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Everything posted by Agentsmith

  1. THE morris chesnut is in the steven seagal film " hard to kill"....unfortunately, NO TUNES!...as for "KILL BILL ", nobody but me works really well with the frantically-paced fight sequence...one of my favourite films for laughs and action...just how clever is tarrentino? DO YOU KNOW....ive even witnessed steve karmen's " breakaway" being used as an intro for....the next game at gala bingo!
  2. have you had too much alcohol infused christmas pud already?
  3. my list before 10 - 11pm earl gaines - you belong to me - hbr the new sounds ( feat: robert tanner) - tell me your name - p-vine williams & watson - love's such a funny thing ( same as john wesley) - okeh cressa watson - sweet temptation ( same as martha starr ) magnificent men - keep on climbin' - capitol jerry jackson - im gonna paint a picture - cameo parkway wally & rosemary - switcharound trends - not too old to cry - abc trends - gonna have to show you - abc the spiedels - dreamgirl - providence the royal esquires - aint gonna move - prix the naturals - dont just stand there - path the paramount four - sorry aint the word - kent big don's rebellion - it was true - ethon johnny bartell & the soul masters - if this isnt love - solid state mary wheeler & the knights - i feel in my heart - atom liz verdi - you let him get away - columbia connie stevens - tick-tock - bell paula parfitt - runaway - c/up barbara middleton - come on back to me - tangerine mamie lee - i can feel him slipping away - mgm patrice holloway - lucky my boy - capitol jan foreman - your last chance - meadowbrook the soulettes - let me be the one - scope lela martin & the soul messengers - you cant have your cake - melatone tommy tucker - thats how much - festival jon lucien - we got love - columbia the identities - when love slips away - together nancy butts - i wanna hold your hand - flaming arrow hope you liked some of these and a big well done to all the other jocks who played some outstanding tunes!...what an awesome night AGAIN!!
  4. fook!, peddlin' old news just like THE TIMES and PANORAMA......ON THE EVE OF THE KINGS HALL...... JUST EXACTLY WHERE IS THAT GONNA GET YOU? answer: NOWHERE! it is so bloody offensive that people out there are still willing to stick the knife in where kev, tim and ian are concerned, as even the flimmsiest opportunity presents itself. as chalks said BEWARE you dont leave yourselves open to libel and.....IS IT REMOTELY POSSIBLE FOR SAID SAME FOLK TO FOOKIN WELL GROW UP??
  5. what a sad but fascinating story pete, even though she's gone, just the fact that she was "found" warms the old cockles and brings a lump to the throat especially as it has a sort of happy conclusion,in as much as her daughter has finally found out just how highly she was revered by the northern scene...or should i say, the legendary recordings she bestowed for our enjoyment.
  6. finally recieved my copy of the double cd,this morning, 3 weeks overdue but worth the wait. firstly eyeballed the now, legendary booklet and, these things really ARE a joy to behold as always with hipo, allied to that the fact that the hand of harry weinger is very firmly at the helm of all hipo's output. succinctly delicious montage of photo's, brief yet concise annotation and of course, encyclopedic documentation of all tammi's vinyl contributions during her brief tragic life, encompassing sceptre/wand, checker and motown. i wont hesitate to say i advise EVERYONE to add this to their collections...it is the be all and end all.
  7. awesome tune!, remember this at "RAREST OF THE RARE", manchester ritz. got a legit release on the "for millionaires" goldmine cd but as regards vinyl its as expensive as it comes, although i agree with several here that its previous and current value appears to remain unchanged, so £800 is about right...thats based on the fact that tb auctioned one either this, or last year and i dont think it realized much more. besides that, this IS a tune that SHOULD be played out, its not hens teeth so there should be enough djs with it in their collections, yes?
  8. floor filler yes, hammered probably, but not clean out of sight, worth filthy lucre....well, it obviously depends who's got the dosh to spend, especially if its a vulture, sitting on the fence waiting for the right opportunity to come along. i think right now, if it were about to tip £300 the world and his dog would be clammering for it, similar chance as winning the lottery...but with less than a handfull of people in the game its more like roulette...who stays the distance. id much rather be looking admiringly at the cecil washington that someone, on here, had up for offers last week....that really IS a tune to complement your detroit selection AND that, i think, does deserve its value....and money WELL SPENT!
  9. lovely and invaluable memories there brian, shows how many people's brains really are still sharp as a tack!., and great to see some sort of badge, even more surprising its for the raven. i remember going there on a number of occasions in the late 80's when pep ran it with johnny beggs guesting. i have a cousin who got into the scene a good 2 years before me and she regularly went to the raven and whitchurch all-dayers with her portable cassette player. i remember listening to them as well as one's she did at top rank, hanley when major lance appeared there. the pictures our paper published were dated 1974/5, at the point of the plaza's demolition...a very similarly constructed, grandiose dance hall much like the kings hall in stoke and the king george's in blackburn. therefore, i can only imagine its popularity especially, as you say, people had to travell fair distances to get to it....it just goes to show, even today, how large, rural and sparsely populated shropshire is.
  10. it would have to be 10 years at least then pete.
  11. looks like a clip from "SEAN OF THE DEAD"!!
  12. firstly, can i say that im not sure if this is a base thats been covered already, so please correct me accordingly. ive just been reading an article, not entirely unconnected, in this evening's copy of the shropshire star ( on line if you want to take a glance). it concerns a proposed and somewhat ill fated attempt to launch a soul night at the plaza ballroom in oswestry, north shrops. it reads: " ideas to turn it into a 24 hour night-club, and an entertainment centre for shropshire and north wales, also foundered. in september of that year ( 1974) it was said it would be re-opened next month as a members only nightclub. behind thatscheme was promoter tony petherbridge, who said it would feature top american artists and concentrate on pure soul music". the property was demolished january 13th, 1975. having never had his aqquaintence, or seen a photograph of him, it just seems ironic that his name looms out of the paper purely by the fact that coincidently he was connected to the northern soul scene, having set up the "northern soul club" in competition with chris burton. tony, i believe, was responsible for the whitchurch civic centre all-dayers where soul sam would have been a regular and, i think, he also ran the raven & beefeater in tandem. cant remember if he produced any sow-on badges?. perhaps soulies here can broaden this guys story, much as it will be a lament to one of the uk's earliest and moderately successful promoters and, can the memory be refreshed as to the date when he passed away? ( couldnt be more than 10 years ago?)
  13. to be honest, as mentioned here, a marquee in the back garden is fab......OH BUGGER,....IS THAT THE NEXT TRENDY THING TO DO? BETTER WATCH OUT ......OR THE PROMOTERS WILL TRY TO CORNER THAT MARKET AS WELL!!
  14. " i havent got any friends.....IN THE VILLAGE".....sounds like "THE PRISONER".....in which case......YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO ESCAPE!!!
  15. yes you have mate,.....WHY DONT YOU JUST MOVE TO WHERE THEY ARE? wombourne is like ray mears country....learn how to rub sticks tigether?
  16. big up for you personally mate, because where this venue is concerned, you wear your heart on your sleeve...thats how passionate you are about it.....and a big thumbs up to music in general......OH,.....AND A BIG TWO FINGERS TO THE " SO WHAT...ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, IS IT?" BRIGADE.
  17. this is an important and pivotal moment...many more people will sit up and pay attention on viewing this highly polished photogenic statement. ive chipped in here well down the line where the varying correspondance is concerned, although i have reviewed the debate from time to time, and i must say i am confused by some of the apathy and negativity expressed....like the outcome is just accepted as being so. the bigger picture is about saving the club for ALL musical genres...our beloved northern soul scene is merely a piece of the jigsaw that makes the 100 club a unique cosmopolitan oasis for music lovers of every bent to frequent...its looks, breathes and smells of history, the epitomical music track of a nations life. of course ady can go off and find another venue, like any other promoter....no sweat, but he aint gonna find another jewell like this in the heart of the city, with a name that resonates and puts a lump in the throat of the punters or makes the hairs bristle on the backs of their necks....and its the same feeling for the myriad of punters who attend the live gigs year in, year out, supporting the bands in a venue that puts people at ease but, at the same time, makes them feel a sense of privelage at being on hallowed ground in the company of the contemporary greats who have graced the 100 club with their presence over 60 years. i havent visited for 8 years and thats obviously not a solitary confession here, of course, im still aware of it and having been in attendance at the beginning of the millenium, its imprinted on my grey matter...i'll not forget just how special it was at that time and, even in my absence, still is. half a million is chicken feed to many of the high rollers who began their careers at the 100 club, so its a distinct possibility that this hurdle should be overcome quite easily.......provided someone steps forward/wants to...in their consciences they should certainly consider they owe the club that much....at least. its totally irrelevant, bleating about not having a soul night, great as it is, it pales into insignificance when you consider how huge a landmark the venue is on a global music scale. its an integral benchmark for bands/artists to pass the acid test, getting a good review in this place is the perfect passport to success. so, it HAS to be saved, no matter that the clock is ticking...IT HAS TO and when all the fuss and bother has died down, the doubters and pessimists amongst us who have professed words of doom and gloom and " SO WHAT,...GET OVER IT" will all go back to being smiley happy people, safe in the knowledge they can bury their hypocracy in the darkest recesses of the club they REALLY do love....the ONE AND ONLY 100 CLUB.
  18. funny isnt it old pal, how the only way to get the instr of the sweets is on a boot, quite a rare occurance especially where boots are concerned and a track thats not been played since the halcyon days of soussan 73/74....thats why i had it off your good self!. i love all this anorak stuff....it seems sandy golden has had more owners than hot dinners!!...so do you reckon this one you were on the verge of obtaining is a 4th copy ( presuming there are only 3)?
  19. butch and richard, deffo, dont know about a third one but someone will pipe up im sure. again, i was told a story about richard's copy getting some sort of scuff on the intro, so plays but not perfect. tis a great tune.
  20. i think maybe, this has been taken slightly out of context. if tim was aware that he could have sourced the information he required via people on the scene, im sure he would have considered it worth the attempt. as it was, it appeared easier to access the collection of the british library. lets face it you'd need first of all, to find out who keeps collections of mags, what theyve got, the condition they're in and then set up a meeting to view them. he could have ended up travelling all over the uk, with the distinct possibility of it being a wild goose chase. is it registered anywhere who has got what and are they there to be viewed on request?. anyway lets get back on track here, after the edinburgh comedy club interval!!. i cant believe we're disputing coloured hooped shirts, isnt it more important who the person was wearing them?. are we seriously going to believe that a "practise session", prior to the real deal exists whilst the original film dosnt?. look, i might not have been so eagle-eyed to spot a bbc logo in the foreground so ill give you that, but at the end of the day what i REALLY want to see isnt showing on youtube, so unless someone wakes up from their comatose state to profess they have a copy in the loft, you can keep offering up wannabee film clips but it aint gonna solve the mystery. our brother on here, attempted to locate some super 8 film shot at the casino, but the trail's gone cold....that smacks of COULDNT BE BOTHERED....even in this century, we're still of the mind....OH LEAVE IT.....WE'LL GET ROUND TO IT SOME DAY,IT'LL KEEP.....we sell records that we wish we'd kept, we record over cassettes again and again, wiping original material, we dont go to venues for years, then when we fancy it, we find to our dismay they've shut..."OH BUGGER, I WISH ID GONE SOONER". we ALWAYS leave it too late, dosnt matter what it is because when it comes to the crunch, not ENOUGH people care. in this case, the bbc is a third party not involved in the scene but it just so happened to have in its posession, something of significance and relevance to all of us....a piece of footage that was a milestone and a turning point in our scene. when the innovation of cd and dvd came about, it should have been sought out there and then so this thread wouldnt be necessary. so for everything we've achieved, for the greatest cult music phenomenon the world has ever seen,....all we have is...THIS ENGLAND and we're going to settle for that. one tiny piece of film you say...whats the big deal? i couldnt give a toss if any of you think im off my trolley harping on about this, the fact is IT MATTERS!...try telling the original dancers who are still alive that it dosnt matter, they went along and did the gig...whose going to tell them its of no importance and think they wont be offended?. that top of the pops appearance was a pivotal moment, it showe the rest of the country what it was that drove us on, it was the scene's platform and as a result even more people flocked to the casino. lets have the list of dancers up here on this post for reference and then, hopefully some may come on here to talk about the event and give us the facts, and in the meantime, perhaps somebody may come on here with some useful information that sheds light on weather a copy of the program does exist anywhere or, if indeed it is lost for all-time...and a sad,sorry statement that will be.
  21. soul brittania it maybe but, IT DEFINITELY ISNT THE MISSING TOTP EXCERPT FROM 74. i will agree with one intriguing summisation though.....the possiblity that foriegn tv companies may have it stored somewhere. it stands to reason, be it remote, you might say based simply on the fact it was europe's top pop program for well over a decade and virtually every country would have taken it...thats one helluva big warehouse!!. there is no way the dancers were filmed up that close and certainly NOT at waist height. i suggested earlier that steve powell, from wolverhampton, is on here....he's one of the dancers and he has recited before, the particular times that shooting for the show took place...i think the group were required on 3 or 4 occasions...each time the were payed a fee. steve goes under the handle, DANCING DEMON, which he literally was/is!!. he recently provided me with some pics from the whittimere club in ablewell st, walsall and bilston town hall, circa 77/78......i DONT make pretty viewing, for those who know me and i definitely DIDNT do stuff!!. anyway, thats off track so unless more slueths jump on this, we'll have another search that fizzles out. i'll go back then, to my original statement...that being, that tim spent a large proportion of time in london and at the bbc over 4 years putting this book together, including viewing the entire catalogue of black echoes, which, the british library are the sole posessors of ( the only complete set in existance). and he told me that he broached this question with the bbc's archivists and to be completely honest, i dont think they were amazed to here it.
  22. sorry mate, seen that here beforeand it aint totp peggy, youre absolutely right from the point of view of commercialism, but it musnt be taken out of context jusr how important this fleeting moment in time was...its part of our history and heritage.
  23. baz, im astounded you havent seen this footage before:ohmy: are you older than me or what?
  24. pete, i spoke to tim about this today, he informed me that during the course of his research, he visited the bbc archives and they confirmed they no longer had the tape/s and that they had been erazed as in those days it was something prevailent. ive checked youtube....perhaps you can advise if i havent looked hard enough but i looked anyway even though, again, tim told me it would not be found there. i misunderstood as well, what dave summised....that he THOUGHT it had come up in a sale....this would also seem unlikely then?. i know we should never say NEVER, but unless someone steps up to the plate with an assurity it still exists, we could be missing an integral piece of the jigsaw full stop. yes, jethro was there and all the other names have been mentioned here, many times before, they have gone into folklore. i for one, can still picture the scene, dancing like it was just another gig whilst the mere mortals were dumbstruck, no way in a million years were any of these compatriots greenhorns......they had all been around a number of years and were seasoned professionals, so to speak and they had practised their dance techniques many times at home as well as in the clubs...i know, i witnessed their talent long before wigan ( the west midland contingent, you understand). i sincerely hope this thread heightens the senses of the masses, because having gleened this sad fact, it brings to mind what we all face if we dont preserve for posterity what we still have. we've already lost so much that cant be replaced. to use the analogy of david attenborough, its like preserving a unique species for all man-kind,....thats not over-elaborating is it?. do we all shuffle off our mortal coils with: no plaques in strategic places of interest, no rare footage committed to cd and archive for future generations of would-be soulies to relate to?. in the seventies, our naive youth lead us to take everything for granted....that "it would be around forever...or at least as long as us". we may also consider that a selfish attitude to take as well. now, 3 decades down the line, we are contemplating losing things because we simply didnt treasure them enough. the 100 club? dear and close friends? are we the generation ( who started it all) who will forever be remembered for leaving everything too late, before we do something about it? so some nurdy technicians at the bbc wiped a tape that directly relates to our way of life, sure we cant do nothing about that, it was out of our hands a long time ago, but surely its our responsibility to preserve what we still have and make sure it dosnt go the way of the proverbial extinct civilisations. the wigan casino years is just that...a material book of rememberance that one man with the enthusiasm and belief, took the time to commit to the masses...it never existed before...just how much longer would we have had to wait?, now we can all proclaim that this was what it was all about and no-one can ever take that away from us. if this can be achieved, then can we possibly find this film and restore it to its rightful place in our culture?

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