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Everything posted by Agentsmith

  1. sorry ian, thought i had it but unfortunately not, somebody out there will almost certainly be able to help you out. just checked the 2005 cd comp of dee dee sharp, 24 track but not there and neither is comin home baby which i find strange.
  2. blow me down mate, i thought you were the oracle! i think i may have it on cd somewhere, not sure...if i can find it ill run a copy off, either way i'll let you know. im pretty sure that ive heard it played out at tsop some years ago or possibly by andy rix or rob thomas at one of the ritz all-nighters. to be absolutely honest i dont think it matches up to doris's interpretation and im not knocking dee dee,...she has a tremendous voice amongst her own attributes but in the golden age, doris troy carried a powerful range and yes, its one of my all-time favourite spine tinglers!. you know ian, despite the fact it didnt make the charts in 65, i distinctly remember it got national airplay...yes, i know that means before radio 1 and im not talking about the broadcasts from caroline or luxembourg, though doubtless, they would have championed this.
  3. that seems odd ian, especially as he later married dee dee sharp,who, as you know, also cut an unreleased version of the record and still to this day has never seen a cd or vinyl release....perhaps he ACTUALLY wrote it for ms. sharp prior to their relationship?,but it didnt work out, so they gave it to doris?.
  4. for a convoluted affair, it is about informative, enlightening and refreshing as it gets!, the knowledge kenny displays, rolls off his tongue like the slick philadelphian production line that was...a thoroughly entertaining and invocative slice of nostalgia...congratulations to all concerned.
  5. I THINK IVE POINTED THIS OUT BEFORE....but for the uninitiated...my theory is, that even in 1971 a white singer was probably told that "BETCHA BY GOLLY WOW" as a song title wasn't suitable and sounded too black....turn-a-blind-eye-discreet-racism perhaps?...or maybe not. either way the title changed. perhaps it was changed from the former for THE STYLISTICS debut single, ironically in the same year. funny isnt it?, they had a smash hit and ms. stevens offering sank without trace, yet it remains that thom bell was at the helm and you can see, hear & feel his stamp of authority on the disc...so much so that he conspired to record several other uptempo b-sides on other artists including philly's first super group, THE DELFONICS...check out "LOOKING UP IS DOWN".
  6. seems like her warner bros output is sensible acumen for anyone wanting to put them into a crossover set... not a bad track amongst them including "TAKE IT FROM ME" which has that trademark philadelphian soundtrack and, of course...."MOVE ME NO MOUNTAIN"..LLLLLUUUUUUURRRRRRVVVVVE THAT BAAAAAARRRRRYYYYYY WHITE TUNE!!!
  7. yes thats me......i could do with the syrup!! :D
  8. hats off to you again len, a well documented post,...conjugated to tax the brain slightly less, unlike yours truely who insists on eulogizing in a 605-page-hardback-novel-stylee !!....one can quite easily see the effort that has been infused over a short period of time, and as you expressed, attention to detail is elaine's persona. I REALLY DONT SEE THE MEDIA ATTEMPTING TO MAKE A MOCKERY OF US A SECOND TIME, BECAUSE THEY HAVE LEARNED THAT WE ARE A BREED OF HUMAN WHO DID NOT "CREATE" THIS MUSIC,...unlike every other genre that has come and gone since....WE TOOK A FORM OF MUSIC THAT WAS ALREADY THERE FOR SEVERAL GENERATIONS, AND ELEVATED IT TO A LEVEL WHERE IT WAS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AND WE WERE ABLE TO SAY..HERE'S A STYLE OF MUSIC THAT WE THINK IS GREAT,..that has attitude, that is never -say -die, that you can dress, act & dance sensible to and we believe, will be around as long as god's dog...and as time has drifted on the intelligencia frequenting the newsrooms, have little by little, gained appreciation of our mantra...to such an extent that the vast catalogue we have all helped to compile has gained favour with advertising and the likes. posts on here amongst our own breatheren pay testament to that fact...because shrewd intellectuals who, previously had kept their closet under wraps, have gained leeway and expressed their idealogical nous using northern soul music to promote their products in a more orthodox and acceptable manner. i cant honestly say that i have noticed anything inept in press articles in any of the broadsheets or tabloids for at least.....an epoch!...and thats a long long time.
  9. cheers pete, i would like that very much and no, it wasn't mine which begs the question..so, it WAS bryn's copy... if so, did his sister sell his record collection after his untimely death because he would still have been in posession of this?. also, he had the ORIGINAL cut of footsie, WITHOUT soussan's crowd & horns remix...i believe he definitely bought them off max, circa 75/76 along with a host of things like popcorn wylie, porgy & monarchs, obrey wilson etc. i distinctly remember richard playing the belles band at wigan, so he must also have posessed an acetate. bit of a grail this one, pete, much in the same as the detroit rythym section is...would love that as well.....preferably on discs!!
  10. pete, cast your mind back, the late bryn lane had the original studio cut of dont pretend on an acetate, think he bought it off max when he first sold up in the mid-70's.....thats a funny one isnt it?, never heard it since, apart from the soussan remix and whatever happened to bryn's record collection?...he had loads of originals.
  11. same old thing - olympics ( fred smith orch )
  12. swallow your pride bro, the tune is an absolute stormer!, and, thinking on....imagine if richard had, had this at the casino and what would he have covered it up as?
  13. could someone please tell me where i can locate " move me no mountain" on 7" or is it lp only and if so what lp is it on and is it easy to pick up?
  14. len, thats an honest and commendable insight, if only this insatiable appetite for negativity could be relinquished by the minority amongst us who, for heaven's sake, aren't getting any younger and accept good and real intentions to provide a platform for the wider world to get a grip of what this musically diverse scene has been been all about for over four decades, thats its all about real everyday people who share a common bond and love for a music that is inspirational, rational and lyrically intuitive, like none other. achieving a cinematic product that conforms to everything within & associated with the scene and the lives of the people within it, in my view, is akin to attaining a michelin star...its so bloody hard to get over that hurdle. we've had the legendary venues, the revered artists, the characters, the books, cds, vinyl, clothes, the dancing....even the drugs and latterly, when the realisation has been almost too late, recognition for the former in the shape and form of commemorative plaques...but the closest thing to real time has always seemed to be a holy grail....but in reality, why should it be?, anyone with a bit of savvy can conspire to make a statement if it rings as true as possible to what their lives have been about, the voyage of odessy they have chosen to take and what they have commited to memory over the years...and if they can pull together the right people to portray it sensibly, sympathetically and get outsiders to nod in agreement and appreciation as well, then they will have a finished item that it will be hard to argue about. we ALL hope that is what we will get, we HAVE to believe its for the best and its MADE with the best of intentions....elaine would stake her heart & soul in her belief....to all i say, dont meet your maker harbouring the regret that we didnt have ANYTHING AT ALL as an epitaph for future generations to enjoy and wonder at.
  17. love you guys!, this is a love or hate tune, personally......gary holyman blew me out of the water with this 4 years ago and never tire of it. former tv film star with half decent voice meets thom bell and philadelphian magic occurs...backing track awesome for 1971. i had TWO COPIES, one week after the other, demo off gary, issue off ebay, courtesy of dolly. demo came by way of trades, issue £75, sold it on to capt. grice.......kate LOVES the record but nige has NEVER played it out. i played it at brig and CLEARED the floor!,....mr. eccles said; by eck lad, tha's braver than me! i dont know,....do we call it something of a cult classic or what?, is it played under the popcorn banner even?...one thing is for certain....its biggest fan is a certain mr. searling, richard told me he spent a complete fortnight's holiday in florida, trying to hunt down a copy but, as even pete smith has stated many times, amongst others, demo's are, in most cases, more prevalent than issues and it appears to ring true with tick-tock.
  18. i thought that slanging matches were an after the event preserve, when everyone who's anyone with an inkling of knowledge of the scene, comes over all judgemental?......right, that would seem to be all of us then?!!....except,....the event hasnt materialised yet.....its a concept thats nearing fruition from what we read,and the question of financing shouldnt broker an issue of "smoke & mirrors",....to all intents & purposes the lady in question, elaine constantine is remaining true to her goal, her credibility is in her life's dedication to the northern soul scene, her ultimate aspiration is for a dramatisation that is as realistic a depiction of what life was like back nearly 4 decades, as is acceptable to the majority. down right bigotry shouldnt be allowed to cloud people's judgement and certainly not in a pre-emptive manner. lets see it commited to celluloid and screened...surely we all must be in agreement with that ethic?. how many people on here are going to stand up and be counted, convinced that they should be chipping in their twopenneth in an advisory capacity?.i believe that elaine knows exactly what she is doing and what she wants, what she can achieve...why shouldn't a film of our heritage be welcomed unanimously, much in the manner that quadrophenia was?, in real life, a lot of what we did, was tongue-in-cheek, the early days...when we look back, exposed us as...at the very least, nieve...how the scene & its music, was shaped and developed was down to us...it has always been a learning curve...even now as most of us frequent middle age, there's still the exhileration to hear or discover something new. the art of cinematography has always been the ultimate expose'...but to some its a stumbling block, sinful & shameful...like our youthful exasperations & inhibitions should have a dark veil drawn over them,....so what if 7 or 8 people appeared on top of the pops dancing to footsee in front of a gaggle of tank top wearing mop heads...they were doing it BECAUSE IT WAS DIFFERENT and it was a statement of HOW different they were.....hasn't that always been what WE were/ are about....the sensible alternative to the boring, mundane world of commercial music?,...who cares if it was footsee?, nobody was outspoken about the choice of music back then,..it just happened to be THE BIGGEST TUNE OF THE TIME!. this is the new millenium, a vantage point from which to look back on the emergent & most groundbreaking scene the 70's witnessed, with fondness..or are many of you out there, to go to your maker, still bearing a grudge, still in denial of a fitting testament to its enduring popularity?.... RIGHT NOW,...it is up to elaine constantine,...she's stood up and is recieving countenance, bravely and rightly so, she is NOT shirking responsibility...before its too late, she wants a permanent visual edict that will tell it like it was and is as equally relevant to today's youth who are looking for an alternative, thats funny, serious, energetic and factually descriptive as near as damn it. there's nothing to fear from the paperazzi or media as MANY northern soul addicts work within those industries...the tacky, tasteless hypocrisy that was once displayed,that was an attempt to pigeon-hole, has long since been replaced with acceptance....THAT WE AINT GONE AWAY, AND NEVER WILL, AND WE'RE HERE TO STAY, AND WE'LL CONTINUE TO OUTLIVE ANY OTHER MUSICAL TREND THAT REARS ITS EMBROINICALLY DEFUNCT HEAD. and do you know what?....a film about a phenomenon called northern soul has never been a better idea for the socially conscious...a reminder of what real music used to be/IS all about and how it has come to be globally embraced,....a film that says..."WAKE UP AND BE SOMEBODY". THIS FILM IS COMING....AND "THE BOOK IS GOING TO BE EVERY BIT AS GOOD AS THE COVER"
  19. "more youngish people getting into it"......this only emphasizes the point made by someone far more famous than me...,that in 100 years, nothing will ever be as good as northern soul - its a way of life and its continuing to create a growing impression on generations of youngsters. put aside your doubts & scepticism brothers & sisters,...this culture that we share is a natural sanity preservative, its the right way, its how music should sound, its a proper way to dance...its all of us under one roof. its the greatest music phenomenon the world has EVER seen, and IS likely to see, and its something andy warhole could NEVER label!
  20. i guess we brits are not surprised these days, that the national has been going for so long and enduring thanks to the seriously professional input and dedication of both ex-pats, and aussies who've developed a mutual love for this music. this, at long last, for me in particular, is a through-the-keyhole insight into a world that, up to this moment, has been on the whole written about and perhaps has laid to rest any mystiscism about the success of northern soul on another continent. you know, brits have been making the trip to oz since the early 70's, it was probably much easier to get in there and get a job, put down roots....and just a few, at first, took their beloved tunes on the great sojourn into the unknown, not knowing what to expect...perhaps having the music would have been their greatest comfort in a strange land. the world has turned many times since then and the culmination of all that tlc & nurturing is now resultant of what we witness here on the screen. im impressed and proud that these folk have finally delivered a promotional brochure...there's just one hurdle to get over for the people tempted to go to the other side of the world for a week long festival...the cost of getting there!...trip of a lifetime? - yes!...hard saving? - definitely!
  21. the consumate disco exponent, this is a devastating loss,...i guess she will, in many ways, be the soundtrack to the majority of us, that symbolised the developement of 70's boogie, right at the cutting edge and everyone else followed. she was a global superstar whose catalogue pre-empted the madonnaesque 80's, she could turn her hand to any style and had a scintillating, soaring voice, that became, and still is, instantly recognisable...this is such a shock...how many of us truely had an inkling that she was so seriously ill? such immense talent taken from us at an age that we now consider relatively young, god rest your soul great lady.
  22. ere, ere guvn'r, the prevailance of sanity still exists...why oh why is this c.s.i. autopsy of northern soul and its attire STILL GOING ON AFTER 200 POSTS....FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.....GET A BLOODY GRIP!!!
  23. yep, copies have dried up BECAUSE they are mostly in people's collections already. i picked one up off henry atkinson for £75 and even he had put it up on ebay ( or as most of you refer to it: evilbay ). i agree, its typically a record that perhaps you couldnt give away years ago, but as they say, every dog has its day and this record of course, is a product of detroit so naturally, it has its appeal. sounds muffled so you cant really make out the lyrics but it bounces along and i suppose you could class it as crossover as well...i'll play it in the windsor suite. incidentally, this is/was the SECOND copy john has put up for auction in less than 12 months, so, 2 less to appear on the market and, hence, the price grows.
  24. there's sanity in your words pete, unlike some of the vehement sceptisism on display here. firstly you're as young as you feel even if you dont look it, its a state of mind. the music will never grow old and WILL continue to appeal to generations to come...its timeless, its tuneful, its full of brilliant lyricism unlike today's pop dross....or should i say, the last 3 DECADES OF MIND NUMBING TALENTLESS WASTE. as has been echoed so many times before, you can see why many youngsters are turning their backs on mundaneity and believing in what their parents bought them up on ( probably forcibly ) and seriously getting off on it. they must see the clothing aspect in the same way the mods did.....its alternative & different and whilst we may shudder in horror at the prospect of them replicating an age we want to brush under the carpet....WE SHOULDNT ATTEMPT TO DISSUADE THEM. the mod attitude to dress IS still revered, because it IS the height of cool, and they recognise THAT as well. they are encapsulating all of these dress codes as a positive rebellion against the boring outside world....thats not an unfamiliar thesis is it?,....remember the 70's?,....why we all got into northern soul?,....because it was a cool alternatiive?. i like to buy clothes, when i can, from house of fraser, because i want quality that looks and feels good and looks sensible for my age...but thats just me,....IT IS EVERYONE TO HIS/HER OWN. I LIKE PETER WIRTH/JACK JONES PRODUCTS & BENCH OR PENGUIN FOR T-SHIRTS, thats my taste, i wont wear anything garish or ultra floral, but im not going to put anyone down for doing just that....if you need the ultimate example of a broad spectrum, just visit the kings hall at stoke,...its an absolute kaleidescopic fashion statement, come dressed how you please and people dont stand there laughing at each other and visually dressing each other down...its of NO consequence WHATSOEVER, they're there for THE MUSIC!!. the baggies, bowling shirts, brogues,swirling skirts and the hair styles were part of an era and decade that seperated ( in our minds ) the wheat from the chaff and they will always be referred to as classics...so whilst we shy away from the euphoric past and search for suitable conformity, let others have their fling with it and give them credibility for wanting to experience what we did once.
  25. cornerstone of memphis's historic house band, dunn, originally a member of the markey's, replaced steinberg in 63, and became part of the furniture...if there was a genuine answer at the time to jamerson, this would have to be the man...the stax studios reverberated to his consistant sound...god rest your soul brother, amen.

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