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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Come on let's have some more.... Masqueraders How Big Is Big Bell .mp3
  2. Ok, here's another..don't forget it's all about what we're listening to..not chin stroking stuff..just what you're listening to right now (well if you have a sound file)...
  3. Okay, here's another..glorious stuff from the Dynamics..big Greatstone play, wish I was there
  4. Fantastic, this has been a big play in Manchester for Messrs Cato and Bergman for a few years...love it
  5. Yep, it's nice and cheap but lovely nevertheless...one of those records I've known for yonks but didn't know what it was..I used to hang out with people who played this kind of stuff 20 years ago before it was popular like it is now cos everybody's getting too old to dance to up tempo..think they were just lazy that's why they liked it. Similarly Lou courtney, Carl Hall and those kind of "Parkers" sounds well anything by Sam Cooke is alright by me...lovely stuff
  6. Well I know how that feels, every time I get a dvd out the video shop these days it either jumps to f**K or is rubbish anyway...
  7. Doesn't matter what genre, oldie, newie, modern whatever...if you've got a tune that's making your night in less boring let's have a sound file Mine tonight, ( to start off with), is this lovely record introduced to me by Mr and Mrs Trout who have the best taste in soul music, hope you all like it
  8. Funny, some bloke told Rich he looked like James Blunt on another forum the other day
  9. Hey doesn't look like you'll be meeting him after that comment Think he'd like this one
  10. Bugger, read the thread title and was just about to post up the same thing!! Got to agree, brilliant stuff from,possibly, the best voice in soul music...but that's another thread
  11. Reg

    Wendell Watts

    Yeah maybe but I'm not talking about price I'm saying it's a lovely record..
  12. Reg

    Wendell Watts

    Are you saying that You Girl is awful? I can't imagine how anybody could say that this 45 is anything other than sublime..have you got wax in your ears or something?
  13. Just a few what we used to call modern.. Sam Dees - Fragile Handle with Care Bessie Banks-Don't worry baby, best is yet to come Brown Sugar -Game is over Dee Dee Warwick -funny how we changed places Tony Fox - Love, let love and be loved
  14. and Warrington Parr Hall too (I've got one of those ...somewhere )
  15. I can also remember the days when a membership card was a requirement to get into a nighter..and not just any membership card, it had to be the specific one..ie 3 voices for Warrington...soultown for Blackburn etc.. BUT..it was a pain..I forgot one once and thy wouldn't let me in..16 years old in the middle of Warrington town centre with no way of getting home and they say I can't get in. Anyway. luckily, Martin Mellors came along, knew me and got the promoters to come out and okay me going in...very lucky for me or I would have been stranded. The moral of this story...I think that we should use membership cards with discretion...no way was I a threat back in 1985....female.. 7 stone nothing and 16 years old..but I had to rely on good luck that somebody I sort of knew was in the queue behind me. IMO as somebody who works a door, you should only pull the members only card if you really don't want the person to come in because they're clearly trouble causers or totally inebriated. And to be honest if somebody was totally unsuitable they wouldn't get past the bouncers at Soul or Nothing..before they even got to the door.
  16. Ah but then you have to stay up all night and some of us are far to old for that Joe Niter djs at Soul or Nothing? Paul Sadot and Karl Rhodes are probably considered by some to be niter djs but who else? We've not had any of the djs on your list on yet have we? Most the djs at SON are collectors in the main.
  17. Who's the Kenny Lynch looky likey?
  18. THINk we're all still recovering from Christmas and New Year...I know I am Even Rachel's staying in tonight
  19. Is this any good?
  20. AH...well that's why soundfiles are good
  21. Why do you think I'm on ere starting inane topics...lol.... in with the babes...Richard is in London watching bloody Millwall
  22. Yep That's one of mine too...
  23. Ouch..it's hard but can you really admit what your real favourite oldie is? Instead of stroking your chin and trying to think of a forgotten one why not take this opportunity to come clean and let us know your favourite proper oldie... I'll start the ball rolling with my personal favourite..dunno why but I love it but here it is: The Vonettes-Touch my Heart

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