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Everything posted by Reg

  1. I think she's okay and is a talented singer -I saw her on never mind the Buzzcocks and I thought she was quite funny and genuine too. I know it's not soul but you can see her influences obviously are and I like the fact she's a bit more raw than the likes of Joss Stone. When you sit in an office with Radio 2 on all day she's a nice diversion to Razorlight, Coldplay and 80s chart oldies I can tell you!
  2. Ask Steve Cato, think he can still get em for you-he should be on here later today. If you can't get hold of him Pm me and I'll ask him to contact you
  3. And Steve's getting ready to polish off another 6 pack of mousses.... Fun Fun Fun!!! A good dj tells me what the records are called (so I can pretend I knew all along) and lots of 70s...not too much crackly out of tune stuff that should have been left in Detroit This afternoon I've been listening to Johnny T and Flanny on Solar and they are very good by the way
  4. Oh Mike does this mean you're giving your permission for a big old row In that case...(let me have a think about who I can upset ) I think Baz is a rubbish dj as I've never heard of any of that old 60s rubbish he plays and I've heard him play at least once. He should take my advice and slip in a few modern oldies-I've got a reissue of Greg perry, It Takes Heart that he can buy off me for a fiver Take some advice off somebody who knows( I'm out at least twice a year)...it's what people want and the quicker you realise it the better
  5. Jackie Edwards-I feel so Bad ....the more crackles the better
  6. Well it puts me off, it's just a night out after all. Does my head in to be honest, I just want to go out, see friends, have a bit of a shuffle and go home. Who gives a rats ass about what somebody puts on their flyer or what gets played. Just go somewhere else !
  7. Oh my Gawd! Just read this thread.... and people wonder why numbers are down on the soul scene. Twaddle like this just puts people off - "proper" soulies or not
  8. Where's the separate thread ? is it a Parkers playlist thread? If not can somebody start one as I loved those nights
  9. Well I for one wouldn't go to any KRL event , especially after him coming on here threatening people after Whitby. I'd rather spend my money on supporting a local event that's put on for the love of it by decent people who treat the people coming through the door with respect- not just another number!
  10. I don't get out that much these days as I have small children but, to me, the main problem with having loads of nites on every weekend is that I end up being so confused by where to go that I don't go anywhere. Or I just play safe and go to venues that I know will be definitely good rather than take the risk and end up listening to stompers all night . It's like having Sky and having all the movie channels, the whole deal....you still end up watching a documentary on BBC2
  11. Oh I dunno Kenny, I thought you told me that as long as they play the Casualeers you're happy .......
  12. It was a parka she had on-obviously now Kirk's bought her a moped she has become a mod overnight!
  13. VOx Pop (round the corner from Beatin Rhythm) and downstairs at Vinyl Exchange are also worth a look for albums. Some of it's reissued stuff but you still can find some nice things.
  14. Darlin darlin baby and Never too much
  15. If he doesn't give a flying f*ck, how come you, his "sidekick" keep coming on here going on about him?
  16. Hard choice but I think I'll have to go for Sam
  17. Love it to bits, big Greatstone tune...
  18. I'm confused! Who's September 1973? Everybody knows apart from me? I'm really sorry somebody's pissed on your Ebay chips, maybe it was a simple keyboard error and they only wanted one..but you never know some people need more copies and need reminding of the top 500 just in case they forget..one in the livng room, one in the car, one in the loo..etc etc .just as a reminder in case they may not remember one of em next time they go to Stoke......
  19. Richard and I are looking for a bed for the night on Saturday night only-(basically somewhere for me to my head down before driving back to Wales on Sunday). We're very clean and quiet (I usually pass out after 6 or 7 ciders) . If anybody's got any room in their caravan or knows a cheap b&b (I've been ringing round and all the ones I've found are £60 plus)please give Rich or I a shout. Cheers Reggie
  20. Here's 5 off the top of my head...I'll probably think of 5 more in a minute Carl Hall-What about you Clyde McPhatter-One more chance Masqueraders-How Big is big Brown Sugar-Game is over and one that reminds me of being 14 again...Maxine Brown-Let me give you my loving
  21. One last one before I retire..

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