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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Why the paranoia? More likely it will sink without a trace or most of the general public won't even really notice the soundtrack or think anything at all. The soul scene is pretty insignificant in the wide scale of things I think! Anyway Coronation Street have been mentioning NS in a comedy style for a few years now and I still don't think more than 5% of the population have a clue what they're on about..
  2. Andy Peebles sold all his vinyl to "save space"...his show is awful like the rest of Smooth with the exception of a few hours on a Saturday night when Richard S and Mike Stevens are on. The playlist has got more MOR over the lst couple of years-you used to be guaranteed that you'd hear a few decent tracks per hour-Spinners, a bit of half decent motown, abit of 80s Luther and the like, the odd nice philly record but now they're squeezed in between Queen, savage Garden and I promise you I''m not lying PHIL COLLINS!! I emailed them to complain as in work it's the station of choice and I got a patronising standard email back saying that "everybody else likes the new format".......
  3. To be honest I don't see what the fuss is about. In the case of Once Upon a time in Wigan, I can understand why Paul got cross about the Octagon ripping off his play because they tried to pass it off as a remake when really it was an entirely different watered down "musical" version of OUATIW. However in this case it's just somebody doing a film with its only aim as trying to get a few more people interested which can't be a bad thing really can it? And if these new people are really music fans (and not just pop pickers) they will realise that the original versions are of course superior to the cover versions.... and if they don't then they're not worth bothering about anyway are they?
  4. He he, I read that in Manifesto no names mentioned of course, lol
  5. He he...sounds about right, lol
  6. Yep, great record(Unwanted Love)...had mine years but see them about all the time for around a tenner
  7. VOTE KAREN SUE.......KAREN SUE OUT I hate that record
  8. The Baby Washington track sounds a lot better loud to be honest
  9. Jean Wells -What have I got to lose? Have you got that one yet? Baby Washington - I got it bad and that aint good
  10. If people understood what you were going on about in most of your threads they'd be more likely to reply
  11. the reissue clip sounds like it's been slowed down compared to the original....i go on soul club and play it alongside the other clip....very obvious difference
  12. Seems a "wee" bit slow to me....
  13. When's it on I'll set the Skyplus ...and the video...just in case The Beckhams or Peter Andre and the thing would be ideal for a first episode....
  14. Actually this thread made me think-we should have a Who's the biggest Victor Meldrew on Soul Source poll I can think of a few, lol..
  15. People who come on Soul Source saying what a fantastic time they've had somewhere when they sat in a corner scowling all night Talc in excess - some people need to take a trip down to TA (talc anonymous) as they just don't know how to stop with the f'ing stuff. At Prestatyn some git squirted the stuff all over my new shoes and the stuff still hasn't come off No need!!
  16. I had one of those 80s boots,dunno what happened to it. She does sound drunk but I think it's a great vocal whatever anybody else says-it's raw and she sounds like she's having a laugh singing it. I'd love to know who it really is-somebody must know? It used to pack the dancefloor on the Mod and Soul scene in the 80s.
  17. What soul nights are you talking about? The ones I go to aren't like that at all. Is this allniter bias again...we're not hardcore enough if we don't stop out all night every weekend eh?
  18. There's still plenty of decent clubs to go to, and I don't mean allniters specifically as I'm not a big niter fan on the whole -Middleton,lifeline, 100 club and allniters at the weekenders are the only ones I tend to bother with and that's not that often. But yes there are some decent clubs around still - The Orwell, Greatstone, Hideaway, Taste of Honey are all great nights-I'm told Thorne, the Attic and United Sounds of Soul are good nights. I always have a good night at Broughton and Bury Town Hall and Lowton's not bad either. So that's well enough for me!
  19. I still think MP3s are too much like hard work. I really can't be bothered with all the palava, I've got an mp3 player but it's still got the same 100 tracks on it that Richard put on it about 2 years ago. I'd much rather just go out and buy a record or a CD. It's not the medium itself that I have a problem with it's just all the messing about, although it isn't the same is it..no sleeve notes, no postman knocking at your door with something other than bills..... I like it that some current artists are releasing vinyl singles, I may just go out and buy the new Paul Weller one What did interest me was what Neil Rushton said about UB40 giving their cd away with the Mail. I had wondered about that as I got the Ray Davies lp free with (possibly) the Mail last year and I wondered how he could afford to do that. Then when you think about the distribution the Mail gets compared to how many lps Ray would have realistically sold then I suppose the Mail made him an offer he couldnt refuse!
  20. Bettye Swann Make Me Yours and Kiss my love goodbye Chuck Jackson Hand it over, What's with this loneliness (northern) I got the need (70s modern) Darrow Fletcher -Pain gets a little deeper(northern) Rising cost of Love(modern) Sam Dees Lonely for you baby (northern) Fragile handle with care (70s modern)
  21. Greenhalghs in Bolton? very nice pies....even a Haggis pie for the adventurous...our mutual mate Steve Mill gets withdrawal symptomsfrom them exiled as he is in Sheffield
  22. Updated and a few more added Thanks for looking Reggie
  23. Love it....the last bit especially.....you say you were a "northern soul ignoramous"? I think we can safely say that you still are, dont you!... Good on ya Paul By the way does "Emma" exist in any reality??
  24. I think the book is very funny , especially the chapter about Wigan, having spent a few years there myself in the late eighties/early nineties. Pemps is legendary to Wiganfolk and Stuart's description of the vetting process to get in is hilarious and completely spot on! I'd forgotten the place existed until I read the book and couldn't stop laughing for ages. I was just slightly disappointed there was no mention of the famous Santibag Yes it's hard to believe but Wigan is much more than Wigan Casino....there's Rugby League, Uncle Joes Mintballs, Pooles pies and coalmining.....come to think of it no wonder the Casino was so popular And as for Mr Maconie having a chip on his shoulder, a lot of what he says is tongue in cheek I'm sure....he lives in the South most of the time so he must like it down there really but his image is that of a professional northerner so he has that to live up to If you read his autobiography he has a whole chapter on Northern Soul....Cider with roadies it's called.
  25. I don't mind the Kittens version....even though it's the same track it seems like a completely different record to the other [Grimm] version..... And Cookie has the right to say what she likes about this record as this is supposed to be a democratic place to air our views about the music we call Northern Soul. As Mr Bicknell says "whatever floats your boat"( sorry Mark I can't find a copyright symbol...)- it would be a dull world if we all kept tight lipped and said nowt wouldn't it!

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