Just found an old R Soul magazine which i used to buy at The Wilton All -nighter. I,ve not seen this for years, and i pissed myself, really clever and really funny. The one i found was issue no8, which featured -
Things you didnt know about Richard Dimebar - When Roger met Jenny (in depth report on Roger Banks wedding) - Full, Bizarre and true story regarding The Doberman Pincher Twins - Unsolved mystery, The hunt for Kev Robots -Sex scandal involving Andy Brix - Which one are you quiz, Deon Anderson or Little John -Top Doncaster DJ Dave Sausage mad scientist shock story- Sam Soul dating the worlds oldest living corpse Dame Barbara Cartland - Nottingham DJ Robert Smith found in a block of ice - John Ovenchip selling a genuine imitation Wigan Casino Brick - Togetherness , back in time, Northern soul like it used to be 5 million years ago. Brilliant piss take of people we all know and some who are sadly no longer with us.
Can anyone throw some light who used to write and get this brilliant mag out to the all nighters.