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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Is it the one Dave Moore does? If so I think I know where you can get them for standard postage
  2. Maybe I'm being thick but why would anybody want to dj with somebody elses record-least of all a man's!! They think they're superior as it is (see Cookie's comments about record bars) without being able to patronise you whilst you play their records..."ha ha she put the wrong side on...daft thing" I think you girls that are doing this want your heads testing.
  3. and we've got a couple of Ace Spectrum left too.... I like them both dont tell anybody though
  4. I've seen one for less than that on a recent list or website...just trying to recall which one. I will ask him indoors on his return from work, see if he remembers and let ya know....sorry for being crap, I have far too many children, they drain your brain!
  5. I like it...not as much as him indoors though...however there's a time and a place. Eg, I paid a fortune for a babysitter on Saturday night and went to the Hideaway....I may have been a bit miffed after a few vinos if I had to listen to Deep Soul! If I'm out I want something danceable..whether it be 70s, modern, RnB or out and out Northern. Otherwise I would possibly nod off
  6. Steve, had you and Lydia had an heavy day on the white wine before you posted this! Although I feel pretty fed up myself at the moment with this continual rain rain rain! As the week goes on I'm sure you'll perk up-maybe we'll bring the babies round to cheer you up!! At the very least it will make you feel better that you aren't me!!! And don't forget in a few weeks we'll be sitting in a bar in the south of France sipping that white wine!!!! See you soon Reggie x
  7. I liked the first one....who was it???
  8. Must agree-I am a bit partial to a decent across the board policies...there aren't that many about tbh but MIDDLETON is about as near as it gets I think.
  9. Maybe we should do a disaster recovery exercise and swap msn/yahoo messenger ids with the ss people we love to argue with the most! Just in case it goes down again. Yes I am a mother of 2 small children!!!! I start up conversations in the queue at Tesco!
  10. I like it!!
  11. Whoops..just went again!!!
  12. Late sixties to early seventies-usually has that particular crossover horns sound and superior production to earlier stuff! The Ultimates, Richard Caiton, Ollie Nightingale.... I wouldn't class Fred Hughes as crossover-definitely Northern Soul to me!
  13. By eck it's good to be back!
  14. Reg


    Think he means trousers/pants Paul you naughty MC Superb!!! There is a retro place that does em-type spencers into google and I think you'll find it. As for CDs...try Gold Soul or Amazon....anything on the Kent Label is usually good
  15. I agree...talc isn't the only white powder some people can't get enough of on the soul scene...was at a night a few weeks ago and a woman sprinkled the talk every time she danced...I do not lie she actually opened a new bottle of it half way through the night as she'd run out! What a dickhead!
  16. Ha ha didn't I say just that a few posts ago... in march 2007 Miranda finished her [open unniversity] language degree she is now fluent in the ancient journalist language "talking and writing bollucks"
  17. It's (usually) better than karaoke at the local....just Liam is just enthusiastic cos he's moving here soon...have a word with Olof the mad Viking....he's had enough of the place and heading back to Sweden soon!!!
  18. Well done! As Lisa said earlier...she really is a div!
  19. Like where's that bl**dy remote control I'm with Mr B on this-who knows-I just know I like it more than Westlife Deep me
  20. Agree I hate to be nostalgic but I still like this record as it reminds me of being 14 and buying the Casino Classics Volume 2 from Vibes in Bury-it's on that with Eloise Laws and the Showstoppers I think.
  21. Moggy's got it right I think-as a non smoker I really don't like being in a smoky atmosphere but I've obviously put up with it for years as I like to go to places where people smoke. So now I can have a rest from it as the smokers have had a good few hundred years being able to smoke where they like and they probably won't miss it that much anyway once they get used to it....most ex smokers I I know don't miss it...they're usually more anti smoking than people who've never smoked! Just waiting now for the alcohol being anti social contra argument....usually follows
  22. Astral Trip I gave it away a couple of years ago to a good home Sounds like the theme from Space 1999....maybe that's why I liked it!
  23. Miranda Sawyer has been talking bollocks disguised as music journalism for twenty years...she's the prime example of someone with a fragmented knowledge of a subject who's manages to blag her way to success... Any decent music magazine wouldn't bother with her but the OMM is very poor..
  24. They play this at the Greatstone.. Either Tony or Paul...memory fails me, probably both of them!
  25. or anything by him really. God I made a prat of myself last year at Cleethorpes when I met him...queued up twice for autographs for myself and Karl Rhodes(think he was too embarrassed to do it himself)..I obviously wasn't...there's photographic evidence of me with him and Carl Carlton somewhere on this site..What a plonker, they say you should never meet your heroes

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