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Everything posted by Billywhizz

  1. hi chris it's probably the sames asshole whos trying to damage your venues coppers know whats going on this 2006 not the 70's I must admit at some venues it's open handed just watch your back big brothers watching. Cheers P.C Whizz
  2. Little did u know Kev Roberts lost everything in the early 90's down to soul venu's all he had was the shirt on his back never keep a good man down so credit is due i'm not to sure on the towel brigade i'm up and down the country to all-nighters there's only 1 person I see with a towel round his waist and that's black carl and he's no div. Billy
  3. Simon my old flower modern going back to the early 70s the casino was the only soul club. Then,now and ever will be that changes its music policy i.e modern as I said earlier it was used by Rs and Rw don't anyone listen to me. Billy
  4. levine is ok? he speaks his mind never had any problems with him i remember him djing at the mecca i asked for requests he told me to f off they play that shit down the road i e casino i like to see him back on the scene billy
  5. Talking about mums bless her heart she packed my jim jams in my allnighter bag first time i went honestly. Billy
  6. First play at the rocket by the levine himself as he said on the ANS wesite there will be half a dozen new spins never been played before and that was one of them. Billy
  7. Roger u laugh as u usually do the early days of the casino in my opinion was untouchable the sounds the atmosphere everything about it people danced till they dropped sweat poured out your shoes the artery on the side of your temple used to stick out for days pushing the body and the brain to it's limit oh by the way hope your keeping well. Billy
  8. Andy you find alot of brickies think that way lol. Billy
  9. Caught the end part of the of The Who's new track got some nice vibes to it can any1 refresh me by downloading it on here please GENO WASHINGTON, IF THIS IS LUV I'LL RATHER BE LONELY. It's a better version how rare is it, what sort of price. Billy
  10. Great bunch of lads they were at the rocket in the early days some of there dance moves are out of this world there all over there 40's you try and complete no chance. Billy
  11. What date is the next Marrs 99% i am going love the venue i've got some live early Mr Ms tapes i am now going off to look for them. Billy Ps.Are you djing thanks again for the mag
  12. Hi mark thanks for the mag,panic was'nt a RS discovery and alot of tracks you mentioned was first broken or played in a front room 35 miles from me then boxed up and sent to top djs up north and the cover ups they did was down to them. Billy
  13. Never to late to say goodbye,i met nige about 4 yr ago through nigel brown,top bloke always a smile,a hand shake,and a chat,he love the scene and everything about it i will have fond memories of the marrs and his spot at the 100th club memories will linger mate you will be sadly missed RIP nige. Billy
  14. The loop hole in the soul scene is so lucky,vinyl LPs in last 35 years, gone sky high, cash exchange on vinyls have gone mega money, cds are brought out today with all different sound tracks, magazines with radio stations playing sound tracks. do you think the loop hole will close in the next few years and royalties or if not next to kin will be paid. do you think royalties should be paid out especially on cds, radio stations, articles and magazines which are making a profit???????????
  15. I like the set got to be a female. Cheers Billy
  16. Shane i won't be there til Saturday night i am on a fun run Saturday morning you always put a smile on my face when i see you i love the way you walk unfounded allegations are out of order that shoud've been taken off straight away theres never a dull day on soul source. Cheers Sue its getting dark now
  17. 3 honest questions 1.were you at the marrs last 2. Do you know mad Shane 3.hope to see you at cleethorpes if you don't answer or come back with negative answers next time i see you i will look into your eyes and i know straight away if you put one over me. Billy by day sue by night
  18. Hang on Mike i know your hands are full with postings if you are talking about the KR postings that should have not been posted in the 1st place with new members coming on all postings should be checked. Cheers Billy
  19. Great show Paul this puss sounds a bit of a penis breath it must really piss you off was the show recorded on film if so what about doing dvds and getting some royaltys back on it

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