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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Patience Valentine..If you don't come or whatever it's called...brrrrrrrrr And that will never grow on me! I didn't used to like Barbara Mason that much.....I know!!! And now I've come to realise that it's probably one of the best records I'll ever hear. I don't know why I didn't take to it originally, I think I thought it was a bit tinny and one dimensional. And then one day I heard it out at a venue and it sounded like Northern Soul really should - lots of stops and starts, a great vocal and a fantastic melody. Great stuff :D
  2. Paul why are you so bothered about negative comments? People on here will always say bad things about anything that is slightly different to the norm. I remember a smiliar debate going on when Steve first started Soul or Nothing at Lloyd Street and that night is still going on now even without a regular venue! It's brilliant that there's a regular night in Manchester again and that you're helping young folk get interested in this fantastic music. Like somebody else said there's only been a couple of negative comments and we all love the Duffy video thing really cos we can show off to our friends at work and say we know you The only thing I'm worried about is that I'm too old to come....
  3. or bodies at the bar possibly..... I agree, too many tables and chairs and it's the local British Legion or a hotel bar in Benalmadena
  4. He he....it does you're right but it didn't originally when they started the night. Why not get a bit of publicity and a few more bums on seats-I imagine they have to build the night up to keep it going at a venue like MMU where they could always just get Clint Boon in playing Madchester Indie and fill it up quite easily
  5. I think they started the night before the Duffy phenomenon but I can see that she may have helped a few more through the door
  6. Paul I'm just hoping you don't mean me when you're talking about your really fat friends.... Anyway, just to add my twopennys worth....I think that Paul's comments have been taken out of context and some people are confusing what it is Paul and co are trying to do with their night. This is a City Centre (mainly) student night - it has more similarities with somewhere like Funkademia or Move on Up than Lifeline. I started off on the Northern Soul scene with similar events back in the 80s at places like the Berlin club and Cloud 9 in Manchester. It's not about talking about catalogue numbers and shifting through boxes of records...it's about going out, having a few beers and having a dance to good music with like minded young people. I'm sure that Paul will concur that their night isn't supposed to be part of the "scene" even though they as the organisers are. And if some of the young people decide they want to go to other places I'm sure they will point them in the right direction like friends of mine did when I started out in the 80s. I for one should know more than most about Paul's opinions and ambitions as I've spent a lot of time with him and Matty (another one of the lads who run the night) over the years going to various rum places (where I wouldn't dream of letting my own kids go) and they have always behaved impeccably, treated older people with respect and always looked after me. Reggie
  7. Ah you big show off you I got the LP myself...was (badly) guessing the label Was it re-released as a longer version on MCA later on? (Or am I digging a deeper hole.....?)
  8. Mmm...I think my memory is playing tricks with me....I can never remember which label Bobby Womack records are on
  9. Loads of it...where do I start! Four for now Sharon Ridley - Changin-Tabu Frankie Beverley and Maze - The Look in your eyes-Capitol Bobby Womack - Trust your Heart- MCA Smokey Robinson -Ever had a dream - motown loads more I'll have a think
  10. To be fair I have read this thread with interest and I think the arguments are pretty pointless. We all have our idea of what the soul scene is for us and what kind of events we're comfortable at. Some of us are happy to go anywhere that's got a bar, others feel uncomfortable with people not like them or listening to one or two records an hour that they don't like. I haven't been to Soul Revolution but I can guess the average age is on the lower side when compared to Lifeline but I can't imagine the music's better is it? People obviously stay away from certain events out of a choice other than musical preference. Liam and the two Paul's night (to get back on topic) isn't strictly a Northern Soul night by any stretch of the imagination so it's unlikely (Duffy at no 1 or not) that many people will cross over from that to the larger scene nor will it attract many chin strokers from dark corners (to quote Mr Cato). Anyway I prefer the Estelle record
  11. My husband (Richard Bergman) sold mine on here a few months ago...he does that on occasion...finds a pile of records he didn't know he had and sells them and it turns out they were mine He got £30 which is about £30 more than I paid for it as I got in a box of freebies about 20 years ago. I didn't mind though as prefer Frankie Valli's version personally and I've still got that. Reggie
  12. Northern Soul cool you're having a laugh...
  13. Yeah but that's because the early scene was mainly Mods wasn't it? And Mods like Ska.
  14. I agree with all that Andy-and definitely no SKA...I'm similar to you, I don't dislike it as such but I don't really want to hear it at a Soul do anymore than I want to hear the Divine Comedy or Bowie (and I like them a lot )
  15. Liam and the two Pauls will get a few more in their night now after that!!! I keep meaning to go down and haven't made it yet. I won't be able to get in the door now!! I missed it so watched the clip but I think they've cut it quite a bit as my boss here said there was an older chap on too ...
  16. Updated, David Ruffin sold
  17. I tend to only ask for requests when I'm pretty sure that dj usually plays it or has done before when I've heard one of his/her sets. I often find that badgering a dj will make them play a record in the end...either that or asking all your friends to go up and ask for the same record. Did that very successfully to Keith Money at prestatyn a few years ago....he definitely wasn't playing a particular record....four or five requests in five minutes later and Clydene Jackson's dulcit tones sent the main room oldie worshippers back to their seats for a breather and a change of vest Result Although maybe it wouldn't have happened if I'd asked for Dobie Gray
  18. Just bumping this in case anybody hasn't seen it before I put em on the bay. Sold items marked. Cheers Reggie!
  19. Have updated sales, Bottom and CO, Voice Masters, Roy hamilton and Maxine Brown SOLD If you don't gt a quick reply to email or Pm I may be offline as got a busy weekend. Try texting me 07724 329925 instead. Thanks again for looking
  20. Just a quick note to say that if anybody wants any of these 45s and is going to prestatyn I can bring them along-save postage and paypal fees Cheers
  21. Canadian, American.....same continent, lol! Yes he did get slung off a pier I think. Like you I drifted across to the "pirate" dos when The Phoenix dos went a bit tits up. Although I did hear a lot of 100club inspired northern tunes on the Phoenix rallys-things like Sammy Ambrose, Darrow Fletcher and Johnny Nash. (Well, somewhere in between a lot of latin and dodgy mod bands like The Threads).
  22. I can remember Mark Johnson well from the CCI rallies, an ex of mine was on the committee with him at one point....he seemed like a mystical character in that he seemed to be everything that being a mod wasn't and it was like he appeared out of nowhere. Facts about him a. He was American...don't say you can be a mod and be American...You can't b. He had an eerie persona...sort of ghost like way to him. It's hard to describe but he used to sort of appear around events like an apparition....very odd character c. he had absolutely no idea about mod culture d. He died in Turkey I think. Very odd,,,relied on Tony Class a lot and his "committee" for the running of the Phoenix Society. OOps...sorry ssers...thought I was on modculture then for a minute, ha ha
  23. Selling some doubles as me and my husband have excellent taste!! Email bluegrassboy65@yahoo.co.uk or PM. Price does not include postage, which can be agreed separately depending on delivery service required. Text/phone 07724 329925 if you don't get a speedy reply to email (got a busy weekend so may not get online too much). Bottom and Co-Gotta Find a true love-Motown Excellent condition 'except' there's a fairly pronounced edge warp on it! Bought this off Steve Plumb last year and it plays absolutely perfectly. My husband Richard has also played it out and had no problem, the warp doesn't affect play at all. However for aesthetic reasons this has to be a lower price than the norm so will accept £125. Full refund if you're not happy. I bought this without realising him indoors already had one the silly mare that I am!! SOLD David Ruffin-I can't stop the rain –Motown Mint- The man with the perfect voice. Modern Classic - £40 SOLD Maxine Brown-Let me give you my lovin- Wand Mint- All time classic £40 SOLD Cecil Shaw-This I gotta see-Bil-Mar Underated record £50 Mint- SOLD Voicemasters – You hurt me baby-Bamboo SOLDMint- £20 Roy Hamilton – The Panic is on-MGM Used and abused hence low price. Plays all the way through but some clicks and noise on my decks at home May be okay for djing but still cheap at £25 SOLD Ike Noble –It's bad – Alley VG+ £25 Esther Phillips-Home is where the hatred is –Kudu Mint- "Classic" £30 Beverley Shaffer – Where will you be boy – One-derful label on flip damaged hence price VG+ £30 Rock gazers –I believe in Love – Sixth Avenue Mint-£15 L.J Reynolds-All I need-Lady Great Record Mint- £30 Gene Williams-Don't let out love fade away-forte Same backing as Marva Taylor VG+ Slight noise at run in £30 Thanks for looking! Reggie
  24. I know what you mean Brian, although I'm not a strictly sixties type myself. I have periods where I prefer 60s for a while, then I have a 70s spell, etc etc and may only be in the mood for predominantly 60s or 70s . However I can cope with a bit of a mix as I don't particularly dislike any of the sub genres..ok not particularly keen on popcorn and jazz funk but you don't tend to hear any of that at the venues I attend. I'm sure's there's lots of venues that just do rare sixties or across the board northern soul aren't there? I'm sure that Burnley is exclusively 60s and looking at the playlists it isn't all rare underplayed and also places like The Greatstone play predominantly 60s (with the exception of Mark B who plays a few later tracks). Also the Barnsley allniter and your lad Paul's night at MMU? So don't give up on it yet Brian Although I wish that I could get out more and be able to moan about what's to offer
  25. I've got the MFP one... with the audience etc. It is indeed v.crap. made regular appearances in 80s booties

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