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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Pat and the Blenders
  2. Hamilton Movement reminds me of Prestatyn this year as it was never off, also Celeste Hardie reminds me of the Orwell
  3. Reg

    Regs blog from 2005

    From Here To Maternity Posted by Reg 01 August 2005 Had a last wheel out before the imminent arrival of baby Reg at Steve's new night Soul or Nothing. Wow, what a turn out and, without any hint of bias, I have to say it was one of the best nights I've been at for a good while (with the possible exception of the launch night ). Thing is he's got it just right for the kind of people he wants to attract. A plush venue with plenty of sofas ( for those of us who need to take the weight off out feet for whatever reason) , a fantastic dj list mainly consisting of collectors with the odd big name guest thrown in , a great location in City centre Manchester and a good age range of customers, not just from the soul scene. I invited a group of friends down who aren't soul scene regulars by stretch of the imagination and they had a fantastic time and are coming again next month. Also, there were a few young girls sitting near me on the door who danced all night and were asking me about other venues they could go to. Steve's enthusiasm for the scene we love is infectious and this kind of night is perfect for introducing new people to rare soul -people who've maybe been to Matt Bolton's Move on Up in Leeds or Northern Funk in Manchester and want to hear more in a non intimidating, modern atmosphere -rather than be scared off by Oxford bags, chin strokers and wide eyed men old enough to be your father I'd encourage any of you reading this (if there is anybody reading this....) to come down and try it out. The next one is August 27th....I'll be there in spirit
  4. Not heard this track in years (don't get to that many mod events these days tho..). Anybody got a soundfile?
  5. Being a bit of a disco girl ( and just to annoy Mr Bergman when he checks this thread tomorrow...ha ha) here's a few for tonight: Harvey Mason-How does it feel Phillip Mitchell- One on One Timeless Legend-I was born to love you The Dells - Your Song Marva Hicks-looking over your shoulder Well he's out so I don't get the chance usually
  6. TONY TROUTMAN - WHATS THE USE - great record
  7. Boy yes .... I'd even eat a bad roast dinner............ Sorry logged on as Reg , it was actually a reply from me Richard Bergman
  8. Here's an mp3 not as fast as I remembered
  9. Oh yes forgot piccalilli...and sliced onions in a bowl with vinegar. Haha. And maybe grated cheese wasn't invented in Yorkshire but us Lancastrians were a bit more progressive with our cheese preparation......
  10. The famous plate salad is probably a Northern (geographical) thing. Usually consisting off some limp lettuce, month old spring onions, beetroot, slice of grey looking hard boiled egg, thinly sliced tomato and cucumber with some kind of meat( usually boiled ham) or grated cheese. This was invariably served with bread and butter and a cup of milky tea...Yummy...
  11. All this talk about spending Sundays at all dayers....I don't believe it for a minute, EVERYBODY in the 70s spent Sunday tea at Grans eating plate salads, egg sandwiches with Fruit cocktail and carnation milk for afters. It's a fact! And I can remember my elder brother sitting there in his star jumper and flares with one of those daft 70s haircuts -were they called feather cuts? Like the Bay City Rollers had
  12. Can't say I like the men in flares/bags look. Reminds me of my dad who wore big flares and fat ties about 3 years after they'd gone out of fashion.
  13. You can add Eddie Bishop to that list-music to push your shopping trolley along to....
  14. That is a familiar sight
  15. Richard Bergman a young gun? You're having a laugh-he was born 50 P.S He has got great records tho..whatever his real age..(maybe I'm a little bit biased.... )
  16. I think they play/played this on the mod scene..not sure if they still do but sure they did in the 80s... Davie or Mace would know.
  17. This one does it for me
  18. "Move on up" , every Wednesday at the Hi Fi club in Leeds
  19. Hey I wanna play Hilda (Is that what she was called who did the Wigan door?? Dave, Andy??)
  20. I'm surprised that Paul Sadot isn't in this what with his mate from Dead Mans Shoes in it too...he doesn't look any older than Paddy Considine and he can do all that 70s northern dancing with the floorwork, spinning etc. Would have thought he'd have been perfect for a part in this, especially cos of his knowledge of the scene back then having been part of it plus , obviously, directing the Wigan play.
  21. Incidentally the Scottish film has been shown, it's a great piece of work but I think they gave up on trying to find 'young' dancers though and just went for good dancers. Where'd you see it Rach?
  22. Well he's always bragging about his 2 CSEs so he must be DOn't tell Ana tho
  23. I think it's if you can get away with being between those ages...Steve Cato has been in a couple of these now (Soul Function and another one filmed in Scotland that hasn't seen daylight yet) and it's a while since he saw 30... Anyway if you want my two pennyworth (no????) I don't think the film's gonna get younger people swarming back to the scene...I keep hearing the This england analogy but remember in those days there were only 3 channels on telly and nowt much else going on...that was more the reason people were attracted to Wigan etc by watching the programme. These days in the current lowest common denominator X Factor/Pop Idol, text a pizza society it really would be too much like hard work for most under 30s to seek out a northern soul event I think.

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