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Everything posted by Billywhizz

  1. I've been skipping though S.W.O.N.S dvd for quite a while seeing most parts and missing most parts,and I now watching it probaly,i'll take my hat off to you Mr.Levine it's really good,i'm now up to the bit where the 2 girls goes into the toilet put some white powder on the palm of her hand,and she sneezes with laughter and she said I just blew my night away. Billy P.S i'll recomend it dvd not the white powder
  2. Thanks for the info Carolyn,that must it been the exibition about the casino in the Wigan library,did you go to the casino in the early days if you did you would'nt have far to walk home used to be around 10 hours trip there and back for us. Billy
  3. I've been told there's a northern soul museum in Wigan 1 or 2 people told me there's a picture of me on the dancefloor at the casino doing the lambert walk there words not mine can any1 comfirm this 1 at a time please lol. Billy
  4. Chalky leave Karen.C out of this
  5. Condition to any dancefloor just mind over matter <- thats me
  6. I've been told by a few soulys. Who went up 2 do the dance sequence,2 find out at the end they bought a young crowd in 2 copy the moves. Billy
  7. I agree with you on that one,young lady Billy
  8. Went to a soul night,I had 10 pints of ale,couple of hours later I wanted another 10 pints,the bar man said no way mate,can I have some shorts instead he said no you are joking I said no I just shit myself. Billy
  9. I was waiting for ady at the 100 club to tell me to take my sweatshirt off,everyone seemed to be following me that night,soul on whizz on the back of my shirt some people got a vivid imagination. Cheers Donald duck
  10. I second that i believe he's not been in good health lately. Billy
  11. Hi Mark,Ian Clark is doing a spot east coast northern and modern soul all nighter 6 till 6 saturday feb 25th at the water side corton Lowerstoft,your not bad a bad DJ yourself saw u on buzzard all nighter mid late 80's and at bury all nighter few months ago. Billy
  12. Just finsh going through N.SOUL magazine (imo) best 1 so far keep the good work up nice 1 Alison,Janine,Dave,Nigal Brown,Neil and its nice 2 see regular faces whos on soul source I looked twice at Kev didn't reconised without his toupee LOL. Billy
  13. He was'nt wearing a wig he just did'nt have a haircut for quite a while
  14. Yep right on Ken,ady if you looking in give Ken the last hour at the 100th club how much will it cost me LOL hope you consider. Billy
  15. I only missed one Rocket I can't remember the snake or interplay being played i believe 70% off SS has danced to it at sometime So what if they did play it I thought the soul scene was a funable soul scene to be in,lets Chill out for 2006. Billy
  16. Very well put Kev he will be back,never cotton to that 4 vandals stuff ect ect. Billy
  17. here here chalky i like your style of djing silent but the sounds are extremely good, i'll break it down to Billy's world, you just get on with it, no talking in between.Excellent dance sounds, and i agree with the first posting James and the manchester lads not forgetting Rachel are the futuring years to come if they stick together as a unit.Billy.
  18. I salute you,your contribution to the northern scene is above epic proportion only if they only knew. Billy
  19. Not thee Ted Massy if not if so hav a nice one.Billy
  20. Yea I do agree with you thats not a shit record some lovely words to it. Billy
  21. First Discover,by my better half,bought it in the early 70's around 20 pence,first played at HMs,Deller played it at Wigan,on his first guests DJ apperance,never really kick off i do agree its a shit record i class it as in between the sheets record,a bit of background music when making luv. Billy
  22. I'm not gay I'm all women
  23. Why thank you young sir and everyone on soul source Happy christmas and a very happy new year keep on keeping on. Billy

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