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Everything posted by Reg

  1. I'm not sure Joss Stone is really a soul singer is she? Isn't she just a British Christina Aguillera type? Far too much trilling and warbling vocals for me..Seems like a load of clever marketing to make her seem more of a serious artist. My seven year old listens to her on her Now album and recognises that she's just pop - I think she should stick to covers of songs that don't make the original artists turn in their graves......
  2. I definitely blame over slippy dancefloors for my little falls over the years. You can't win, buy yourself a pair of leather soled shoes and the floors seems so slippy it's like stepping on an ice rink-go in trainers and your feet stick to the floor. I end up turning up to allniters with as many pairs of shoes as Imelda Marcos just in case Or avoiding the dancefloor totally cos of all those acrobatic dancers not looking where they're going and sending me flying... yeah I've changed my mind now -stop all that fancy stuff and leave the dancefloor to us lower achievers :dance:
  3. very amusing.....the shuffler is scarred from simultaneous knock backs from all the above..including miniman. Plus she's had more than a passing acquaintance with a man with a mullet.....
  4. Love acrobatics, love spins, stompng etc ...as long as the person doing em is dancing to the same record in his/her head that the rest of us are. Best I've seen is definitely Paul Sadot. Would love to be able to spin myself but I've fallen over enough times just shuffling from side to side so it's best avoided
  5. Tom Jones???
  6. Now I thought you said that you'd do Paul Anka? Backtracking now?
  7. Steve are you trying to confuse me today? Was that a reply to my PM?
  8. Steve, where are the details you're talking about? Can't find em, being very Magoo today..
  9. I wouldn't be fooled by him Wendy...he's a chancer and a pool hustler to boot..and he's not half as weedy as he looks-the NCH fight is a rematch, he's already beat me once!!
  10. Little Richard is a lightweight-I'll challenge him to an arm wrestle....venue, New Century Saturday..I'll be there. However, he hasn't got a girlfriend at the moment so he may have been doing some training
  11. Little Richard a Northern Soul dancer?? He just shuffles around the dance floor looking camp...is that really what people used to do at Wigan?
  12. Mike , every cloud has a silver lining...whilst the site's been off I've been cleaning , in fact my house is so clean it would pass a test from those two old birds off the telly (and my mother's visit at the weekend...).
  13. Yep in my excitement at discovering you'd listed that song as Lee Otis Valentine I didn't read your post saying they were all coverups. I've been going round for years swearing it was by somebody Valentine..thought I was going mad. Made it even more confusing cos he gave it a different title too!
  14. Lee Otis Valentine-The Hytones?? Different title too-should have been I don't even know your name.
  15. up yer bum Cato
  16. You mean Ian don't you? The "older gentleman" mod from Blackpool. I see him all the time at Bury, Lowton, New century... I can remember him from when I first started on the scene in the 80s. Think he's mid 60s (not a guess, he told me once) He's usually in the modern room ..always tells me and the Shuffler how gorgeous we're looking....nice chap
  17. He rips you off whenever he can. Even if it's $5 he adds on as extra postage or whatever, if he can get anything more out of you he will. My other half won't touch him with somebody elses barge pole anymore.
  18. Thar bus station was like something from Assault on Precinct 13 ...very grim. Did you used to go in that grotty cafe in the Mcr Arndale with tall Nige,Martin the mod, Chris Morgan, Malcolm Talcum etc?
  19. I'd love one. Don't think my mate and I missed hardly one all the time it ran. It's not just nostalgia, it was just class! Even now when some records are played I can close my eyes and be back there...Tommy Navarro, Soul Bros Inc, The Hytones...loads of em. If I go to a do and Pat Brady's deejaying, his voice takes me back there...tapes, playlists anything like that would be a joy to see/hear
  20. Oh Reg, the pictures I could ruin us both with from Parr Hall. I think we look better nowadays, mind you it was the 80's and I was a fat little mod who tried to squeeze into tailor made clothes that still couldn't make me look good. Well, in some ways maybe. I couldn't get away with shorts nowadays. Looking back at some of the boyfriends from those days...some things never change
  21. [Did you go to the Winding Wheel in Chesterfield. Know I live there but it's the best venue I've ever been in, shame about the squad link
  22. Cheers Chalky, brilliant seeing them!
  23. I was so proud of my 3 voices soul club membership card And what was the Tony's soul club called ? Was it Soul Town? (memory terrible..)
  24. Was just talking about Tony's empress on another thread and it got me thinking about favourite old venues and my personal favourite old venue Warrington Parr Hall. Ah the memories, the train trip from Oxford road, meeting your mates in the queue outside and catching up, orange ice lollies, sixties newies, SOS bootlegs...then the horrendous wait for the bus home in the morning (Sunday engineering works..nothings' changed since)... and cups of tea in the arndale cafe with Malcolm Talcum You know loads of people say the scene died for years after Wigan but Parr Hall was always rammed every 2 weeks for a good few years. Did anybody on here go?
  25. It has to be beautiful Marvin...

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