anthem psychedelic soul by saxie russell, vala reegan - fireman....just 3 off the cuff....hope that helps cheers, rob.h
  2. ken, if you and claudette are of a frame of mind, in the near future, would you please do us all the great honour of keeping us abreast of developements with regards to arrangements. its less than 2 days and the grief is still fresh and raw but if the soul fraternity pulls together we can all be strong for each other...and for you who, were his closest friends. my only wish is that we could be meeting in happier circumstances but it seems that in recent times, fate is conspiring against us. miss you loads, love rob & may
  3. ill never forget the week after i left secondary school, i started work in a little printers/stationers in walsall 1974. in those days some employers made you work a week in lieu, so i thought i wouldnt get any money straight away, so i told my mom and expected nothin. to my amazement and delight however, i was wrong and come the end of the week, i recieved the princely sum of £8!.....i didnt tell my mom and payed no board.... .......GUESS WHERE I WENT AND SPENT THE MONEY? i purchased the likes of paul anka, laura green, dean courtney and a few others and not a penny left!!....WAS I HAPPY OR NOT?! MAX'S SHOP REALLY WAS A SPECIAL PLACE, FULL OF GOOD TIMES AND HAPPY MEMORIES....AND GREAT TUNES rob.h
  5. john, wednesday nights, max was in his element!....one dj at the decks for 5 hours!!, every tune brilliant, like a conveyor belt he just reeled them off.a packed dance floor with the likes of steve powell, paul derby, jethro and jacko....dancers who went on to wigan, but this was their home...he inspired them all. one evening max had just got his hands on a copy of mike post coalition "fused"lp and during the course of the night he played "afternoon on the rhino" SIX TIMES!!, IT WAS SO AMAZING, IT PACKED THE FLOOR EVERY TIME and max loved it....he WAS that enthusiastic about the music. he was the first person to play "psychedelic soul" by saxie russell and it became a cats anthem...he got that when graham warr came back from the states 73 with literally hundreds, or was it thousands? of discoveries and this gem was amongst them. i know richard s. will be personally affected by this as well, he held him in such high esteem, im sure had wigan been mr. searling's baby, he would have had max on as a guest. things like popcorn wylie, johnny howard, otis blackwell, devonnes, connie clark, velvets etc., wigan anthems played by richard but first revealed to the scene by max........richard would have given his right arm to have had max spin them, such was his respect for the master. we have to commit his name to stone and carve it with pride and im sure, in time there will be a fitting memorial to the man known as....BLUE MAX ROB.H
  6. MAX WILL ALWAYS BE "ONE OF THE FIRST - ONE OF THE BEST" i cut my teeth on northern soul via his record shop, every saturday morning, from 74 onwards through the rest of the decade, buying the latest sounds and taking them to a local youth club and playimg them on a garrard evry tuesday and thursday. the back of the shop was an aladdins cave, full of 25s and 50 boxes andwhen the cats closed, it housed the purple and white perspex sign in almost its entireity ( it was literally ripped off the wall by soulies standing on dustbins in temple street. there were masses of dj boxes out front as well as radios and stereos and tvs. we used to just stand there chewing the fat with every punter and dj who viewed this shop as a mecca. max had his hoppo's mainly sam the ram and johnny green in the early days, they used to send me down to wednesfield market on sat mornings to fetch breakfast sandwiches on my bike ( i was still at school but did a paper round which payed for my records). ill tell you now about the nosmo king record, max covered it up and it had a brief handwritten essay about the artist being born in southampton but emigating to australia. the first time he unveiled it was at the whispering wheels rollerdrome situated across the road from where the cats stood. this particular night levine was guesting there but before he came on, max spun a set including nosmo king. levine perched himself behind max and he kept turning aside to make notes in a little book, obviously tunes he had not got!....so when it came to nosmo he was grinding his teeth because it was covered up...max showed him the written info and ian must have swallowed the bait, thinking it was real!!. kev, i didnt know max had sold you his copy of the jewells....barry smith had an emidisc off him of this record but when it got to the 8 sec break the end was edited out....perhaps because max thought people would clear the dance floor thinking it had ended...i remember it at wigan and 1800 soulies had a different take on it...with regimented handclapping!!. max was probably the first dj to retire and sell his collection which prompted a stampede as in those days it was unheard of and he really did have the cream of the crop and every other known dj chasing them, pep and johnny tryce in particular but i do know that neil bought a substantial amount. in the event of things he simply couldnt turn his back on the scene and started again in a short space of time. see...its like a drug isnt it? it dosnt matter what you do or where you go in life, like richie adams says " i cant escape from you". the last time i met max, sadly for me, was at paul's ( harpo ) 50th last year....we spend so much time taking it for granted that we will still be around.....well, life kicks you the hardest when you least expect it and this year it has had a devastating effect. i posted max a few weeks ago about djing at brookfields and he said come along, only bogstandard oldies but everyone had such a good time....and that friends, brothers and sisters, is what max was all about,....always a handshake, cheerful greeting and big grin, always up for a joke and a chinwag about the tunes. i know ken, claudette and j.p. must be beside theirselves with grief and its something we share tonight....he was, and is, and always will be a part of us, deep inside....he showed us all the ropes. max was "one old dog who you couldnt teach new tricks".....because he knew them all. THE LAST RECORD PLAYED AT THE CATACOMBS ON THE OCCASION OF THE LAST GRAND ALL-NIGHTER, 13TH JULY 1974, WAS WALTER JACKSON... ......MAX PLAYED IT..... IT SUMS UP THE DESOLATION FELT NOW..... " WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE?" ONE MORE PICKED AND GONE TO HEAVEN.......REST IN PEACE DEAR FRIEND
  8. what about soussan's instrumentals? for instance: THE TERRIFICS - I JUST CANT GET ENOUGH OF YOUR LOVE - SOUL FOX the very first release from simon and a synthisized version of johnny sayles, when you look back now they're awful but at the time they were huge.
  9. NOSMO KING: our dear mate max millward, god bless him, who we hear is in hospital with chest problems, im sure has a tale to tell about this tune and the fact levine hadnt discovered it first in 74. it came a few months too late for the catacombs, but the rest as they say, is history...however it most definitely WASNT produced for the scene as it was already a legitimate release. wigan's chosen few is also a misnoma as its actually a 60's record by the chosen few on roulette records, of course the wigan bit was tagged on to give extra credence to its credibility and to complete its makeover, soussan added a football crowd and carhorns....HOWEVER.... and here's the anorak thing again,...on the advance studio acetates he had cut, there is NO football crowd and the carhorns are LOUDER.
  10. hope you dont mind me adding a foot note to this: the black magic release is actually different from the original acetate that was played at wigan, still the sharonettes but had a more 60's sound about it, sort of atmospheric. im pretty sure the late bryn lane posessed this as well as the genuine backing track to the belles "dont pretend" also on an acetate and NOT a simon soussan/soulfox product....if you notice on THAT bootleg he added a string section where the vocals were....on the acetate its just the straight forward original sound, he did the same with the sharonettes, as a result it lost some of its appeal.....didnt stop it from being massive at the casino though. as for acceptable homages to the scene: the exciters - reachin for the best - 20th century l.j. johnson - your magic put a spell on me - phillips james wells - baby im still the same man - polydor --------------------------------------------------------------- not REALLY that bad ( because we grew up with them as well) evelyn thomas - weakspot doris jones - he's so irreplaceable carol woods - heading down fools road tyrone ashley - running in another direction ......and to be honest, ian did a bloody superior job of fooling us all with the 4 vandals! good story attached to that...everyone remembers ginger's fracas with levine at stoke about this record but sam sussed it first. i have a photo of a handwritten note that sam placed on the decks at the ritz the same night levine was there.....it read: "THE FIFTH VANDAL MUST GO!". we all thooght it was very funny until ray threatened to take ian outside and give him a good hiding. that more or less, sent ian back into self imposed exile again.
  12. andy, i was going to bring the fact about the bootleg up in my most recent post but held back incase it did cause some sort of furore, not just with the artist, but as much with people who have purchased it because, hypothetically punters have engaged in funding someone elses ill gotten gains and it wrankles now because of your shock discovery that margaret is, infact still alive. you know it may have been easier, back in the day had she summised then, that there was some dodgy dealing going on behind her back, for which she was recieving no recompense....but to have this broke to her 40+years down the line....even though it was only "discovered" 8 or so years ago....she'd could be of a mind to say "well, hey can i see any of these moneys in my latter years?"....especially when you get round to telling her HOW MUCH a genuine one has sold for....of course, she would only have to look on ebay, courtesy of a relative even, to see one at auction. the other side of the coin is that she may not even be bothered about what might have been, but just admiring of the fact her recording is at last, being appreciated by generations of soul lovers across the pond....a legend not lost on many northern soul hero's still alive in the states. well, louvaine came over here with the detroit spinners for prestatyn and she's in her 70's....she loved the attention.....original post reference: andy, do the talkin and then set about getting her over to north wales and let her have her moment in the spotlight?
  13. mischief makin eh,.....how come webby's not on this thread then?... and which one's the worst "monster"...beres hammond or chapter five?
  14. ironic isnt it?, that in all of the regulation card shops you can find precisely zilch....marvin, jb excluded, but not even a supremes. classic lp covers are a great idea and you would think there is a niche in the market for that, particularly amongst the northern soul fraternity...as with anything though, it has to be about licensing and it must be incredibly frustrating, especially for instance, when you see the trouble adey has to go to, to get tracks from company archives for the kent outlet. there's no doubt people would collect posters like records if there was a wide range to chose from. why cant this side of the industry see the potential to sell to us?.radio keeps attempting to remove our specialist progs from the airwaves for all the wrong reasons, they think it isnt commercial enough...that really is tunnel vision yet, they keep making retro adverts and video's which totally contradicts the way they view our scene. there's a hippy influenced thread up now carrying loads of psychedelic lp sleeves that screams wow! these would be great as posters and the hippies would love em...money to be made....but no....its got to be run-of-the-mill and thats exactly what you get when you stroll in and out of birthdays or any name brand card shop....how many times have you seen marylin, elvis, frank, audrey....all the icons and yet you inevitably search for something different.....how about curtis, jackie, david ruffin, roy hamilton, all the motown divas....there are loads of great publicity snaps of northern soul heroes and heroines.....it just shows how bland shopping can be. the closest we get to what we want is record labels on t-shirts and even that is limited to a few majors so licensing must play a part there as well then?. how many brilliant designs are there, that would look great on a t-shirt?....oh, and a dont mean a square print on the front......i mean that THE WHOLE T-SHIRT SHOULD BE THE RECORD LABEL back to front....always fancied the peacock label as a print, it has such striking colours or sure shot...what about mgm?, or the rca victor black issue with the dog on?. our bedroom consists of RITZ ALL-NIGHTER POSTER, the torch repro, courtesy of dave.e, and framed promo's of the funk brothers and kim weston, the supremes promo poster for mary wilsons memorabilia display that came over here 2 years ago...and thats our wall space filled!, but a full sized brenda holloway or kim weston or tammi terrell would mean kicking out the wardrobe!!. look,..there are probably plenty out there who are "knocking" these things up anyway, just like watches, jewellery, crockery, place and mouse mats, celebratory cards, cds etc., so maybe posters will get mass produced, wether they're legit or not but being able to buy them with confidence is something thats impossible to achieve unless they become designated as fashionable for the vast majority of consumers. so carry on dreaming of waking up to your favourite star/s?
  15. correct as usual chalks, mans on here as well....these people do a great job joining up the dots. the apparent boot is on stardust but i thought that was supposed to be some legit re-issue label so, correct me if im wrong....either way, now its known she's alive, it would be great to find out if she still posesses a voice...then bring her over (big intake of breath)....prestatyn motown legends perhaps?....something like that would put a few dollars in her pocket....i know thats way down the line and its early days with andy's project, if thats what he decides it is,but its worth pondering.
  16. may i also add, with regards the name "gene", i would have to agree with the possibility it could be gene redd...many, many productions and lyrical credits....just off the top of my head, did he not also produce roy handy and shirley scott on stephaney?
  17. thats a lump in the throat post andy, the saga of the record is not world's apart from that of do i love you, whereas, frank wilson, regards his talent and notoriety quite frankly, couldnt be more different. there are now several threads attached to this story, how the first copy came to turn up, where it was played first and then the quick discovery of the second one that resides with mick.h. on top of that, tim brown aqquired the original studio acetate from popcorn wylie. when members read a thread put across in such an unassuming yet resounding manner as this, you just have to set aside your preferences, regarding THIS recording. wether, you love it or hate it, it dosnt detract from the fact it is a significant piece in an ever expanding jigsaw that is our understanding of how music in detroit developed in the 60's. i have always found greatsolace in the liner notes to andy 'tats' taylor's account of the late dave hamilton's contribution to the detroit scene, which resulted in topper records being brought to the attention of a greater audience through kent records and i can read those over again, so, if you put together a concise story that documents margaret's life, it'll make our scene that little more richer and colourful and bring pleasure to a lady who never knew that 3000 miles away, someone heard....someone danced and someone acknowledged her contribution. im sure its a heartwarming story and it needs to be told....good on yer andy, go for it!.
  18. i remember my cousin sharon berry and her tribe going to top rank regularly whilst still at school, im pretty sure she saw major lance as she had a tape of that gig as well as all the tunes that were played including raving about the joker by the milestones which sam was hammering. she also used to go to the steam machine and tiffs, newcastle as well as the raven and beefeater at whitchurch, which were all going at the same time.
  19. check out the bassline on the "for once in my life" backing track which features on the double cd "standing in the shadows of motown. james jamerson fully exposed as the gifted genius he was. this track, regardless of stevie's vocal or lyrics, is a standout that could be played on its own merits at any northern/crossover soul night. lets be clear here, there are many tremendous northern anthems that are carried by the bass contribution, included amongst these, the tamangoes, sam dees, bari track etc., but for sheer intricacies, none of which his latter day or former peers can touch, jamerson is a stand-alone in the art and will be revered for all-time.
  20. thats absolutely AWESOME!!....WELL SPOTTED!!!
  21. excuse me guys...is this the old grey whistle test...or soul source? anyway i havent seen any chocolate soup for diabetics or nuggets lps up yet!
  22. didnt you mean to say....."hop it!"?
  23. oh, forgot to mention....its also out of l.a. just like that other monster tune, " last time around - katie briggs - mos-ray.... what a killer tune!
  24. ref steve & mick: definitely played at mecca courtesy of ian levine and you could ask johnny beggs about that as well....technically well-structured piece of music and of course, lyrics....you simply couldnt fail to identify this with mecca. a lot of these clever records were...well, just too clever for the masses at the time, but yes, it came into its own later on so "ought to be" is just a figure of speech, appologies and, for what its worth, it seems to me it has always been a polished vehicle for big money attraction....bugger me...its not even 2 minutes long but its the dogs meatballs, the kitchen sink, the works in the time it takes you to rustle up scallops with black pudding and a sweetcorn puree......soul food of the michelin order!!! the chef
  25. can i just say, what a tune! very clever lyrics and a thinking mans blackpool mecca tune....yet another one that ought to be massive!

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