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Everything posted by Harrythedog

  1. Terri Goodnight finished on £3,932. Worth every penny. You wont see one again.
  2. Terri Goodnight - They Didnt Know- Phelectron At last a proper real deal rare record and top quality northern. Dont hear this played too often. Dont know if the price reached will truly reflect the rarity of this record. Top Top Northern, one of the best.
  3. Many thanks for all your help. Managed to get two tickets. Looking forward to seeing old mates.
  4. Can anyone throw some light on the Cleethorpes Pier All dayer on the 08/02/2025. This seems to by way of face book only. Have found the advert with the price per ticket at £20.00 but no details of how to get a ticket, and no mention of DJ line up. I cant even find any details of what the place is like now inside. I know it was a night club but it is now a Fish & Chip restaurant. Can anyone help with this.
  5. Thanks for the issues Chalky. Brought back good memories of those early days. Love those stories Frank told about Soussan. My old mate Johnny Phillips was over from oz in the summer and he had some great stories regarding dealing with Soussan. Don,t know what happened to the digging book Andy Dyson was looking at bringing out, but these stories really need putting down on paper before were all gone, and Bristol Soul Club re writes the history, because nothing happened before Bristol started.
  6. My wife always had a fan at Wigan. Bottom corner near the mens toilets, wafting away 10 to the dozen, talking to the old bloke who always hovered about there (What his job was god only knows)
  7. Took my missus to Gleneagles for our 40th wedding anniversary. Sat in the bar at night and Eula Cooper blasted out. We both looked at each other thinking we had been set up. But no, just a suprise random play.
  8. Ay up Gaz. Hope you are well. Had some great times at The comrades on a Thursday and The Drum on a Friday and then off to the Casino. Up the M62 with my Beetle packed and then back and dropping you off at your grandma,s at Bawtry. Great days.
  9. What a great voice Gladys HAD
  10. Just found an old R Soul magazine which i used to buy at The Wilton All -nighter. I,ve not seen this for years, and i pissed myself, really clever and really funny. The one i found was issue no8, which featured - Things you didnt know about Richard Dimebar - When Roger met Jenny (in depth report on Roger Banks wedding) - Full, Bizarre and true story regarding The Doberman Pincher Twins - Unsolved mystery, The hunt for Kev Robots -Sex scandal involving Andy Brix - Which one are you quiz, Deon Anderson or Little John -Top Doncaster DJ Dave Sausage mad scientist shock story- Sam Soul dating the worlds oldest living corpse Dame Barbara Cartland - Nottingham DJ Robert Smith found in a block of ice - John Ovenchip selling a genuine imitation Wigan Casino Brick - Togetherness , back in time, Northern soul like it used to be 5 million years ago. Brilliant piss take of people we all know and some who are sadly no longer with us. Can anyone throw some light who used to write and get this brilliant mag out to the all nighters.
  11. Groundhog day springs to mind
  12. FFS thats FFS thats it i am done. F**ck it
  13. I really cant understand why we are discussing an orchestra playing northern covers in front of a div audience, and we really should thank Maconie and the organisers for bring much needed attention to the northern scene. Because without them the whole circus would just die. Well i for one would say LET IT DIE, because none of this isnt what i signed up for in 1976 and have devoted a bulk of my life and money to. There are maybe 10% of nights worth going to and the rest are shit, full of divs which events like the orchestra are bringing in. So let it die, the records will continue and few nights will continue, but the scene as a whole is rubbish with nothing to link it to the people i knew and could relate to.
  14. The person i first heard play Domino out and about was Frank Dewhirst at the Central Leeds. Always used to go down well
  15. If someone had stuck a camera in your face at the Casino, you would have rightly received a warning and then a smack on the nose. Only later did this become the norm. Even now i will anyone with a camera to go away.
  16. At last a true rarity up for auction. I know its an oldie now, but it really is one of my all time top records. You very rarely hear it out and has always been a super rare record to collect. Must go for mega bucks on Johns site. Any ideas what it might achieve
  17. Good god will it never end.
  18. until

    What time does this finish on the Saturday
  19. Cant believe what iam reading on here lately- Northern at the proms one week and The one show the next.
  20. I understand that this site is called Soul Source, and there we have clue. I know iam in a minority with this but why are we discussing the BBC concert orchestra on this site. It has really has baffled me how we can rave about an orchestra which has about as much soul as my big toe. I may be blinkered but i did not hitch up and down the country in 1976/1977 and follow the scene ever since to listen to listen to The BBC orchestra play covers of the music which changed my life for ever. I always said the scene owes me nothing, but i owe it everything. Please get a grip.
  21. Dave. Keep the Barbara Lewis. Love Hursty
  22. This is currently on Tim Browns auction, and if i had not sold up some years ago, would have definitely been in my box tonight. I have very rarely heard this played, and my only recollection of it being played was at an early lifeline. Is this correct, has it been played regularly been played and who has pushed this at nighters/nights. Brilliant record - Thank god i sold up.
    I know this sounds daft, regarding a venue we went to and records we listened to in the eighties, but this night was a breath of fresh air. At the end of the day it was a night of oldies, but the majority were oldies that you just dont hear any more, and the old place still had that magic atmosphere. It was great to see friends and faces from the past who you just do not seem to bump into any more (Derek Greenhoff- knows more in his little finger than most of us will ever know about records). And to see DJ,s who could actually put a set together- Keb, Butch and Guy the pick for me, with Keb just edging it. I had forgot just how polished a DJ he was-Perfect set with humour. Without travelling long distances iam afraid it is not worth the effort getting ready and making the effort to go out. Same old same old, hammered oldies, full of divs and so called DJ,s who should not be allowed on the decks. Most could not put a set together for a 8 year olds birthday party(or maybe they could and be good at it). I think the scene for me is the worst its been for many a year, since The Wilton, Life Line, Thorne and Empty Bottles closed their doors iam afraid its become a waste land(only a few clubs still trying to push things forward). So a big thank you to the promoters for making this possible, and i hope it was a profitable night for all involved.
  23. So sad news. Knew Steve in the early days through my good mate Shaun Pawsey. Not seen Steve for many years but will always have fond memories of him. Lovely bloke and will be sadly missed. RIP Steve
  24. When i sold up some years ago, none of the main dealers wanted the Para Monts. Can only assume they had multiple copies as it is a great record.

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