I'm gonna stick up for Steve here because I think that some of you have got him completely wrong.
As he keeps saying thoughout the post, EACH TO THEIR OWN! He may not like this kind of event personally but he knows some people do. Steve has been on the scene for 25 years , and maybe because his circumstances differ to some of yours, he doesn't always want to go out and hear records he's heard thousands of times over the last 20 years. Perhaps when some of you returnees have been back for a couple of years you'll get sick of hearing the Northern Soul top 500 and change direction. But that's up to you.
I'm not sure I get you anyway? I could class myself as a returnee, having been on the scene on and off for 20 years, a bit Like Chrissieo-having been in crap relationships had children etc and only really dipped in and out from around 1992 - 2004 when I started going out again more regularly (but still sometimes only once a month or so..) . But I still avoid the Northern Soul nostalgia nights because I wanna hear something NEW. That's the whole point of music isn't it? Do chart music fans want to lsiten to the hits of 1994 for the rest of their lives? Probably not, so why should we (who, obviously have better taste because we like soul music to start with...) do similar?
And after you've finished dissing Steve, maybe you should meet him sometime, you wouldn't meet a nicer chap, more dedicated to this scene of ours than anybody else on this forum and not elitist in any way