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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Good Luck in Oz! Hope you can get brussel sprouts over there Take Care, Reggie, Richard and the little ones
  2. The Shake a tail feather (James and Bobby Purify). I bet you that Mr Bearsoul Morgan could give you a run for your money with any one of theses dances-he is the best dancer ever :dance:
  3. I think they just played it for a laugh on a couple of mod rallies in the 80s. I don't think it was ever considered a serious play...well not by the djs anyway. Possibly a case of the emperor's new clothes though, the way some people reacted. I definitely remember seeing some dodgy types dancing seriously to it mace could probably confirm this or KirstyM.
  4. Gawd I hope Richard doesn't see this thread He is on a record buying mission at the moment
  5. The lyrics are fantastic! So cheesy!
  6. Where've they gone???? I just listened to an MP3 and couldn't hear them either....maybe it's the other version the one with the longer intro? Or maybe I'm just losing the plot...very possible!
  7. Can you hear ghostly chimes on The Ultimates-Girl I've been trying? At the beginning? Or is it just me?
  8. Kirsty, didn't you read Russ's post? You don't go to all niters so much because you JUST DON'T WANT TO GO. Stop making excuses about small children and being a decent parent...you should be out every weekend leaving them with any Tom Dick or Harry you can dump em on ....so what if you spend the next two days too grumpy and tired to look after them properly, at least the soul scene will survive
  9. Prefer the later finishing Soul Nights. I do the occasional allniter at weekenders and the odd Lifeline but, like a lot of people, the recovery period after an all-niter is far too long for someone with an ever expanding family! Plus nobody wants to see me going out into the bright early morning after a night on the pop
  10. I agree Winnie,I think that the bottom line is that some older people on the soul scene feel threatened about younger people infiltrating their clique! When I started going to niters 20 years ago it was totally different as ,even though the scene had been going for ages, the average crowd was 20 or even 30 years younger than it is now and people were nothing but friendly. I know that the drunken dancing can be annoying but no more so than people knocking 60 off their heads on gear
  11. Sure I used to see that chap on the right at Sheridans??
  12. That's spot on! And the reason that I don't understand why people go and listen to the same music week in week out at certain oldies nights. I find that some of the people who complain about so called purists on SS, don't even go to the bad oldies nights. They may go to across the board nights that play quite a lot of oldies but not the really poor ones that play OOTF off a CD and The Snake on replay (I live in Stockport so I know!!) The last time I heard DILY out was at Soulsville funnily enough when they had Kenny Burrell on...and to be honest it really had lost it for me. The mello souls is decent enough-what I would call an all niter record, bad production, slightly out of tune but hits the spot at 4am when you're trying to avoid a hyperactive chatterbox and the dancefloor's your only escape
  13. Oh I had a few of them in those days Don't think the shorts helped but I was very naive there were some dodgy characters around back then! (Not that there isn't now... )
  14. The Mod revival in the early to mid eighties-Cloud Nine all dayers in Manchester-hearing stuff like Benny Troy and Lew Kirton and learning about allniters through some of the lads there like Nick Stevenson and Martin the Mod...had a scary first night at the Carousel on Plymouth Grove in about 84, then Warrington,Morecambe and Tony's Empress followed (and a legendary apprearance on Whistle Test hiding behing my niter bag...)...those so called quiet years when you usually had to queue round the block to get in anywhere!!
  15. :angry: :angry: Some people eh? Gadding about all over the world when it takes a military scale operation to take meself down the road to Bury for a couple of hours I'm told the weather's mild for the time of year though Lucky Bugger!
  16. I read it, he went on about selling all his vinyl due to not having enough space (that old chestnut....) and about how many thousands of cds he has. He does smooth fm now up north. I think that record collector can still be okay-it's definitely a better read than Mojo with the likes of Dylan/Johnny Cash and the Beatles on repeat every couple of months!
  17. First original (soul) record was Rodger Collins-she's looking good. Plenty of non originals before that but it was the early 80s-we didn't have cds then you know
  18. Just got round to thanking eveybody for the replies. Btw has anybody gota soundclip of the baldy and DS VERSION?
  19. Chris gave me a brill CD for Xmas of album tracks-including Baby Washington, I got it bad and that aint good which I hadn't heard for yonks! and he is very kind as he gave me an Al Wilson 45 that I'd been after for a bit
  20. I think AW is okay, good enough not to be compared with Pink and Gwen Stefani for gawds sake! I sometimes think that some people will not even entertain any other form of music that is not sixties Northern Soul and I do think that is a bit blinkered. I know this is a soul forum but I think you can class AW as definitely Soul influenced and no different than white artists of the past that have taken inspiration from Black American singers.
  21. I heard a version of Elton John's Are you ready for love with the Detroit Spinners on Smooth Fm this morning. Haven't heard this version before and it is even better than the one with old Baldy on his own. does anybody know anything more about this version-I think it was recorded when elton worked with Thom Bell in the 70s but other than that I don't know. Thanks in advance
  22. You're wasting your time with some of the smokers on here Donna, I, as usual, have eventually had to reply on this same old recycled subject due to the sheer arrogance of some of our nicotine addicted friends! The same old arguments comparing the smoking issue to drinking and drug habits that simply don't wash (unlike our smelly smoky clothes....)...Maybe I should go out and spend the whole night farting if people don't think sitting in a smelly room's offensive
  23. I love this and haven't seen one about for ages. I've got it on a really old compilation lp called something original like Modern Soul (red and white cover) that's got loads of other top stuff like the Pages on it. Hope you find one...If I see one I'll let you know as I can't afford one
  24. Has Les Hare got any in his shop? I vaguely remember him having it in when it first came out ....I think Try ringing him at King Bee 0161 860 4762

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