Hi Derek.Your post reminds me of one of my record buying adventures in the late 80's. I bought 5 copies of "Paramount Four - Until it happens to you", a relatively unknown track at the time, for $4 each, from a US dealer. The plan was to sell them on but in the end I had no takers and gave away as many as I could to my mates, which was the sum total of 3 copies. Fast forward to 1991 and I notice that I still have the remaining 2 copies left. I keep one for myself and put the second on this new fangled website called "ebay". Lo and behold it sells for £50 and I'm well chuffed. But if course there's a sting in the tail.....At the same time that I join e-bay I also open a Paypal account and the winner paypals me the funds. What I didn't know at the time was that you needed a nominated bank account so that pay-pal could pay me. After 30 days with the money in my paypal account and no sign of me nominating an account for PP to release the funds into, they refund the buyer his £50. So I never got a penny for any those records and never made it as a record dealer.
On a similar theme, around 1998 I went into the Kings Hall Stoke with 5 copies of "Darrow Fletcher - My young misery" priced to sell at £4 each and left 7 hours later with the same 5 copies.
I don't really bother trying to sell records anymore :-)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend