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Everything posted by Agentsmith

  1. thats correct, laura lee herself told kev roberts the story, she recorded it before darrell banks.
  2. by the way girl, how are you these days, most recently had a chat at stoke after a long time, hope youre looking after yourself?....hope we'll see you at lowton in december or dunkenhalgh in october. atb may & rob
  3. thats fookin' shite isnt it?....remember eddie from donkey's back at ilford palais....they should take a leaf out of saudi's book and chop the barsteward's hands off in retribution
  4. geese lad...is it really that predictable?, i find it totally refreshing that the broadsheets are treating it with respect unlike 74/75...thank god it isnt being courted by TNOTW.....i would have demanded a hacking investigation ( come to think of it,...perhaps IT WAS THEM in 74/75....quick, where's me lawyer??!!
  5. yes mate, im afraid richard must have been having a brain storm and it threw me!...not difficlt these days despite the deference to go to vinyl, which is understandable right now, i believe its just a matter of time before ady twists lou's arm...preferably by the time of the tower...maximum exposure there, and it will be heavily featured on virtually every internet or radio show you can imagine...for all i know its happening right now...i know for sure kev & richard will be featuring it before the months end
  6. a few bits for sale.... jean battle - ive got to come in - clintone ( written & produced by sam dees ) xol ex £80 tommy tucker - thats how much - festival ( red issue, number before flirtations ) ex £50 tamiko jones - cross my heart - metromedia ( brazilian, in company sleeve george soule - terry woodford composition) sol ex £35 pieces of eight - come back girl - a&m (d) blue eyed soul stormer ex £50 gayle adams - baby i need your loving - prelude ( great 80's cover of the tops classic) ex £40 inferno orch.b/w the showstoppers - im not strong enough/got to get closer to my love - inferno (d) (wigan anthem plus unissued stormer - a side has slight click at start ) vg £20 brenda holloway - im so happy - studio blank ( version of phillip mitchell, levine production ) ex £ 20 albert jones - up to the sun - bumpshop ( probably rarest on label & his hardest recording to get great detroit ) ex £200 interested?....cheques please!...contact robhaigh2011@hotmail.co.uk
  7. monday 1st august, bbc radio 2 broadcasts a two part program about aretha, its on at 10.30pm, hosted by paul sexton. its part of the new "summer of soul" season....got to be worth a listen?
  8. had an email from richard searling yesterday, he has been in touch with lou and apparently he told him it wasnt the same gloria jones, i suggested comparing pictures but lou surely wouldnt have made a statement like that if he didnt believe it was true himself, so we have to reserve judgement?
  9. sorry benj, crossed wires, yes and cant you just tell its mono.....and,.....ITS NOT EVEN "THE" GLORIA JONES,...HOW ABOUT THAT FOR A REVELATION?
  11. recieved cd today and listened to the tracks several times already, absolutely brilliant and affirmative that these original versions came to light amidst 40 years of what we worshipped as anthems, we learn something new every day!
  12. i disagree, whilst it may not be a stereo mix, its the same full length version with the extra lyrics that extend the song to almost 2.55
  13. love the film clips....its like a good many of us have been nuturing a field of crops with tender loving care and only now are we seeing the fruits of our labour, weve cogitated for at least two decades now, as to where new blood is coming from to supplement the scene but it appears our misgivings were premature. i cant speak for the rest of the u.k.,.....only you brothers & sisters on soulsource can reflect your present day experiences but i, and kev roberts and every other attendee at stoke had an unobstructed view of the young generation coming into bloom, be they attracted to the mod aspect of the scene or having emerged from under the wings of their guiding light...their parents...there is wholehearted approval, there were many nodding heads. the scene wont shrink and hasnt, its now a global blueprint, atrademark with REAL creedence, a distinct way of escaping the computer generated world of brainwashing pop that cannot possibly pay homage to its roots, its so far gone down the road to oblivion....generations of youngsters instead want indepth knowledge of what has made us, the OLDER PEOPLE, tick and they have learned to understand what this musical phenomenon is about and why it endures....and suddenly its their world, its for real, the music has lyrics they can identify with and they can get off on it without the realliance of the old enemy, drugs, that precipitate the futility of everything else around them .........TO QUOTE THE WHO......"THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT"
  14. i agree in principle pete, i summise that its about being in the right place at the right time to pick copies up at reasonable prices and in a lot of cases perhaps people who, unknown to the vast majority, have copies dont bother to make theirselves known and thus, dont advertise because they genuinly believe no one will be interested in buying. ther are probably thousands out there who would be prepared to sell stuff, but dont know where to place it, worry about not getting their money, dont know who to trust, not sure about true valuations and so on, and so forth......a large proportion go to john's sight....because its there....... and misinterpret its the be all and end all.....the purists know otherwise, thats not knocking john...as a dealer yourself pete, even you know you all have different valuations of records and quite often they're wide of the mark. it just depends who's looking at who's site at a particular moment in time. i probably do what a lot of others do and spend a lot of time looking at soulsource because its the best way to check everyone's sales...its in essence a comparison site....without being one!....i actually consider yourself and henry atkinson, two of the fairest dealers around...the catch is if you happen to have someting i want...its already gone ( well, when i look it usually has! )....the early bird catches the worm as they say....guess there are some collectors who are up before the milkmen & burglars!!!
  15. g'day, agree with previous quote, also on mfp lp, as were a good many other motown offerings...no single release though. rob
  16. mick, that extra minute you mention will be identicle to the 99 joe boy issue of rita & the tiara's rob
  17. aye up dyson lad, are we going to be getting some of these breathtaking tunes at stoke saturday, bearing in mind im still recovering from micks "viking invasion" last week? rob
  18. pmd you, rob
  19. agreed dave, i think our brother chalky's missing the point here, any "debate" dissapated at the outset. the truth is, its completely ridiculous that we should be laughing at the slanging match thats playing out here, any outsider looking in would reason that this thread is the perfect breeding ground for airing long standing, deep-seated grudges against each other...or is it a smoke screen,...playing off each other to drag more gullible soulies into this negative rhetoric? CHALKY......AS THE MODERATOR, YOU ARE IN THE POSITION RIGHT NOW TO CALL A HALT TO IT, SO WHY DONT YOU?? AND I MOST CERTAINLY WOULDNT QUESTION DAVE'S JOURNALISTIC WIT, HIS OBSERVATIONS, TO MANY ARE A BREATH OF FRESH AIR , THEY ARE QUICK, SHARP AND TO THE POINT AND UNLIKE THIS THREAD, HE AINT TRYING TO "VIRTUALLY" THROTTLE ANYBODY
  20. well, you dont need me to tell you that you'll need the cd anyway if you want to get a carver cut :D .....worth it though...blew richard clean out of the water when he first heard it, smooth radio ended up making a jingle out of it.
  21. cant quite believe ive read all this vitriol from grown adults who profess to love the same music as me. life's too short ( PARTICULARLY WHERE A LARGE PROPORTION OF US ARE CONCERNED ) to be worrying about identity/ethnicity/catergorization of what we've grown up with for 3/4 decades....that debacle began in the 70's with the northern/modern clashes......wigan/mecca....and look where that got us.......BOTH VENUES LONG GONE.....and we're still here. the black and white scenario was also part of that as well, but is it REALLY necessary to drag it through the wringer when we're approaching doteage/pension age?...do we REALLY want to be taking this arguement to/be driven to our graves....FOR GOD'S SAKE, CANT ALL PARTIES JUST BURY THE HATCHETT, LIVE WHAT LIFE YOU HAVE LEFT ENJOYING REAL MUSIC, FAR REMOVED FROM WHAT THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD HAS TO OFFER....REMEMBER THAT YOUR SAVIOUR AND YOUR SANITY WAS THE SCENE,....YOU JOINED THIS ESCAPIST MOVEMENT FOR PRECISELY THAT REASON....TO ESCAPE THE BORING MUNDANE WORLD OF REALITY....WHY KEEP SQUABBLING OVER ORIGINALITY?...ISNT THE MANTRA " ITS WHATS IN THE GROOVE THAT COUNTS" OR "ITS JUST GOT THE RIGHT BEAT"....BOTH QUOTES RELEVANT TO BLACK AND WHITE SOUNDS AND BOTH SOUNDS DOVETAILED TO CREATE THE MUSICAL KALIEDESCOPE THAT IS OUR BELOVED NORTHERN SOUL SCENE.... now please, get back to the bigger picture, call a truce, shake hands and get on with talking about things that you really enjoy.
  22. THE CATACOMBS ANTHEM!!.......£150 is tops id guess as well, MAX had a mispelt one off richard domar, according to tim, domar had quite a few of them at one point but they are extremely rare....infact i think tim's is a mis-spelt one as well. i had a demo off him for £60 about 4 years ago......and of course, with relation to me and the catacombs.....ITS A "HEAD THE BEAM" RECORD!!
  23. concur, no legit release but due to the demand, it did get "carved" in a small run , about 6 years ago ( maybe as little as 30-40 copies ) with chris clark's "something's wrong on the b-side. taken in proper context its should be listened to on the "standing in the shadows of motown" award winning double cd....some other great backing tracks on there including the great crossover "for once in my life " minus stevie's vocals.....you can hear all the instruments in crystal clear definition highlighted by jamerson's awesome bass work. dont know if they'rs still available but its also worth checking out the motown karoake cds which you could find in wallmart (asda) in the states about 8 years ago,...maybe they're still online....distributed by "the singing machine" out of florida....they even produced a limited run miniature wurlitzer with the motown logo mounted on the front!!. "love is an itching" is still a guarenteed floopacker as is the cd only, unedited version of "nowhere to run"......again with that fabulous jamerson hook
  24. here,here dave, good quality releases are few and far between these days and the vast majority worth buying, are usually via kent. weve come to reason that a large proportion of the really top notch anthems have happened in the last decade, unreleased material, every bit as good as the stompers weve witnessed over the previous 3, that were legitimate releases and its been ace/kent at the forefront....too right its driven the scene onwards and attracted more newcomers to our cause and, as you said, long may it continue.....my one impending hope is that the deadlock with the owners of the rca catalogue can be resolved and we get vol.3 before we're pushing up daisies.

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