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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Is the DJ Genesis track that Sam plays from 2005? If it is...I like that one https://robgrantrecords.pwp.blueyonder.co.u...nds/Genesis2.rm
  2. I think £1 is good value as it is a good little mag and it's got noticeably better over the last few months with a lot of new articles from people like Davie and Brett. Got the latest copies through (cos Soul or Nothing advertise in it) and there's a letter telling you about the new charge and asking promoters if they want to sell it in their venues..for a bit of a profit. It could work but depends on the night I suppose. you could have a pile on the door or maybe leave them somewhere with a box next to them to put your money in?? Hope it works out
  3. Nearly anything by The Miracles...and lots of Smokey stuff on his own too. Two that I can think of at the moment (hundreds obviously) that make me smile are That's what love is made of, If your mother only knew and , on his own, Ever had a dream...
  4. Not bad ta for my first Christmas as a married woman Hope yours was good too
  5. Stop and you will become aware-Helen Shapiro......(don't tell Richard..ha ha)
  6. A long shot but I think Paul B may be going to Stoke...he may be going back to Manchester? If you can't get hold of him by PM let me know and I'll ask him for you.
  7. Gail Adams......yep..very dreadful LCD music....
  8. I got the Tomorrow's Men...what did he bring you?
  9. That one, really don't like it, never have.....horses for courses and all that
  10. Vanguards...awful and that rubbish Patience Valentine thing......
  11. I emailed the seller to say it was cracked...the packing was the normal kind, a couple of pieces of cardboard. Anyway, he's refunded the money so he obviously deserves his 10/10 rating. It wasn't an expensive record but I'm happy and I'll buy from him again for sure....
  12. It was through Gemm where they don't pass the card details on. I'll see if this chap gets back to me in the next couple of days then , if not, I'll do what you've said. , I'm hoping that he'll be okay as he's got 10 out of 10 on the feedback thingy but you never know. Cheers Garv
  13. I ordered a record for my other half from Gemm and it's arrived...with a big crack I've had records come before that aren't the condition they've said but not completely knackered as this is. It was obviously cracked when it was sent or has broken on the way...what's your experience with this kind of thing? I've emailed the seller but I'm not holding my breath. (It isn't an expensive one...just a tenner or so).
  14. I've noticed that on this forum if anybody says anything that is a opinion on anything,whether it be about clothes,records, whatever..then they're jumped on because they're expressing an opinion that may offend some of the sensitive souls on here. More often than not it's somebody who may agree with the poster! Soulgirl says it's a community on here and that Richard may not understand what a community is? Well I'm not sure why he should have to pussyfoot around just in case he offends somebody he doesn't know from Adam...for God's sake don't we live in a democracy? It's not like he's saying anything offensive or hurtful to members on here. If Richard thinks that it can get boring talking about non record subjects doesn't he have the right to say that as an equal member of this forum? I agree with him that it's like bloody groundhog day on here at the moment-oldies v newies, fancy dress v dressing your age etc etc and I do wonder what some of these subjects are doing in an "all about the Soul" forum? This is a great site and it does worry me slightly that people will be alienated by the keep the faith love everybody and everything attitude on here ..there was a time when I could come on here and have a bit of a debate without worrying that I'd be getting daggers off strangers at the next soul event I attended. Anyway that's my two pennyworth....back now to slagging Man United fans off on 606... (btw I won't take the personal comments about my husband to heart...my skin's slightly thicker than that...)
  15. Where did that go?? Can't believe it's Christmas Eve already! Hope you all get what you want and not too many socks All the best, Reg and poorly Rich xx See ya at the Orwell on 27th or Greatstone NYE
  16. That's more like the Dave I know I will try the apples And back on the original subject (just in case we get told off by Shane)..I'm sure anybody can get a chance to dj if they really want to. Look at Paul Sadot, a couple of years ago he was just a collector doing the odd spot at Sheridans and now he's got a booking most weekends! And not just small local nights, he does most of the big niters including the last lifeline. Merry Christmas everybody
  17. Yep, that sounds about right..I got one that says "extra large duck" I mean. how big can a duck grow? And then it shrinks to about half it's original size when you cook it. However, it's probably a good thing as I'm putting Richard on a diet as he's getting quite fat
  18. Oh forgot about that.....(as if...I was in Tesco at 7am this morning..Sainsburys is so yesterday ). OKay , the snake is brill but not as good as Out on the floor...that better??? Mmm, stuffing, not really thought about it, I may just make a nice slightly alcohol sauce of some kind. Any ideas Dave?
  19. The secret with duck is to blast it with a hairdryer so it's really dry inside and out, then rub salt on the skin and cook it sitting on a wire tray over your roasting tin so it's not roasting in it's own fat. Rhen it's nice and crispy and not too fatty Cat? Mmm, never tried it (knowingly....) but I suppose if there's five of you maybe you could have the tail?
  20. But can I say that oldies dos are (usually) rubbish because in my opinion they are-doesn't mean I'm knocking the people who go to em. Why does everybody have to be nice about everything, it's so PC :angry: Anyway, we're having duck but I'm sure some people like turkey..you get lots of leftovers and it's quite healthy
  21. 40ish??? I've seen a lot older than that wearing the beer towel look...one bloke I've seen at Prestwich wears the vest, flares, beer towel and all that and he must be 60..... sorry but it's not pleasant seeing somebody the age of your grandad sweating away on the dancefloor..beer towel to soak the sweat up or not
  22. Didn't Kev Roberts do some "dinner and dance " nights last year? Recall seeing it advertised on the back on NSoul??
  23. Have you seen Saturday night telly recently???
  24. I can remember this being played on the soul/modern scene with the original backing...what year is it from Byrney?
  25. Things you never see?? Men carrying combs....

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