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Everything posted by Reg

  1. What bad timing Shute...just gave one of my turkeys away the other week. I'm not one to brag but it was so bad my seven yr old rolled her eyes when I played it and she's used to Pop Idol!....Try and guess..a disco instrumental with a bit of a sci fi element?
  2. My ex told me he liked Northern when I met him but I quickly realised he meant The Snake. Periodically I'd drag him to an handbag do but he didn't get it. He definitely didn't approve of all niters even tho he'd spend 12 hours on a strong lager session with the lads in the pub and our "social life" was a night out to the curry house every couple of months. We split up last year and I started going out again and now I've got my bloody mother to contend with. "Oooh why are you staying out all night, I don't like you driving all over the place in the middle of the night..." etc etc. So for an easy life I lie and don't tell her I'm at an all niter nearly every Saturday night. When she looks after my daughter I tell her I'm going to a birthday party or a soul night and collect her the next afternoon when I've had a bit of kip. I know it's the same with a lot of my female friends with children. Women are judged far more harshly than men I'm afraid to say
  3. I do agree landlord but is is confusing when music's put into categories. Like young PaulB saying he doesn't like modern..yet he listens to what may be classed as modern nearly every week in my car and his foot's tapping. But he's just put off by some of the stuff he's heard in some (and don't shout I'm only saying some..) modern rooms because some (that word again) of it does sound like stuff you hear on Radio 1...sorry!
  4. That Bill Spoon track doesn't sound like it's 1990 tho does it? I do like that one
  5. Helen Shapiro used to be in Albion Market......... somebody told me..
  6. Bloody glad it isn't just me Yep, when me and the shuffler started going to Warrington Parr Hall in the mid 80s there were "oldies" ( stuff like Hand it over) "sixies newies"(generally Stafford stuff and the like) and "Modern" which was anything from Cheryl Berdell to King Tut. Plus loads of the RnB that people are playing on the scene nowadays wasn't in sight at all niters (except maybe the 100 club) but loads of it like Roy Roberts, Wilson Picket etc was played on the the mod rallies by people like Rob Messer and Paul Hallam. What goes around...
  7. This is always a big puzzle for me...how do you define modern? When I first started off on the scene records like Givin it all to you-Cheryl Berdell was classed as modern but now some people call it crossover? I always say I like modern but then I definitely don't like the 90s and Y2k stuff they play in a lot of modern rooms. Think my cut off point is probably mid 80s but if anybody can convince me otherwise I'm definitely willing to listen
  8. Reg


    I heard Cecil Washington at the New Century Wigan anniversary for the first time in a while . Enjoyed have a good sing a long to that one
  9. Ah..so you're a video director?? Dancing instructor?? Have I already said those?
  10. Mmm,Are women dancers better than men... I quite like the fact that you can have a good dance and not worry so much about people taking the proverbial when you're at a soul do. When you start talking about who's the best etc you're going down the rocky road of northern soul dancing lessons and dancing competitions..... ( But men...absolutely definitely....)!
  11. Correct
  12. All these happy ending stories.. maybe there's even hope for me yet. One day my Reggie significant other may return from Canada and friends won't buy me t-shirts with "My boyfriend is out of town" logos... (haven't worn it....yet). And does the scene run my life...sometimes.depends what's on, but I have been known to fork out extortionate babysitting fees so I could go to New Century for example...and then spent the next week eating beans on beans
  13. Yep and the same applies to the blokes re hair.....Don't be telling me that's not a wig....
  14. Have to admit I love having a big choice but can it last? Been to some fantastic venues where numbers have been down. But, have to be honest, I quite like it when it's not too packed ...surrounded by people you know who you don't have to make too much idle chit chat to and just DANCE DANCE DANCE! Not too much chin stroking and talking about 45s, as Little Stevie quite correctly observed in an earlier thread!!!
  15. She'll get a couple of interviews and that's half the dissertation. Probably end up with at least a 2-1 without even gettin out of bed..I dunno students these days,they don't know they're born....
  16. The Spaniels-Jealous Heart
  17. Rock n Roll- Richard Berry Country-Charlie Pride Reggae-Johnny Nash...love aint nothing... Jazz-Terry Callier/Nancy Wilson Latin-Romance Watson/Tommy Navarro/Bobby Valentin/Mongo..I've even heard Ray Baretto at the odd "Northern do" Doo Wop-5 Royales......love it but c'mon it aint Northern And what about adding another..Disco? Gentlemen and their ladies, Harvey Mason, Greg Perry.....King Tut IMO of course
  18. Reg


    Love the Marvin and Georgie Fame versions but this Chuck Jackson one sounds good...have you got a sound file???
  19. Reg


    Ah think with the clapping thing you've either got it or you haven't. I remember my mate Chris at Stafford clapped so loudly his hands REALLY bled..and he was in time even tho he was always on another planet. Records that springs to mind include Larry Houston.Let's spend some time together or Marva Hicks,Romance Watson any of those Stafford type tunes.. We all liked clappin then... to anything really. I still clap along in my car when I think nobody's looking
  20. Reg


    Yeah Paul, ur far too young to be on this site if your mum went to Wigan. Go and do your homework......
  21. Do like that.. and that's as much of a Jackie Wilson cover as I can stand.Although I've heard it a million times, Jackie still sounds the best. What a voice..just gonna go off and put Because of you on now....
  22. Not sure which list you saw Flash -assume it's Kev Cox's? No mystery or conspiracy surrounding this. It's the genuine article-hopefully Mark Bicknell is reading this and can confirm same.
  23. Reg


    What about Nolan Porter -If I could only be sure. See if he can make a better job of it than the Modfather..........
  24. What about deejays who wear miner type helmets with the light on the head to see the decks?....you know who you are??
  25. Ah okay, fair enough but,being an ex student type (boo hiss..) I go to non soul events with my non soul mates. Which is good as I've converted a couple of em to our cause. PLus, Mr Ducie landlord, my point was that I prefer the soul scene by far..bloody hell I'm generally scared to go in most normal city centre pubs without the aid of a few beers!!

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