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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Spoon feeding or what? No patience....
  2. What about having it at Gillingham Bearsy? May be a chance of some better footwork than you normally see on a Saturday haha :-)
  3. Posted that at same time as Byrney!
  4. Divs...simple.
  5. What everybody has said so far...not overly bothered re a live act unless it's somebody special.
  6. What were the records out of interest? :-) It's like another guy on this thread said, some people who go to some nights aren't that bothered about the music-it's mainly a social thing. They just like hearing the records they know and anything else is out of their comfort zone. I remember a comedy sketch(forget the show now) where Ralph McTell was playing a gig and he did Streets of London, everybody in the audience cheers. Then he says "here's one from my latest album" and the crowd goes silent so he has to play Streets of London again...
  7. Some of them are. I went to a do a few weeks ago...said Northern Soul,ovo etc. It was like a wedding. Needle in a haystack,build me up buttercup...get the picture? Husbands and wives sitting in their usual seats,halves for the ladies. I lasted an hour.
  8. A friend of mine,..no names mentioned got asked "where do you get your gear" at our first allniter. She replied "ooh charity shops, Afflecks Palace the Cave"...we were very young.
  9. I am now imagining those pyjamas....rather than a paisley pattern...tiny little ktf fists on a nice brown flannelette .
  10. Even big allniters are known to advertise in the local paper or the Guardian guide so that's hardly underground is it? Living in the North West as I do, I find that most people of a certain age know what Northern Soul is. My workmate Phil, 63 years old knows what Northern is...his favourite track is Love slipped through my fingers (he has just told me)... my boss knows what Northern is-she goes to Denton Soul Club, .. you turn on the 6 music and Darrell Banks is playing ... I went to my son's cricket barbecue a couple of weeks ago and the dj played Willie Tee straight after Gangam Style!! Is that mainstream enough?
  11. Ah I bet it was you giving me evils wasn't it?
  12. The latest incarnation of Parr Hall....I went to that. I won't be going again.
  13. Haha, so true even in the mid 80s when I first started going out to allniters (a long time ago when I was a young little mod). I was absolutely not accepted by a lot of people-my friend and I got quite a lot of stick from some of the people on the scene, It was only that we were kind of adopted by a slightly younger crowd that we ever dared go out to an allniter again after a couple of horrendous nights at the Carousel club in Manchester. People are a lot more friendly these days
  14. Exactly, what used to be such an exciting scene has now mainly been taken over the normals. 7200 people at a weekender doesn't say "alternative" anymore. I didn't and still don't want to be like anybody else. They can keep their "faith" and stick it where the sun doesn't shine as far as I'm concerned. I'll stay at home and listen to my new Curtis Mayfield lp.
  15. Joe I can just see that Motown teapot in the tiki tiki bar :-) That waistcoat is the funniest thing ever...nearly as naff as a car sticker I saw recently..."Johnsons Talc -it's a Northern Soul Thing!"
  16. Some of the outtakes were from the Old Grey Whistle test Tony's Empress Ballroom program from 1987. A clip in the record bar and also people going in.
  17. A lot of the women in the tent skirts don't do proper Soul dancing. It's all about the skirt, most of them don't even spin...they just twirl around just enough so you can see their pants
  18. The original "Perry" boys
  19. Wow 16 years! Congratulations Mike on the best Music related site on the internet. I have been a member for around 13 of those years with a couple of different user names. I also had a spell on the moderation team so I appreciate the work involved in the Back room. It definitely isn't a job for the faint hearted! Phew some of you lot would have an argument in a cardboard box! It sounds mad but I really don't think my life would have been the same without Soul Source. As well as meeting my husband on here (well I had seen him about but not spoken to him), I've also met loads of people from all over the UK and abroad who I never would have spoken to otherwise (being a bit of a shy old bird), people who now consider to be lifelong friends. So much mischief has been had after wine o'clock (sorry Mike); late night drunken threads with Mandy, Dave (rip) and Kirsty S amongst others, the short lived chat rooms, Ian Levinegate, the SSCDT and later the SSLAAS. Poor Karen the midnight moderator had her work cut out! Nice one Michael, hopefully see you around soon! :-)
  20. And circle skirts made out of old curtains?
  21. My "Old Wheelers dancing to Ike and Tina Turner" comment was on the Kebab House thread by the way. (And I doubt they were "original" wheelers anyway...they weren't old enough for a start)
  22. The Roman Baths afterwards...and jumping off the train just outside Wigan Wallgate as you hadn't paid...but can you remember exactly where the kharzis were?
  23. Exactly but instead I will have to endure work people thinking I go out dressed up like that on a weekend.

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