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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Aw Steve I'm filling up......can tell it's Friday
  2. Was going to ask if your wife stocks character dancing shoes? They are like tap shoes without the tap. Quite a few soul girlies wear them as they look quite cute, are comfortable and are easy to dance in. Flippin expensive at my local dance shop..Soul source discount??
  3. Mike, I added a relevant post but it's gone? Asking about dancing shoes??
  4. Some posts have gone haven't they?
  5. Reg

    Sad News

    Hi Kirsty, Phew that picture brought back a few memories...seems like yesterday. I remember Gillian-in fact I've got a very similar picture to that one possibly at some all dayer in either Leeds or Preston circa 1986ish. So sorry to hear the news-so young...life isn't fair is it. Reggie x
  6. I had a batch of these that I found for £30 about a year ago. Quite a leftfield record really is it xover or sister funk I'm not sure.
  7. I like a bit of talk from a dj...Mark Bicknell, Sam, Butch are good ...but my favourites on the mike are Pat Brady and Roger Banks as they remind me of my youth But I also don't mind if they don't say owt...the only thing that bothers me is I have to get off my bum and ask if I don't know a record!!
  8. Interesting! I should give an opinion myself seeing I did start the thread...I am(like most things) in two minds about the Soul Scene, my pros and cons as follows: Pros Wonderful music-depending on where you go of course... Great friends both new and old Soul Source-adult conversation when the babies get too much Record Bars, across the board all niters (like Middleton)and cosy soul clubs like the Greatstone Characters....won't mention any names...okay Steve Cato. and Brett..ha ha Cons Bitchy women worried about you wanting to nick their old bald husbands Old pervs (see above and post from Shane) Up tempo out of tune stompers Wannabe gangsters Relentless chatterboxes Corporate plastic northern soul Keep the faith? I can remember a few scary nites at Sheridans when a few characters did anything but! Let's say I didn't tend to visit the ladies that often unless accompanied! However, I think that the pros outweigh the cons compared to spending my weekends gardening or watching Take That
  9. That's what I needed to know-just concerned there were more than one 45 version. Ta very much
  10. Just reading another thread on here where there seems to be conflicting views on the general camaraderie of the soul fraternity...A couple of blokes have a scrap that's nobody elses business and all of a sudden an aquaintance of one of the fistycuffers is banned from soul nights and people are brandishing accusations that they must not be "proper soulies" if they had a fight as this sort of thing doesn't happen on the soul scene. Is this cosy rose tinted view of our UK soul scene something of an urban myth? Are people leaving the scene because of politics, backstabbing, chinese whispers and cliques taking over? What's your experience? Are you ready for off or will you never leave? Do you wish you never came back or do you regret having left in the first place? Discuss
  11. I've got a goldmine CD and an mp3 (which I suspect is from the same CD anyway) without the intro....I'm almost certain I have heard the version without the intro played out but maybe not. Although why would Goldmine leave the intro off if that was the only version..seems odd?
  12. Just remembered Thelma Jones self titled lp
  13. Anybody? Or am I imagining it???
  14. Mr Bergman assures me there's going to be one of these in my possession before the end of the year...however, I'm sure that there are two versions? One with an intro, one without? Is this correct as I would prefer the one with the intro. Thanking you in advance
  15. Great album, I love her voice...one of my favourite female artists
  16. Got this one for my birthday from him indoors
  17. I love Lps...always have done. There's something magical about them that I think goes back to my childhood when I got my first one for my 8th birthday (don't ask which one though....oh go on then it was the Grease soundtrack). I thought about this as I'm waiting for the postman to bring me one this morning and Mr Bergman and I have rather a lot between us (mainly his I might add). They are also a great choice for the vinyl fan with more limited resources as they usually come much cheaper than 45s and you also get so much more for your money. EG the Don gardner 45 We're gonna make it big costs 100s but I got it on the Lp lay a little Lovin on me which he did with Baby Washington and it has some decent tracks on it and for only a tenner off the lovely Les Hare. I know that some tracks are LP only and also with some you buy the album and the rest of the tracks are duds (eg Fifth Avenue Band....) but on the whole I think that you're usually on a winner. Mr Bearsoul gave me a lovely LP track compilation for chrimbo which demonstrated this very successfully! So the whole point of this thread....what are your favourite LPs, standout tracks etc? Or are you a strictly 45 only kinda chap?
  18. Actually I can see mr Sadot logged on...maybe if he reads this thread he will remember as he was a Sheridans stalwart and has heard this record played there..maybe his memory's better than mine...but possibly a bit too modern for him Don't worry I'll give up soon!
  19. None of them! I promise you...it will all be revealed once my elusive memory kicks in. Or Cunnie finds that white label, possibly
  20. Just bumping this as it's still bugging me....anybody? Where's Steve Plumb when you need him.... bet he knows!
  21. No it's not Robin S.....it's an American band similar to Blackstreet...quite well known? I'm almost certain I'm not imagining this!
  22. You know this really bugging me now...I know this version but I'm sure there's another one...it's a similar style to the Cleptomaniacs but not quite as housey if you get my meaning? I've looked on AMG and can't find it so maybe they called it something else. Or maybe I imagined it....I had some heavy nights at Sheridans
  23. How come we can't upload MP3S.....I know refosoul is down but thought MP3s would work?
  24. Which version are we talking about? Derek says he found it on a hip hop cd...does he mean the modern version or Tammi TERRELL? Liz(Sheridans) used to play the modern version and it escapes me who it's by...not Blackstreet but similar band???Anybody..?
  25. Steve Cato(little stevie) sells em for Dave I think. He's not online now but he's usually on most days.

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