Rare and underplayed, more underplayed then rare, little fish in a big ocean on this one, no particular order
The Electrons - It ain't no big thing (Date)
Chubby Checker - Everything's wrong (Parkway)
The Adorables - Ohh, Boy (Golden World)
The Heartbreakers - I've got to face it (Derby City)
Harry Starr - Another time, another place (End)
The Monclairs - Wait for me (Sunburst)
Lou Rawls - You can bring me all your heartaches (Capital)
Suzy Wallis - Tell him (RCA Victor)
Patti & The Emblems - It's the little thing (Congress)
The Holidays - I'll love you forever (Golden World)
Loretta Williams - Baby cakes (Jotis Records)
Reginald Day - Lost love (Midas)
Andrea Henry - I need you like a baby (MGM)
The Yum Yums - Gonna be a big thing (ABC Paramount)
The Del Counts - With another guy (Soma)
Grant Smith and The Power - Thinking about you (MGM)
Dean Courtney - We have a good thing (RCA Victor)
The Clovers - Try my lovin' on you (Josie)
Sunday - Ain't got no problems (Al Teen)
The Magnificent Men - Forever together (Capital)
The Impacts - Jerkin' in your seat (Counsel)
Thanks for having me Decker loved it. Cheers Billy