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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Yep I know they do and that's all it was but he asked because some people do make their babies sick by smoking..it can cause asthma and it's the main cause of cot death, apparantly. Anyway he's fine now ta and his lungs are very healthy as he proved at 3am this morning
  2. Usual smoker argument to quote the harm drink does when we're not even talking about drinking. My father's a bloody alcoholic (so I know all about that thanks) but aren't we talking about smoking and how smoking affects the choice of non-smokers not smokers. Went to the docs the other day with my 4 month old son who had a cough. First question was "Do either of you smoke?" Richard and I were mortified that he would think that we could poison our son's lungs by smoking. But people do it, and children have no choice. How many people do you see pushing buggies with a fag in their hand, smoke drifting down into their child's lungs? The other day I went to the cash machine and a woman was there smoking,blowing the smoke into her child's face, I went to use the machine after her and she'd spilt fag ash all over the keypad...lovely. So this is the habit you want to protect? Fair enough-enjoy it while you still have the chance.
  3. and if (the big IF) they do ban smoking in all public places let's face it, the smokers have had a good run out....well the last few hundred years
  4. Yes you are correct I should sit at home or perhaps spend my weekends in Ireland as,obviously, it is my choice NOT to smoke
  5. I know the Union club introduced a no smoking policy so Mick H changed the venue-which was a shame cos I really liked that venue. Plus, looking at what Chris W has said on here about them not using the Stoke venue any more for the same reason, I doubt that any soul event would chance a 100% no smoking policy. I'm afraid that this would have to be forced on us by a government who can make a proper decision...and I'm not holding my asthmatic breath...(I'm saving my lung energy for smoky venues..pass the inhaler )
  6. Bugger! Thought it was my PC having problems this week...KTF audio now this :angry: Let's hope the chap's on holiday or summin and it's just a technical thing???
  7. Isn't it menage a trois ???? If you want to be picky We'll be listening
  8. OKay, without a hint of bias..... Fave Venue- Soul or Nothing and the Greatstone Fave DJ - Little Richard of course Fave Track - probably Eddie Kendricks overall
  9. Ah...we've all met Steve Cato Didn't know he played golf tho
  10. Was with Matty Bolton at Prestatyn and he bought James Bell a SLush Puppie..actually think you were there too Shane wasn't you?
  11. Went to the Trafford Centre on Tuesday and, whilst we sat having a bite to eat there was a tea dance going on-band playing and loads of old folks dancing away doing the foxtrot etc. Is that what we've got to look forward to? Shufflng away to mid tempo being watched by burger munchers?
  12. Has anybody got a MP3 of the Moon People Land of Love? Cheers, Reggie
  13. I know who you mean-she wears a lot of designer stuff and has spiky hair that's long at the back-Richard told me she was called Helga...the big fat liar that he is
  14. Feminine Ingenuity by Ruby...I know a lot of people like this but it does nowt for me. The words make me cringe and the melody doesn't go anywhere
  15. The Blackpool neighbourhood all dayer is on 3 December this year...looks like a good line up too The Neighbourhood Presents Northern and Rare Soul All Dayer with Black Music Record Fair The Thornton Social Club Holly Road Thornton Blackpool FY5 4HH Over 20 dj's featuring some of the U.K.s biggest names plus someof the brightest new tallent in two room Saturday 3rd December 2005 2.p.m. 'til 2. a.m. Admission £7 Confirmed DJ's Mick 'H' (Needs no intro to you people) Mace (BIDDS, Queens Hall stoke, Alsager etc etc) Roger Banks (Nottingham's most influential and progressive DJ) Neil Jones (Bury Town Hall) Jamie Hartford (Soulville, Leeds) Rich Buckley (Soulville, Leeds) John May (Derby and regular Soul Sourcer) Chris King Ged Parker (The Neighbourhood and Lytham Academy) Roly Ferguson (The Neighbourhood) Geoff Claxton (Soul at Salwick) Dave Gillett (Soul at Salwick) Roy Hinsley (Boltons own Motown man) Steve Mc Williams (Lytham Academy)
  16. Yep, and at least at Prestatyn (however bloody cold it is..and I've done some moaning on that subject....) you don't have the chance of running into some soulie you know vaguely whilst wearing a bikini
  17. Thanks Stockport Town Hall, very nice I agree..but don't I'm saving that much on records
  18. Spending less as saving up to get married..but probably buying more volume wise...picking up lots of cheapie 45s recently...(btw Shane you still haven't sent me that list????)
  19. Last few things I've got off Gemm have been the cheapest I've been able to find. Most of the main dealers like Manship etc sell on there anyway. Also the delivery time is usually really quick which is great for an impatient soul like me
  20. Anybody who tells me Richard Bergman aint the best dancer will have me to deal with....
  21. lol ....precious or what.????? Reg, resident, my living room....
  22. Yep that's also true but more than ever at Prestatyn..I think they had it on 3 times a day in every room (except the Royston Vasey room of course.....)

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