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Everything posted by Reg

  1. I think choice is good..Sarah don't you go to Driving Beat, how across the board can you get:D
  2. SO has anybody got any more suggestions for Wiggy. I suggested Lowton..I don't think he's asking for perfection, just sort of what he's after?
  3. Where abouts are you thinking wiggy? Or are you not bothered about travelling?
  4. Lowton possibly? They have a oldies/cross the board room plus a separate rarer room?
  5. See I got stuck when you said just northern and all uptempo. Most the nights I know like that do play a bit of other stuff.
  6. mmm. Stoke Kings Hall?
  7. Re the Mod scene subject, I think that 6Ts more than anything had an influence on what was played on the Mod Scene in the 80s. Although a lot of the R&B played was original stuff played at the old Mod clubs from the 60s. Whether some of those sounds were revived at Stafford or anywhere else I'm not sure. it's all a bit chicken/egg around that time. Tracks like Johnny Nahh, Love aint nothing for example. Mace/Mossy/Joe would know
  8. Important issue? It's been done to death? If you like raking over old ground maybe start another Oldies/Newies or CD/Vinyl Thread I also think if you're going to bring up a subject in such a controversial way that you know enough about the subject matter to be cross examined. Half baked musings are more facebook if you ask me.
  9. I'm not sure what this thread's purpose really is? Thre isn't really a subject as such, just a sweeping statement? To wind up the R&B fans? Boredom Mischief making? You can't really expect to start a thread like this and not get any comeback from some of the lads on here Phil. And I don't want to keep removing off topic posts to be honest. Maybe you would be better off sticking to freebasing
  10. off topic posts deleted
  11. Who cares, I'll be there (if he isn't in jail by then..there's a few weeks yet ).
  12. Thanks for helping out Sebastian:thumbsup: Posting MP3s is against house rules but realise that you couldn't work out how to use refosoul-give me a shout if you need any further help with it.
  13. I don't know, this is "all our yesterdays" not all our Man City discussions!!! Please keep on topic lads (Yes I am pleased and relieved actually...CT could've been off!!).
  14. Try to keep on topic boys..if we start commenting on spelling and/grammer it'll never end
  15. When was the last time you saw Chris? If you see him again will you tell him I was asking - I'll pm you my contact details..been worried about him
  16. When I saw that username I thought that Mike had actually joined the 21st century and got himself on here at last! I'm from Manc too, I live in Stockport now...still see Malcolm talcum knocking about Stockport from time to time. I used to see him at Bury Town Hall until a couple of years ago. Mr Phoenix, I bump into him every now and then at Prestatyn or somewhere. I used to stand on the Kippax with him and Nick Stevenson another old mate of mine (he's a member on here but he doesn't post much). Chris Carr from Middleton I saw around a bit until a few years ago but he's gone awol, not sure what happened to him. There's a lot of Manc/Stockport members on here but you may not recognise them from their user names :-)    
  17. I like to hear new things, definitely. But I do also like to hear a few that I do know as well as some I'd like to get to know better :-) I haven't actually experienced Steve's room at Radcliffe that much yet (far too late for me) but I've been to enough of his nights to know what to expect and it definitely isn't £5 records! For me, if I was at Radcliffe, I would probably bob in and out of each room depending who was on. If one of my favourites was on in Steve's room I'd probably stay for the full set. But if he had somebody on and I wasn't so sure I'd go for a wander. Whether that's a good thing or not is debatable. When you just go to the one room soul night you can't just go for a wander and you may end up hearing something great after all. It may take 5 records before you do but it will be worth it. But if I had the choice of another room I'd be off well before 5 records to see what was going on elsewhere.
  18. Soul Inc?
  19. Aw that was my choice! Okay I'll choose another one......Willie Tee - First taste of Hurt
  20. Topic reopened. Please remember House Rules and Terms of Use:
  21. Yes exactly my old son:lol: Shall we leave it and just see whether it is straight to dvd or a classic like...errr Brassed Off..err substitute brass band/Northern....I'm sure they called a tuba a euphonioum in that film....grrrrr P.S guys I am kidding, trying to be light hearted. If we're carrying on with this now please be nice:thumbsup:
  22. If you read my post you'll see I was talking generally, I wasn't aiming it at anybody in particular as there are plenty of people on this thread disrespecting other members. Please can we get back to the subject of the film itself unless everybody is fed up discussing it now and I'll close it.
  23. Please can people remember the House rules and Terms of use Specifically: Respect other members Do not insult or personally attack another member. You do not have the right to attack someone for having an opinion other than your own. If someone disagrees with you, they're entitled to provided they do it respectfully House Rules terms of use Thanks Reg        
  24. Please can members use the PM facility for any personal discussions If members have an site issues with other members that cannot be resolved this way please pass on your concerns to the moderation team either by reporting the post concerned or using the Members Feedback area. Regards Reg
  25. Well what can I say except how fantastic it was to see Marlena Shaw on Saturday. I'm not sure how old the lady is but she was in fine fettle and her voice was as good as ever! The new refurbished Band on the Wall is a lot more ...well err "sophisticated" shall I say..than the old gaff, I could even breathe in and out from time to time. Plus it was a nice change to come out of there without some kind of injury or being drenched with beer. Although it felt great to be back at the old place, it's been a long time:thumbsup:

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