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Everything posted by Reg

  1. I don't think Mr cato was being dismissive.....he was being a rude boy as ever
  2. Mmm yes Paul I can just imagine you scuppering Jill's plans to see a bit of culture cos you want to catch Butch at the Berlin soul nite.....tread carefully young 'n
  3. Steve Cato's got some mates in Barcelona who run regular soul nights..I think there's a link to it on his cooloff site
  4. where was it played?
  5. ello ello ello. i'm at reg's house, gettin ready 2 go to willington 2neet. how r u?
  6. Just sent you one now, quality's not too good..recorded it off the telly.....much prefer Chris Clark
  7. Think there's quite a few of us staying in tonight...it's not all bad, at least you an avoid the midnight kissing fest that'll be going on at venues around the UK... plus the advantage of a free bar,personal playlist and a short crawl to a comfy bed Where's my slippers now????
  8. The slaphead every time...... with a good supply of Wrigleys and his (probable) fred perry shirt securely on
  9. Ditto Stockport...sometimes 3 times in one night, I kid you not.
  10. The Middleton all niter sounds like your thing..they have a separate modern room sometimes but you don't have to go in there Great venue too! There's a Carl Willingham tribute night a week on Friday, line up sounds good Don't think they'll play rocksteady tho but you never know....
  11. I've not heard Marva Hicks, Looking over my shoulder, out for ages. Really like that...does anybody still play it?
  12. You are correct Paul, karaoke, entertainment and a jar of pickled onions behind the bar!...Jules and I have been in there on a few occasions and even got up on the karaoke....you're in for a treat if the Freddie Mercury cover artiste is on, well it is New Year!!
  13. Ok Joe..I'll Pm you later
  14. I bloody knew it was you...... See that's what's funny about pseudonyms don't you think?
  15. Saw him at Keele the other week briefly but we had a mad trip up to Flipside a couple of weeks before. Will you be at the Ducie all dayer before New Century next month? Maybe I know you????
  16. Hey but is Joe Orton your real name? They don't like people hiding behind pseudonyms on here...that suggests you're hiding something I'm told...........
  17. You're having a laugh aren't you? What's the ad?
  18. Sure you've got some I could borrow eh Steve
  19. She's very attached to every last one of them.....
  20. I'll get you that mask Rich But do you know such a place where I could purchase such an item???? I won't tell
  21. Just want to be clear about this. I'm not saying that peoples' civil liberties should be taken away-smoking is legal and people seem to enjoy it for whatever reason. But I come back from an all niter with a chest like Phyliis from Corrie (yes I know she's dead....my point exactly) cos I've got asthma. and smelling like an ashtray... so do I stop going out? Obviously not. I just think it would be better if venues had some kind of compromise...big extractor fans, non smoking areas...that kind of thing. We could go on about this forever and realistically I'm going to carry on coughing and I'll put up with it (or get a wacko jacko mask..thanks Rich!) but it's just my opinion
  22. They do stink tho don't they..and it's not like non smokers have a choice. We can't go outside the venue while everybody else has a fag.
  23. I don't smoke so it would be great for me if they banned it...the bar at Keele..minging, could hardly see people a couple of yards away the smoke was so thick. However, if that was the only place you could smoke then us non smokers could avoid it so there's still a choice for everybody. I know that banning smoking in public isn't fair for smokers but then again non smokers have had to put up with passive smoking for years. (climbing down off soap box...) Reg
  24. Yep you're correct and Bully's special prize goes to.... Oh sorry I've already given it away
  25. You need to go way lower than that...think "the theme tune Space 1999 rejected..."

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