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Everything posted by Reg

  1. 28 inch waist...are you sure you aren't Brett in disguise I'm very jealous Maybe if I stopped having babies for 5 minutes I'd look half decent in a circle skirt.... Or maybe not
  2. Ha ha...I didn't mean you Chrissie...I know a lot of people went down the punk route after Wigan...I just find it a bit tiresome that people use their families as an excuse for not going to soul events...I didn't go out much on the soul scene for a while in the 90s and the main reason was I'd got bored with it all..I like other types of music and got more into watching bands and going to other kinds of nights. After a few years of going to occasional soul nites at Blackburn and places like that Mike Warby and co started the Hideaway and I got back into it all and it was fresher than ever! I've got 3 children now, I'm skint and babysitters are like golddust but I still get out once or twice a month. As I said previously I think a lot of people who have returned to the scene after a long break seem to feel that they have to justify their absence when nobody really cares if you went to Wigan, Stafford or anywhere else. My husband knows more about soul music than most people I know and he's 26 years old and wasn't even born when Wigan was running
  3. Didn't he say email? I'm only being picky as I would love to join in but can't as I have far too many children and not enough time.....(where is the violin smily????)
  4. Nostalgia mainly...I never went but am similarly nostalgic about old mod rallies and soul events of the 80s...it's about looking back at what a great time you had in your younger years...I've got a young family now but I still get out from time to time so all the excuses about family etc being why people missed 20 years really don't wash. Why not just come clean and say you got bored of it,preferred Duran Duran and had a few years off rather than blaming the kids Truth is a large proportion of so called ex wiganites only ever went once or twice, bought a couple of cds in the 90s from Asda and now think they're the founding fathers of rare soul music....
  5. I'll have the jo armstead ta for the jackie moore btw... sent you a pm
  6. Think they look very bad myself...a friend of mine used to wear massive flares to all niters and I was very embarrassed to be seen with her as they looked so ridiculous. We went to New Century once and she was on call for work and got called in around 7am in the morning but couldn't go to work and be taken seriously wearing the aforementioned garment so she literally begged me to swap trousers with her!! That walk from New Century House to the car park was the longest of my life even though it was only early morning and there was hardly anybody about....30 inch flares are not a good look
  7. Sloskis and the Carousel were the same place (just a different name)...so that's one less...maybe it wasn't so busy in the 80s after all...ha ha only kidding! I was out every weekend either on the Mod Scene or an all niter
  8. Reg


    Roy and Walter are both dead or I would have also picked em! Emmaunel laskey died last year-think we had a tribute of sorts on here
  9. Reg


    I'd like to see Darrow Fletcher again, he was fab at Cleggy the other year! Unfortunately I can't see Curtis again saw him a couple of times in the 80s and he was fantastic. Like a few others it would be great to see Jerry Butler and also Maxine Brown...missed out on her last week as couldn't make it
  10. Reg

    Spread Love

    He may just "forget" it...ha ha! Behave yourself in Leeds (if that's possible)
  11. Reg

    Spread Love

    Sounds ominous I'm sure he will tell you...don't want to upset him by divulging his record buying activity on here Will we be seeing you at the Castle tomorrow?
  12. Reg

    Spread Love

    What do you think Brett?
  13. Cloth ears methinks Pete...there's plenty of em about. But probably not a northern record I agree. very decent motown imo...rather like Gladys Nights If you ever...that kind of thing However it wasn't a hit...maybe some folks are confusing it with Diana's version.....and I don't hear it everywhere I go. If I did, I wouldn't be going to those places as I do like a bit of variety. It makes me chuckle a bit that this tune gets slagged when there's far worse overplayed records masquerading as northern soul. For example I heard Bill Bush last year at a venue I won't name and it was time for taxi home for Reggie ..... Reggie
  14. I haven't been out for weeks and if I get to Castle Greatstone on Saturday and that's on I will be very disheartened to put it politely...it's bad enough when they cancel the soaps for it! Rugby is well dull....
  15. Soul Source has now decided to become an over 16s site because of reactions like yours amongst other things. You cannot expect people on an adult forum to expect junior contribution. Trevski reacted like he would have done to any other SS member...one of the reasons that SS has had to exclude minors is possible retribution from their relatives or associates and I think Trevski has already apologised for causing any offense to the person concerned.
  16. But there is only one team in Manchester Bearsy...the other as you know is in Trafford Surely you remember us from the other year eh???
  17. Yes!! I am sticking my neck out for this because, whilst I realise that everybody can't like everything, this record is so joyous that most people must ,however "popular" or played out it is....
  18. I don't give a rats who plays or likes this record...it is one of the best..there's not many records that are more uplifting than this. When I heard Amy Winehouse had used a sample from it I nearly caught the next pendolino to give her a piece of the Reggie mind I can tell you!! Admit it, ffs it is quality, class, perfection...a record like this cannot be bettered...end of
  19. Give it a few years when your hair starts falling out and the waistline starts to expand...you'll be stroking that chin and taking needles off records with the rest of em I personally have nothing against younger people on the soul scene(I'm married to one ha ha)..I just can't get to grips with children being out and about. Because I have children myself it makes me a bit uncomfortable. I know this thread was probably started in response to the age restriction thread the other day which was actually nothing to do with discriminating against children-just protecting the site.
  20. Mmm seems a bit silly to me..think I'd rather not waste my time bidding for a record that might not even be for sale...
  21. I'm 38 years old, I've got a house full of children so I really don't want to socialise with em to be honest. It's bad enough going out and about with young Rachel looking like her mother without teenagers to make me feel even more ancient. I don't give a monkey's nads whether there's anybody to carry the scene on or not because I'll be knackered or dead by then Victoria Meldrew
  22. I'd rather have disco than some of that out of tune, 100 miles an hour, tinkly crap masquerading as northern soul nowadays.....
  23. I like all them but I never go out....although Alfie Davison burns the ears a bit nowadays and Ace Spectrum and I really don't like Sandra Wright, Midnight Affair....
  24. Hiya!!! I was a mod girl from manchester...I had short brown hair but my friend was blonde. I went out with Chris briefly in 86.....we were regulars at the Carousel, Morecambe and parr Hall. When I saw Chris recently he talked about you....have you head from him?

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