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Andy Reynard

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Everything posted by Andy Reynard

  1. Ronnie Walker "You've Got To Try Harder"-Event you don't hear out anymore much.
  2. Four Wonders Just Looking For My Love Solid Foundation for today always a favourite of mine.
  3. it's still played out Paul n rightly so Blackpool , Whitby,kellbrook ,and keighley , all in the last few weeks and real nice to dance to floorpacker for sure! Sounds Great!
  4. Friday,Saturday,Sunday -"There must be something " Dig vg++£110 Renee Geyer-Be there in the morning-(Australian)RCA Ex £30 ON HOLD Pat Thomas-I can't wait to see my baby's face-Verve-£50m- Traffic Jam-I can't get over you-Toeholt-£100Ex Rance Allen-Reason to survive-Capitol-Ex slight edge warp not affecting play-£70 Billy Keene-Wishing and Hoping-Vault-M-£45 That's it for now all on YouTube PM if interested. Atb Andy
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  5. Sandra 'Chalmers' Rhodes - Where's Your Love Been-Fantasy- bit of something different today!
  6. Checkmates LTD - take all the time you need- fantasy from1977 very affordable piece of soul and new to my box
  7. Ray Gant & Arabian Knights - Don't Leave Me baby-Jay-Walking for a fuzzy headed Sunday morning.
  8. WOW! Right into chops wi this Fantastic! Martyn
  9. David Martin Your mighty right-Rekord- easing the way into the weekend
  10. JP Robinson for me but still nice at a fraction of the price think av said this, before ???? Ad a large Malt !
  11. Had this in my box for a few years now its a £5 record that never seems to get played out perhaps its time it did! The Summits - It Takes Two - DC International
  12. Bobby McClure today with "You got the makings" B.Mac
  13. CROWN HEIGHTS AFFAIR,DREAMING A DREAM-Delight-a few mixes of this cant find my mix on this label but found it on another reasonably priced tennerish
  14. Gunna chance another today with a letterbox offering of £7.99 India T "Now you know" -Dome

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