Modern Xover Soul _ Jimmy Lewis - Is That Anyway To Treat A Lady-Hotlanta came across this for a tenna n snapped it up (rightly so) IMO what do you reckon?
I av this Martyn £20 it cost should be more but you know me n my cheapies quality always! but affordability that's paramount in my book ( sucker! for a piano also)
Still commands an £80 price tag well that's what I Paid for mine last year and haven't seen one much cheaper anywhere for an ex copy Belting tune that never fails to please!!
Norman Connors Once I've Been There-Budda still a very cheap record but still sounds pretty good a well known 30 odd year old sound that gets folk dancing .£5ish
come on down went down brilliantly at Just Soul Retford and Dave Longbottoms drystone radio show champions it nice tunes and underrated artist IMO nice Peter!!